Biology Class 11 is the study of living things, i.e., from the tiniest microorganism to the biggest one. It is basically a journey where you’ll explore how life works, what happens inside our bodies, and every other living organism. For class 11 students, learning Bio Class 11 is necessary to help you understand the basic concepts essential for a future career like medicine, biotechnology, or environmental science.
To know about this subject, you’ll have to start from the ground, i.e., the basics of class 11 biology. To know and prepare well, one should always know their syllabus in depth to avoid any confusion and perform well in the examinations. So let’s start our race to become business tycoons by understanding the Biology Class 11 Syllabus given below:
On this page, you can find direct PDF download links to the latest Class 11 Biology Syllabus for the 2024-25 academic session. We have also added a simple analysis of all the deleted and added topics according to the latest syllabus.
2024-25 Class 11 Biology Syllabus
2023-24 Class 11 Biology Syllabus
(for reference purposes only)
Morphology of Flowering Plants: Description of the family Solanaceae
Anatomy of Flowering Plants: tissue systems in dicots and monocots.
Structural Organisation in Animals: Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems of a frog
The living world: tools for the study of taxonomy museums, zoological parks, herbaria, botanical gardens.
Plant Kingdom: Angiosperms, Plant Life Cycle and Alternation of Generations
Morphology of Flowering Plants: Modifications of different parts of flowering plants: root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed
Structural Organisation in Animals: Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems of an insect (cockroach)
Biomolecules: Nature of Bond Linking Monomers in a Polymer; Dynamic State of Body Constituents—Concept of Metabolism; Metabolic Basis for Living
Transport in Plants: Complete Chapter Revomed
Mineral Nutrition: Complete Chapter Revomed
Plant - Growth and Development: seed dormancy; vernalisation; photoperiodism.
Digestion and Absorption: Complete Chapter Revomed
Neural Control and Coordination: reflex action; sensory perception; sense organs; Elementary structure and functions of eye and ear
*(Credit to the student’s work over the academic session may be given)
1. Study and describe locally available common flowering plants, from family Solanaceae (Poaceae, Asteraceae or Brassicaceae can be substituted in case of particular geographical location) including dissection and display of floral whorls, anther and ovary to show number of chambers (floral formulae and floral diagrams), type of root (tap and adventitious); type of stem (herbaceous and woody); leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and compound).
2. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).
3. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.
4. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g. Rhoeo/lily leaves or fleshy scale leaves of onion bulb).
5. Study of distribution of stomata on the upper and lower surfaces of leaves.
6. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves.
7. Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats in suitable plant and animal materials.
8. Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.
9. Study of the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.
10. Test for presence of urea in urine.
11. Test for presence of sugar in urine.
12. Test for presence of albumin in urine.
13. Test for presence of bile salts in urine.
1. Parts of a compound microscope.
2. Specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons - Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous plant, one dicotyledonous plant and one lichen.
3. Virtual specimens/slides/models and identifying features of - Amoeba, Hydra, liver fluke, Ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honey bee, snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.
4. Mitosis in onion root tip cells and animal cells (grasshopper) from permanent slides.
5. Different types of inflorescence (cymose and racemose).
6. Human skeleton and different types of joints with the help of virtual images/models only.
The CBSE Biology syllabus for Class 11 that Educart provides has the following features:
A good study plan: If you understand the syllabus thoroughly, it helps you to know exactly what topics and chapters are covered in the textbook throughout the year. This makes sure that you rule out your timetable and study effectively based on the weight and priority of different topics.
Managing resources: When you know the syllabus, you can gather the right study materials, such as textbooks, reference books, and online resources. This helps you avoid wasting time on unimportant topics and focus on topics that are going to be there in the exam paper for sure.
Self-Assessment: Syllabus Class 11 allows students to self-assess their knowledge and identify areas where they need improvement. This helps them focus their study efforts effectively.
Boost Confidence: As students tackle more sections given in the syllabus, they gain confidence in their preparation, which is essential for exam success.
We provide students with the most accurate and authentic study material. Our study materials for CBSE Biology Class 11 are made available in PDF form along with the solutions, which makes it easier for students to understand the question paper better for boards 2025.
The free study materials provided on our website are provided by expert educators, which make the material hand-picked and specially designed for students aiming to score a 90+ in their board exams.
We are confident that whoever studies from our Class 11 Biology guide will overcome the fear of equations and other subjects as we provide practice questions in large amounts, and some questions might appear in the board exam as well, as they are totally based on NCERT + CBSE latest guidelines and syllabus. With Nothing Left Out!
Topics such as Angiosperms, Plant Life Cycle, and Alternation of Generations from Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom are removed from the class 11 Biology syllabus 2024-25.
The subject is not extremely difficult per se, but it does require strenuous hard work on the part of the students.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has freshly released its latest and revised syllabus for students of the academic session 2024-2025. Check the CBSE Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25 here for all the subjects, along with the free PDF download links for the same.
You will still be regarded as having passed. To advance to the next level, you must pass five topics. However, failing more than one topic signifies that you failed class 11.