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Applied mathematics in Class 12 is an important subject that involves applying mathematical concepts and formulas to real-world problems. It is not just about understanding equations; it is about applying the equations to the real atmosphere. Students get tense about the preparation for applied math. To solve this problem, CBSE released the previous year's paper.
Here at Educart, you will get a direct link to download the previous year's paper with marking scheme solutions to ensure that both teachers and students are equipped with the right material for a smooth learning journey.
Understanding question patterns is essential for better preparation. Here is the pattern most easily and simply:
This question paper contains five sections: A, B, C, D, and E. Each section is compulsory. However, there is some internal choice in some questions.
Example: The value of -70 mod 13 is:
Example: At what rate of interest will the present value of a perpetual of 1500 payable at the end of every 6 months be 20,000?
Example: Find: ∫(x2 + 1) 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑥 𝑑x
Example: How many times does Sunil toss a fair coin so that the probability of getting at least one head is more than 90%?
Internal choice is provided in 2 questions in Section B, 2 questions in Section C, and 2 questions in Section D. You have to attempt only one alternative to all such questions.
There are a total of eight units in applied mathematics; each unit carries a different weight of marks and allows you to apply the concepts to real-world problems. Let us get a brief overview of the syllabus important for class 12 math exams:
This unit includes topics like modulo arithmetic, congruence modulo, alligation and mixture, numerical problems, boats, and streams and contains a total of 11 marks in the exam.
Algebra contains 10-mark questions in the exam and includes major topics such as matrices and types of matrices, equality of matrices, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix, algebra of matrices, and determinants.
Calculus is a very important chapter, carries 15 marks of weight in the exams, and includes topics like Differentiation and its Applications, Integration and its Applications, Differential Equations, and Modelling.
Unit 4 includes probability distribution, mathematical expectation, variance, binomial distribution, and poison distribution and carries 10 marks in the exam.
Inferential statistics carries 5 marks in the exam, including topics like population and sample, parameters and statistics, statistical interferences, and t-tests.
Unit 6 carries 6 marks of weightage in the exam and includes major topics like time series, components of time series, time series analysis for univariate data, secular trends, and methods of measuring trends.
Unit 7 is important as it carries 15 marks in the exam and contains topics like perpetually, sinking funds, calculation of EMI, calculation of returns, the nominal rate of return, and compound annual growth rate.
Unit 8 includes major topics like Introduction and related terminology, mathematical formulation of linear programming problems, different types of linear programming problems, and graphic methods of solution for problems in two variables, feasible and infeasible regions, and carries 8 marks in the exam.
Download the CBSE Class 12 Applied Math Previous Year Papers from the links and include them in your exam preparation.Using previous year papers is a great way to prepare for exams. When you match them with the CBSE Class 12 Applied Math Syllabus, you can make sure you're studying the right topics and getting ready for what’s most important.