CBSE Class 12 Comic Books

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CBSE Class 12 Comic Books

Comics are a collection of graphics that can be used to illustrate a story and deliver its message interestingly. Graphics used in a comic catch the eyes of the students promptly, which is why CBSE has added comic books to the learning resources for students. There is never a doubt in the efforts made by CBSE about the fact that they are always in favour of increasing the efficiency of teachers and students. With CBSE resources, they can prepare for their whole academic year smartly and understand the paper pattern in advance.

On March 25, 2021, the Hon'ble Minister of Education announced the release of 100+ comic books for students of Class 3 to 12. With these, CBSE aimed to introduce art-integrated education to improve students’ perception of the NCERT curriculum and develop more interest in their studies. Below, we have provided free PDF download links to CBSE Class 12 Comics of All Subjects, along with our observations on them.

Class 12 Biology Comic Books

We, at Educart, have done an in-depth analysis of the CBSE Class 12 Biology Comic Books and provided free access to the chapter-wise PDF files below. We have also identified how these comic books can help in learning the concepts of the chapters. Here is the table with the so far provided comic book PDFs of Class 12 Biology.

Chapter Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Class 12 Business Studies Comic Books

These comics are created by teachers of CBSE-affiliated schools and curated by NCERT to make them available to all students. When they were released, we did a thorough analysis of all subjects and came to some conclusions, which you can find below.

But first, here is the so far provided CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Comic Books PDF file. You can download it to your device for FREE offline access without entering any login information.

Chapters Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 12 Consumer Protection

Class 12 Economics Comic Books

You can download CBSE Class 12 Economics Comic Books to your device for FREE offline access without entering any login information.

Chapters Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 12 Money and Banking

Class 12 English Core Comic Books

We have also provided free access to the chapter-wise PDF files below. You can download them without entering any login information. Here is the table with the so far provided comic books PDFs of Class 12 English Core.

Topics Covered Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Writing Skills The Fire and Murder Mystery

Class 12 History Comic Books

 Here is the table with the so far provided comic books PDFs of Class 12 History.

Topics Covered Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class
Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings
(Cultural Developments)

Class 12 Geography Comic Books

 Here is the table with the so far provided comic books PDFs of Class 12 Geography

Topics Covered Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 10 Human Settlements
Chapter 12 World Population
and its Elements

Class 12 Physics Comic Books

Here is the table with the so far provided comic book PDFs of Class 12 Physics. You can download them to your computer without entering any login information.

Chapters Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 12 Electromagnetic Induction

Class 12 Psychology Comic Books

But first, here is the free PDF link to the Class 12 Psychology comic books that you can download to your computer without entering any login information.

Combined PDF
Class 12 Psychology Comic Book(s)

Chapters Chapter/ Topic-wise PDF
Chapter 4 Psychological Disorder (Anxiety Disorder)
Psychological Disorder (Schizophrenia)
Chapter 7 Social Influence and Group Processes

Before diving into the content of the comics, you will find these things in the beginning:

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Storyboard
  • Brief Character Sketch

With these elements, CBSE has tried to bring an innovative shift to teaching and learning methods. But won’t the fact that they don’t even cover the whole NCERT book hamper their ability to achieve the same? As soon as these comics were released, we were prompt about analysing these CBSE Class 12 Comics in detail and learned about their advantages or shortfalls. 

Advantages of CBSE Class 12 Comic Books

  • Keeps the Students Engaged: Even though the graphics are not presented professionally, these comic books work great in holding a student’s attention on the subject. The students may not remember all the content of the NCERT books at once but they will keep these stories in mind.
  • Connection with Reality: These comic books use pictorial representation to explain how a Psychological disorder can affect a person’s life. The presentation may not be excellent but the students will be able to get an idea of the same and connect their learning material with real-life situations.
  • Practice Questions: After every section, students have to answer some objective questions to test their knowledge and learn the concepts. This also helps the teachers to keep the students engaged even more.

Shortfalls of CBSE Class 12 Comic Books

  • Possibly Disturbing: Since these comic books use some critical examples to explain the concepts, it might trigger students or teachers who have experienced the same. So, it might not be a good idea for the comics to have such experiences presented pictorially in detail.
  • Unsuitable Questions: This comic book comes with worksheets after every section but each of them has some questions like “Fill in the Blanks” and “Match the Following”, which will not prepare for case-based and MCQ questions that are usually asked in Board exams now.
  • Not Enough Chapters: So far, the teachers and students only have a few topics from chapters 4 and 7 as per the NCERT textbook, which may not only create confusion in teaching methods but also take away students’ interest from learning other chapters. So, CBSE must think of releasing at least one comic book for each chapter.
  • Distractive: These books are supposed to be used as supplementary content for easy learning but some students can get distracted and spend hours reading all these mini books. Yet, they would not gain any better understanding of the provided topics than what the NCERT textbook has to offer.

To further facilitate the students' preparation for better results in their Class 12 Board exams, we have quality learning resources that are our EDUCART NCERT EXEMPLARS FOR CLASS 12 2025 BOARD EXAMS.

They are available for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, with all the NCERT Exemplar Problems and their explained Solutions. We have also added some important questions from the DIKSHA Platform for Class 12. Any other information regarding the CBSE curriculum, paper pattern, study material, and notifications is available below in the supporting links.

CBSE Class 12 Previous Years Question Papers

MathsPhysicsChemistryBiologyEnglish Core
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