CBSE Class 12 Comic Book Economics 2021

CBSE resources are always worthy whether they are for examination time, revision or study time. They are to-the-point and help the Class 10 and 12 students score a good score in their Board exams. This makes the access to these CBSE resources also very important for teachers and students. On March 24, 2021, Hon'ble Minister of Education announced the release of 100+ comic books for students of Class 3 to 12. With these, CBSE aimed to introduce Art-integrated Education to improve students’ way of perceiving NCERT curriculum.

These comics are created by teachers of CBSE affiliated schools and curated by NCERT to make it available to all students. So, on their release we did a thorough analysis on all subjects and came to some conclusions, which you can find below. But first, here is the so far provided CBSE Class 12 Economics Comic Books PDF file. You can download it to your device for FREE offline access without entering any login information.

Chapters Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 12 Money and Banking

According to CBSE, these comic books are supposed to help the students be more innovative, associated with holistic learning, and develop cultural and social sensitivity. The stories explained in these comics encourage out-of-the-box thinking and help them connect real life experiences to the concepts of a subject.

On examination of the CBSE Class 12 Economics Comic Books, we observed a few Advantages and Shortfalls. You can read them and understand if they will actually prove to be a helping hand as far as the curriculum/ board exam 2022 is concerned.


  • Encourages Creativity: Even though this comic book has somewhat of a poor quality in presentation, students may find the overall presentation of the storyline fun and imaginative, which may further result in improved visualisation of NCERT concept in comparison to textbooks.
  • Involves Practicality: The book will help the students actually think of a real-life situation or the story in the comic when they will be learning the concept for exams. This may help have an improved recalling ability.
  • Summarised Content: The comic book comes with some helpful additions in the beginning and at the end including Storyboard, Learning Outcomes, Flowchart, Glossary, and Bibliography; all of which provide an idea of what the whole comic is about and summarise the content.
  • Practice Questions: This book also has an uninteresting touch of Quiz and Crossword puzzles to allow the students to recapitulate the concept.


  • Might be Distractive: This book is designed to be an additional learning material but it can be quite a distraction for some students. They may be spending hours reading this mini book and yet not learning anything substantial.
  • Incompetent Syllabus Coverage: So far, CBSE has released only this one comic book in alignment with Class 12 Economics NCERT book, which means that students and teachers only have a few topics to learn in a visualising way. Instead, there must be at least one book for each chapter, so that they can actually be a helpful resource.
  • Unnecessary Questions: The questions that are provided in the comic book are fun to solve but they are totally not based on the CBSE paper pattern. Questions like crosswords, word hunt, etc. will not help the students to practice the types of questions based on the new pattern and for their Board exams.
  • Fuels Inconsistent Teaching: There is some confusion observed within the book as the teachers or students may not completely understand the story or how they can utilise this resource to their benefit. So, the teachers may not prefer using this book as a teaching resource.

We hope this information helps you to decide if the CBSE Class 12 Comic Books are effective for learning the chapters in Class 12 Economics curriculum better.

To further facilitate the students prepare for better results in their Class 12 Board exams, we have quality learning resources that are our EDUCART NCERT EXEMPLARS FOR CLASS 12 2022 BOARD EXAMS.

They are available for Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, with all the NCERT Exemplar Problems and their explained Solutions. We have also added some important questions from Diksha Platform for Class 12. For more information or latest CBSE news, you can check out the supporting links.

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