For 2021-22, we have specially partnered with Edumantra to provide amazing One Shot videos of the complete chapter Chemical Reaction and Equations. If you have purchased our best-selling Educart CBSE Science Class 10 Question Bank, you can access the most useful complete Chapter explanation video by Sanjeev Sir below:
If you are keen to watch more such videos, feel free to visit this link for more.
To make it easier for you to study according to the new Term-based Board Exam Pattern, we have launched our EDUCART CBSE CLASS 10 QUESTION BANKS FOR 2022 TERM I EXAM for other subjects as well. If there is any subject that you haven’t purchased, click on the above link to take advantage of the term-based book (at reduced cost).
In each book, we have covered all possible types of MCQs (Competency-based, Case/ Extract/ Source-based, A/R type) for Term I chapters. You will have an abundance of questions to practice.
Any other information regarding CBSE curriculum, paper pattern, study material, and notifications is available below in the supporting links.