Math is a very tricky subject, and it is tough to understand. Students often ignore or pay less attention to this subject as it scares them due to its complex numerical and equations. However, thanks to Mansi Sharma for eliminating the fear of Maths by making it more fun and easy to understand. 

Mansi Sharma is a highly revered YouTube educator who teaches math and science to CBSE students of class 9 and class 10. She runs two YouTube channels one with the name Class 9 Maths & Science with 1.12M subscribers and the other with the name ‘Class 10 Learn With Mansi’ with 698K subscribers. 

In a remarkable initiative by Educart, we are bringing to you all her lecture videos from class 9 Maths on this platform.

CBSE Class 9 Mathematics Study Materials

Access all the study materials of Mansi Sharma’s Math lectures chapter-wise. All the lectures are in Hinglish. You can download the lecture or listen to it online. Soon we will also provide Mansi Mam’s notes and other study materials so stay tuned to this page. 

Chapter No. Chapter Name
1 Number System
2 Polynomials
3 Linear Equations In Two Variables
4 Coordinate Geometry
5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
6 Lines and Angles
7 Triangles
8 Quadrilaterals
9 Circles
10 Areas
11 Surface Areas and Volumes
12 Statistics

1. Number System

The first chapter of CBSE Class 9 Math is about the number system. In this chapter, you will learn about rational numbers, irrational numbers, how to find the rational number, and how to locate the numbers online. You will also learn about decimal expansion and more. 

Learn the full chapter with Mansi Mam through her online lectures and notes:

<cta2>Notes PDF<cta2>

2. Polynomials

The second chapter in the NCERT class 9 maths book is Polynomials. In this chapter, you will learn about what is polynomials, what is zero polynomials, factorization of polynomials, factor theorem, algebraic identities, etc.

Learn the complete chapter with the Mansi Mam video:

3. Coordinate Geometry

The third chapter in the NCERT book of class 9 is Coordinate Geometry. In this chapter,, you will learn about coordinate geometry and the Cartesian system and how to mark the coordinates on the axes.

Watch Mansi Mam’s video to understand this topic better:

4. Linear Equations In Two Variables

The fourth chapter is about the Linear Equation in two variables. In the previous chapter, you learned about the linear equation in one variable. This chapter is about solving the linear equation with two variables.

Learn how to solve linear equations in two variables through Mansi Mam’s video:

5. Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

The fifth chapter is Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry. In this chapter, you will learn about Euclid’s definitions, axioms, and postulates, and questions based on that.

Watch the full video of this chapter:

6. Lines and Angles

This sixth chapter in the NCERT class 9 maths book is an introductory chapter of geometry where students are taught about the basics of the lines and angles, intersecting and non-intersecting lines, pairs of angles, etc. with various examples.

For a better understanding of this chapter, refer to the video below:

7. Triangles

Triangles is the seventh chapter in the maths book of NCERT class 9. The chapter starts with a little introduction and then proceeds to explain the concept of the congruence of triangles, its criteria, axioms, and properties of triangles.

Learn this chapter better with the video below:

8. Quadrilaterals

The eighth chapter is quadrilaterals, where students learn about parallelograms, their properties, and various theorems related to them. Questions based on these theorems are given in the exercise questions.

Understand this chapter better with the lecture video provided below:

9.  Circles

In the NCERT class 9 book, the next chapter after quadrilaterals is Circles. This chapter teaches students about chords, angles subtended by the chord, various theorems related to the circles, and many examples based on the theorems mentioned in this chapter.

Study this chapter better with interactive videos of Mansi Sharma, your favorite maths tutor:

10. Heron’s Formula

Heron’s Formula is the 10th chapter in the NCERT class 9 book. This chapter teaches the students how to find the area of the triangle using Heron’s formula.

Watch the full lecture video of this chapter:

11. Surface Areas and Volumes

The next chapter is surface areas and volumes. This chapter teaches students how to find the surface area and volume of a right circular cone, sphere, or hemisphere.

For a better understanding of this chapter, watch the video:

12. Statistics

The last chapter is statistics in the class 9 book of NCERT which teaches students how to do the graphical representation of data through bar graphs, histograms, and frequency polygons.

Watch the video and learn how to solve data representation problems.

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