Sanskrit Sample Paper Class 10 | PDF Download for CBSE 2025 Board Exams

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Most students who opt for Sanskrit find it very interesting and easy. It is a scoring subject that needs proper practice for scoring good marks in the Board exams. To ensure that, we have provided a complete list of Class 10 Sanskrit Sample Papers made available by CBSE. Downloading the latest sample papers for the 2025 board exams will soon be available on the official website and links for the same will be given below. 

It is good to have access to CBSE Sample Papers as they not only help the students practice and gain confidence in their Board exam preparation but also make valuable learning resources for teachers to give to their students.

CBSE Sample Paper Sanskrit Class 10

We have provided the latest 2024-25 Sanskrit Sample Paper in a downloadable PDF format.

CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit SQP 2024-25

These CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Sample Papers are intended to assist you in achieving your academic objectives and helping you ace your board exams.

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2021-22 Sample Paper (Term 1) Solution
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‍2024 Edudel Class 10 Practice Papers 

Edudel Class 10 Practice Papers are released every year by the DeIE, making them among the most authentic resources for exam preparation. The students can include it in their study routine and practice it regularly. 

<red> ➜  <red> Class 10 Sanskrit Practice Paper Set 1

<red> ➜  <red> Class 10 Sanskrit Practice Paper Set 2

Class 10 Sanskrit Exam Pattern 2024–25

The Sanskrit exam is divided into four sections: 'क' (A), 'ख' (B), 'ग' (C), and 'घ' (D). Each section is made to test your skills. Here is a detailed view of the exam pattern.

Section A: Unseen Comprehension (10 Marks)

Section A includes the Unseen Comprehension of 10 Works, which will contain questions like: 

  • "Very Short Answer Questions: These questions mostly carry one mark each. 
  • पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरम् (Answer in Complete Sentences): These questions require a brief answer, carrying 2 marks each.
  • शब्दरूप (Word Forms): Contain 1 mark each; these questions test knowledge of word forms. 
  • भावार्थसम्बन्धी प्रश्नाः (Meaning-Based Questions): These are mixed questions that may be in multiple-choice or short answer format where you have to define the meaning of certain words and carry 3 marks. 

Section B: Creative Writing (15 marks)

  • औपचारिकमथवा अनौपचारिक पत्रम् (Formal or Informal Letter): Here, you will be asked to write a letter, which may be formal or informal. This question contains 5 marks.
  • चित्रवर्णन अथवा अनुच्छेदलेखनम् (Paragraph Writing): You have to describe an image or write a paragraph on a given topic, carrying 5 marks. 
  • हिन्दी/अंग्रेजीभाषायाः संस्कृतं अनुवादः (Translation from Hindi/English to Sanskrit) This tests your translation skills and asks you to translate a given passage from Hindi or English into Sanskrit. It typically carries five marks.

Section C: Applied Grammar (25 Marks)

This section focusses on various types of Sanskrit grammar, testing the student's ability to understand the rules of grammar. The section is divided into several sub-sections, each with specific types of questions:

  • संहि (Sentence Completion): These are short-answer type questions. Students are required to complete sentences or fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or forms based on their grammatical understanding. This section contains four marks, each carrying one mark.
  • समास (Compounding): This involves identifying or forming compound words from given words or sentences. Compound words are a part of Sanskrit, combining two or more words to form a new word with a specific meaning. This section contains 4 marks of 1 mark each. 
  • प्रत्यय (Affixation): These are mostly multiple-choice answer questions. These are also worth 4 marks, with each question carrying 1 mark. 
  • वाक्यप्रकरणम् (Sentence Formation): This section tests the ability to construct grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. There will be 3 questions with 1 mark each. 
  • समय(Conjugation): Questions will involve marking the correct conjugation of verbs based on person, number, and tense. Contains 4 questions of 1 mark each. 
  • अव्ययपदानि (Irregular Verbs): Students need to identify or correctly use these irregular forms in sentences. Three questions are included in this section of 1 mark each.
  • असंधानकर्मणि (Verb Formation): This examines the ability to form verbs correctly, which may involve transforming a root verb into its different forms or using the correct verb in a sentence. 3 questions of 1 mark each. 

Section D: Unseen Passage and Other Exercises (30 Marks)

This section tests the student’s comprehension, translation, and creative writing skills through various exercises based on unseen passages and other exercises.

  • गद्यांश (Gadya Passage): This question is worth five marks and contains different types of questions, such as MCQs and VSAs.
  • पद्यांश (Padya Passage): This is similar to the prose passage and requires you to answer MCQs and SAs concisely. The total marks on this question are five. 
  • नाट्यांश (Natya Passage): Here, you have to answer questions from a drama passage. It also includes five marks.
  • प्रश्ननिर्माणम् (Question Formation): In this section, students are required to form questions from a paragraph given to them, and it will be worth 4 marks. 
  • अनुवाद: गद्य वा पद्यायः (translation of prose/verse): You have to translate a prose or passage given to you, and 4 marks will be awarded for this question.
  • घटनानुसारी कथावस्तु लेखनम् (Essay Writing): Students are expected to write an essay or a narrative based on a given situation or theme. 
  • प्रासंगिकसंग्रहअथवा लेखनम् (Critical Analysis): This task requires students to perform a critical analysis or summarise a topic, demonstrating their ability to think critically and summarise key points effectively.

How to Practice with the Class 10 Sanskrit Sample Paper?

Practicing with Class 10 Sanskrit sample papers is complex as the syllabus is lengthy. Here’s how students can manage them:

  • Don’t wait until the last minute to start practicing with sample papers. Begin at least a few months before the exam to allow ample time for practice and revision.
  • When practicing with a sample paper, try to replicate the exam environment as closely as possible. Set a timer, sit in a quiet place, and complete the paper in one go. This helps build exam stamina and improves focus.
  • After completing a sample paper, take the time to review your answers thoroughly. Identify any mistakes and understand why they occurred. This reflection is crucial for avoiding similar errors in the future.
  • Make it a habit to read the textbook regularly, pay close attention to chapters, and make notes of important points and brief characters. This will enhance your comprehension and retention and will help you understand the language. 
  • Sanskrit is a subject to which students pay very little attention; however, regular revision is very important to retaining concepts. Use additional resources, such as video lectures on YouTube, to memorise faster.

The Class 10 Sanskrit paper is a little bit lengthy, but with the help of sample papers, you can make yourself ready for the exam. For language-based subjects, attempting a sanskrit practice paper class 10 is helpful for mastering both grammar and composition. These sample papers present an actual image of the class 10 sanskrit exam and help you achieve your goals. 

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