CBSE Term 2 Future Announcements

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Class 12 Term 2 CBSE Future Announcements

Educart Term 2 Sample Papers are best suited for 2021-22 board exams based on the Sample Papers released on January 14th, 2022. Why?

  • 100% as per CBSE Sample Papers
  • <green> Complete solutions and detailed explanations <green> for CBSE Sample Paper
  • Includes <green> 12 Sample Papers <green> (9 solved + 3 unsolved, self assessment sample papers) for final preparation of boards
  • <green> Time management table <green> to provide an estimated breakdown of time while attempting the paper
  • <green> Self evaluation chart <green> as per CBSE Marking Scheme Solutions to self assessment and finding out weak and strong chapters

All these features ensure that the students are focussed on smart preparation instead of spending time on unnecessary resources.

From the link given below, you can view and download PDFs for Class 12 Sample Paper and their Marking Scheme Solutions.

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