CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 2025-26 for 2026 Board Exams | PDF Download

CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus 2025-26: Download PDF Here

If you are enthusiastic to know about ancient writings and scripts then you must be familiar with the language. Sanskrit is amongst the oldest languages in the world and is recognised globally.  Students in Class 10 of the CBSE have the option to study Sanskrit as a second language. Learning the language will help in understanding the diversity and richness of our culture. 

Many find it difficult but it is still the popular choice amongst the Class 10 students. CBSE class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus concludes what any student needs to learn throughout the academic session. The syllabus can be completed using NCERT Class 10th Sanskrit PDF for the literature part and the remaining syllabus can be understood using reference books and practice. 

The 2025-26 CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit syllabus has been released and we were prompt about prediction of the changes. Below, we have provided you with a simple analysis of the Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus below, along with:

  • PDF download -> Latest and past year syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit
  • Detailed analysis -> Deleted and added topics/ chapters

2025-26 CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus

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2024-25 Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus

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(for reference purposes only)

Sanskrit is not an easy subject as you must take time to understand it but you can club it with Class 10 Hindi Syllabus to cover it easily. Hindi will take less time in comparison to Sanskrit so you can plan your chapters with the Hindi syllabus.

भाग-वार पाठ्यक्रम विश्लेषण

(⚠️) विषय NCERT से हटाए नहीं गए लेकिन CBSE पाठ्यक्रम से हटा दिए गए हैं।

भाग घ: साहित्य (LITERATURE) - शेमुषी
⚠️ दशमः पाठ: - भूकंपविभीषिका

भाग विषय अंक

अपठित अवबोधनम्
अपठित गद्यांश: 10

रचनात्मक कार्यम्
औपचारिक/ अनौपचारिक पत्रम् 05
चित्रवर्णनम्/ अनुच्छेदलेखनम् 05
हिंदी/ आङ्ग्लभाषा संस्कृतेन अनुवादः 05

अनुप्रयुक्त कारणम्
संधि: 04
समास: 04
प्रत्यया: 04
वाच्यप्रकरण 03
समय: 04
अव्ययपदानि 03
अशुद्धि-संशोधनकार्यम् 03

पठित अवबोधनम्
पठित गद्यांश: 05
पठित पद्यांश: 05
पठित नाट्यांश: 05
प्रश्ननिर्माण 04
अन्वयः/ भावार्थः 04
घटनाक्रमानुसारं वाक्यलेखनम् 04
प्रसङ्गानुकूलम् अर्थचयनम् 03
आंतरिक मूल्याङ्कन
आवधिक-परीक्षाः (Periodic Assessment) (05) + बहुविधमूल्याङ्कनम् (05) + निवेसूचिका (Portfolio) (05) + श्रवण, वाचन एवं लेखनकौशलम् (05)

Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 2025: Importance

It is essential to learn Sanskrit as part of the Class 10 CBSE syllabus to comprehend India's cultural legacy and its role in global civilization. Sanskrit is renowned for its extensive vocabulary and syntax, both of which help enhance language proficiency in general.

Syllabus Class 10 Sanskrit 2025: Main Topics

The most important topics covered in the Class 10 Sanskrit CBSE syllabus are composition, grammar, comprehension, and literature. Sandhi, conjugations, and declensions are all covered in grammar. The main goal of comprehension is to read and comprehend Sanskrit literature. Writing essays and letters are part of the composition, and a few passages from Sanskrit literature are covered in the literary portion.

Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus 2025: How to Prepare

It is advised to practice grammar questions regularly to get ready for the Sanskrit test in the Class 10 CBSE syllabus. Studying Sanskrit literature offers a greater comprehension of the language, and reading and interpreting Sanskrit writings helps improve understanding.

The goal of the Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 2025-26 Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is to provide students with a thorough mastery of the language. The objective is for students to become proficient in Sanskrit speaking, writing, and reading. The curriculum includes literature, grammar, and vocabulary, as well as how to apply these concepts in real-life scenarios.

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