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Educart Publications is committed to providing comprehensive study materials and resources to both students and teachers, extending its support to subjects like Information Technology. Below, you will find the links to access the PDF files of CBSE Class 10 Information Technology Board Papers, complete with their Marking Scheme Solutions.
Nevertheless, it is imperative to acquaint yourself with the paper pattern before embarking on solving these Class 10 Information Technology (402) Board Papers. Therefore, we present a detailed table below, outlining the classification of questions and their respective marks from the 2023 paper. In the 2023 Information Technology (Code 402) Board Question Papers, you will encounter 21 questions segregated into two sections - A and B. Candidates are expected to respond to 15 questions, and these papers offer multiple internal choices to facilitate students' examination experience.
You are now able to proceed with the download of both the Information Technology 2019 Board Question Paper and its Marking Scheme Solution PDF files. These resources are readily available for download, and you won't require any login information to access them.
To make the most of these Information Technology Board papers and enhance your preparation, consider the following tips:
Students can go directly to the Central Board of Secondary Education's (CBSE) official website or from IT 402 PYQs CBSE and obtain the class 10 Information Technology previous year papers. For Information Technology, the PYPs are crucial since they help students get the best possible scores in board exams.
The CBSE past year paper for Information Technology helps the students to boost their preparation for class 10 board exams. It helps them to understand the latest paper pattern and the typology of questions they could be asked. Students can revise well using PYP’s and solving them gives them an idea about their strong and weak points, and thus pushing them to prepare further if needed.