Imagine learning about why people react in a way that explains why we feel and getting a deep understanding of human behaviour. Yes, you heard it right. Psychology helps you understand the delicacies of human nature and mental processes. The board offers psychology as an elective subject to let students choose their favourite subject, and to get knowledge of the type of question paper in class 12 psychology, CBSE releases a sample paper. The sample papers help students build their confidence.
CBSE has uploaded the latest 2024–25 sample papers on its official academic website.
You will get a real exam-like feel while using the psychology sample papers. The Psychology Class 12 Sample Paper will surely help you obtain good marks.
CBSE Psychology Class 12 released additional sample papers for students to help them prepare as per the new competency-based question pattern. Practising these sample papers will help them to prepare for the board examinations and perform well.
<red> ➜ <red> Class 12 Psychology Set 1 SQP + Marking Scheme
The CBSE Class 12 Psychology Syllabus introduces students to core areas of psychology. It covers a wide range of topics essential for a basic understanding of the subject. The syllabus is divided into seven chapters, each focussing on a different aspect of psychology. Here is a brief overview of each chapter:
Having familiarity with the exam pattern reduces half of the problem; you will understand the type of questions and in which questions you have to spend more time.
Section A: It includes Questions Nos. 1–15 and carries 1 mark each. These are mostly MCQs and require a conceptual understanding of the concepts.
Section B: Question Nos. 16-21 are very short answer type-I questions carrying 2 marks each. The answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
Section C: Question Nos. 22-24 are short answer type-II questions carrying 3 marks each. The answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
Section D: Question Nos. 25-28 are long answer type-II questions carrying 4 marks each. The answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
Section E: Question Nos. 29-30 in Section E are long-answer type II questions carrying 6 marks each. The answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.
Section F: Questions Nos. 31–34 in Section F are based on two cases given. The answer to each 1-mark question should not exceed 20 words. The answer to each 2-mark question should not exceed 30 words.
To effectively utilise the 12th Psychology, students need to adopt a strategic approach to their studies. Here are some tips:
To further enhance your understanding of psychology, additional resources can offer great help. Here is a list of some additional resources:
Sample paper on psychology Class 12 is the best practice resource; it will help you not just understand the exam format but also equip you with essential time management skills. We hope that with preparation tips and the right resources, you will ace your class 12 psychology exam.