CBSE Class 10 Comic Books

Lesson Plan

CBSE Class 10 Comic Books

Comics are a collection of graphics that can be used to illustrate a story and deliver its message interestingly. Graphics used in a comic catch the eyes of the students promptly, which is why CBSE has added comic books to the learning resources for students.

On March 25, 2021, the Hon'ble Minister of Education announced the release of 100+ comic books for students of Class 3 to 12. With these, CBSE aimed to introduce art-integrated education to improve students’ perception of the NCERT curriculum and develop more interest in their studies. You can click on the links to read the same and access FREE PDF files of all CBSE Comics made available so far without entering any login information.

Class 10 English Comic Books

Here is the PDF file provided by CBSE Class 10 English Comic Books so far. You can download it to your device for FREE offline access without entering any login information.

Subject (English) Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
First Flight (Grammar Section) Chapter 11: The Proposal (Reported Speech)

NOTE: This comic book is about the Grammar topic - Reported Speech; given in Chapter 11 The Proposal from NCERT First Flight exercise section.

According to CBSE, these comic books are supposed to:

  • bring an innovative shift to teaching and learning methods;
  • associate the students with holistic learning;
  • develop cultural and social sensitivity in them;
  • encourage out-of-the-box thinking; and
  • help them connect real-life experiences to the concepts of a subject.

Class 10 Hindi Comic Books

Class 10 Hindi B Comic Books PDF files so far provided by CBSE. You can download them to your device for FREE offline access without entering any login information.

Combined PDF
Class X Hindi B Comic Book(s)

Subject (Hindi B) Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
स्पर्श : पाठ - १ बड़े भाई साहब
संचयन : पाठ - २ सपनो के दिन

Class 10 Mathematics Comic Books

Free PDF download link of the Class 10 Mathematics comic book that you can save to your computer without entering any login information.

Subject (Mathematics) Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Standard/ Basic Chapter 8/9: Introduction to Trigonometry and its Applications

Class 10 Science Comic Books

Here is the table with the so far provided comic books PDFs of Class 10 Science. You can download them to your computer without entering any login information.

Combined PDF
Science Class X Comic Book(s)

Subject (Science) Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Physics Chapter 12: Electricity (Source 1)
Chapter 12: Electricity (Source 2)*
Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current*
Chapter 14: Sources of Energy (Source 1)
Chapter 14: Sources of Energy (Source 2)*

NOTE: The three PDF files with an * are split according to three NCERT chapters (Chapter 13 Electricity, 14 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, and 15 Sources of Energy). If there is any confusion, you can download the combined Science Class X Comic Book(s) PDF file from above.

Class 10 Social Science Comic Books

Here is the table with the so far provided comic books PDFs of Social Science Class 10.

Combined PDF
SST Class X Comic Book(s)

Subject (SST) Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
History Chapter 1: Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter 2: Nationalism in India (Poorna Swaraj)
Chapter 2: Nationalism in India (Civil Disobedience Movement)
Chapter 4: The Age of Industrialisation
Economics Chapter 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
Chapter 3: Money and Credit (Sabala: A Story of Women
Empowerment) (Self-Help Groups)
Chapter 5: Consumer Rights (Rights &
Responsibilities of Consumers)
Political Science Chapter 1: Power Sharing

Class 10 Sanskrit Comic Books

Here is the Class 10 Sanskrit Comic Books PDF file so far provided by CBSE. You can download it to your device for FREE offline access without entering any login information.

Subject (Sanskrit) Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
पाठ: ५ जननी: तुल्यावात्सला:

The comic starts with some helping tools, including the Index, Mind Maps, character names, and Learning Objectives. Each of these elements gives an idea of the comic book’s content and what the students will be able to learn going further.

But the question is are these elements and the content of the comic book beneficial for students (as learning resources) and teachers (as teaching material)? Let’s contemplate the same with the help of some Advantages and Shortfalls that we have observed.

Advantages of CBSE Class 10 Comic Books

  • Encourages Creativity: We observed that these comic books are poorly designed, yet the students may find the overall presentation of the storyline fun and imaginative.
  • Practice Questions: Each comic book comes with some fun objective questions like crosswords, word grids, MCQs, etc. This helps the teachers test the knowledge of the students based on the content.
  • Application-based Scenarios: Comic books for technical subjects also contain applications of the concepts in real life, which improves the recall value of the chapters in students.

Shortfalls of CBSE Class 10 Comic Books

  • Not Enough Content: So far, CBSE has released comic books in alignment with only a few NCERT chapters (and in some cases, just topics). This creates an inconsistent pattern for the teachers in their teaching methods. If CBSE wants students and teachers to adopt these comics as valuable learning material then they must at least release one comic book for each chapter of each NCERT book.
  • Unsuitable Questions: This comic book comes with worksheets after every section but each of them has some questions like “Match the Following” and “Crossword Puzzle”, which will not prepare the students for new types of questions as per the latest Class 10 Board exam pattern that includes A/R Questions, Source-based Questions, etc.

If you would like to add more value to your study and learning schedule, you can buy a proven and more useful book, that is bought by more than 34,000 students already for the academic year. Our latest EDUCART ENGLISH QUESTION BANK FOR 2025 EXAMS is a complete solution for exam preparation with new pattern chapter-wise questions, Toppers corner and Sample Papers.

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