CBSE Class 12 Physics Past Year Paper 2024 with Solution

December 28, 2024

CBSE Class 12 Physics Previous Year Paper 2024

Many students get anxious when they hear about physics. Indeed, physics is a complex subject. It includes topics like electrostatics, current electricity, and magnetism. An understanding of this subject is very necessary for both competitive exams and future career aspects. 

To help the students make their preparation hassle-free, here at Educart, we are providing Class 12 Physics Previous Year Papers with one-click downloadable links to ensure that you are equipped with the right materials without any difficulty. The previous year's papers help you understand the exam pattern and review your exam preparation, which is very important for excelling in exams. 

Below are the links for the physics question paper with solutions:

2024 Previous Year Papers Marking Scheme Solutions
55-1-1 (Set 1, Subset 1) Solution
55-1-2 (Set 1, Subset 2)
55-1-3 (Set 1, Subset 3)
55-2-1 (Set 2, Subset 1) Solution
55-2-2 (Set 2, Subset 2)
55-2-3 (Set 2, Subset 3)
55-3-1 (Set 3, Subset 1) Solution
55-3-2 (Set 3, Subset 2)
55-3-3 (Set 3, Subset 3)
55-4-1 (Set 4, Subset 1) Solution
55-4-2 (Set 4, Subset 2)
55-4-3 (Set 4, Subset 3)
55-5-1 (Set 5, Subset 1) Solution
55-5-2 (Set 5, Subset 2)
55-5-3 (Set 5, Subset 3)

2024 Supplementary Papers Marking Scheme Solutions
55-S-1 (Set S, Subset 1) Solution
55-S-2 (Set S, Subset 2) Solution
55-S-3 (Set S, Subset 3) Solution

Class 12 Physics Previous Year Paper Pattern 

There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. 

This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D, and Section E. 

  • Example: A metallic plate exposed to white light emits electrons. For which of the following colours of light will the stopping potential be maximum? (a) Blue; (b) Yellow; (c) Red; (d) Violet

All the sections are compulsory. Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve multiple-choice questions, and four assertion reasoning questions based on one mark each.

  • Example: Show that the least possible distance between an object and its real image in a convex lens is 4f, where f is the focal length of the lens.

Section B contains five questions of two marks each, mainly very short-answer type questions. 

  • Example: Show that the least possible distance between an object and its real image in a convex lens is 4f, where f is the focal length of the lens. 

Section C contains seven short-answer type questions of three marks each.

  • Example: Two long, straight parallel current-carrying conductors are kept ‘a’ distance apart in the air. The direction of current in both conductors is the same. Find the magnitude of force per unit length and the direction of the force between them. Hence, define one ampere.

Section D contains two long-answer questions of four marks each, and Section E contains three case-based questions of five marks each.

  • Example: Ques: (i) Draw a ray diagram for the formation of the image of a point object by a thin double convex lens having radii of curvature R1 and R2. Hence, derive the lens maker’s formula. 

(ii) A converging lens has a focal length of 10 cm in air. It is made of a material with a refractive index of 1.6. If it is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.3, find its new focal length.

There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question in Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each case-based question in Section D, and all three questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. 

Sections Question Types No. of Questions
Section A MCQs 16Q (1m)
Section B Very Short-type Questions 5Q (2m)
Section C Short Answer-type Questions 7Q (3m)
Section D Long Answer-type Questions 2Q (4m)
Section E Case-based Questions 3Q (5m)

Total Marks: 100

Theory: 70 marks

Practical: 30 marks 

Insights from the Class 12 Physics Syllabus 

The Class 12 Physics syllabus contains nine units (14 chapters), and each unit carries a different weight of marks in the exam. Understanding the syllabus weightage is crucial to analysing which topics are very important for exams. Here is a detailed breakdown of the syllabus: 

  • Unit 1 Electrostatics and Unit 2 Current Electricity carry 16-point weights in the exams.
  • Unit 3: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, and Unit 4: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents have 17 marks in the exams. 
  • Unit 5 Electromagnetic Waves and Unit 6 Optics include 18-mark questions in the exams. 
  • Unit 7: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter and Unit 8: Atoms and Nuclei carry 12 marks on the question paper. 
  • Unit 9: Electronic devices include seven-mark questions in the question paper.

Referring to class 12's previous year's paper is crucial for students as it provides you with an analysis of the subject, important topics, and questions, and most importantly, it equips you with the time management skills necessary for excelling in exams. 

CBSE Class 12 Previous Years Question Papers

MathsPhysicsChemistryBiologyEnglish Core

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