CBSE Syllabus Class 11 Economics 2025-26 | PDF for 2026 Exams

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Latest CBSE 2024-25 Economics Syllabus for Class 11

Economics is the study of how resources are used by people to meet their needs. The subject looks at small as well as big parts of the economy, like from what a particular person wants to what the whole country wants. It is an interesting and useful subject. 

CBSE Class 11 Economics is important for students to study so that they’ll be able to understand the world better. It gives us knowledge about why prices go up, why people are unemployed, and how a country's economy affects the country and its people. Economics also opens up many career options in areas like business, law, and government, making it a valuable subject to study for your future.

On this page, you can find direct PDF download links to the latest Class 11 Economics Syllabus for the 2024-25 academic session. We have also added a simple analysis of all the deleted and added topics according to the latest syllabus.

2024-25 Class 11 Economics Syllabus

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2023-24 Class 11 Economics Syllabus

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(for reference purposes only)

Class 11 Economics Deleted 2025 Syllabus

Knowing about what’s coming in the exam and what’s excluded is important in preparing for the board examination. Below is a table providing the deleted topics from the CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus.

Unit Deleted Topics
Unit 3: Statistical Tools and
Measures of Dispersion: (range, quartile deviation,
mean deviation and);
(coefficient of range, coefficient of quartile-deviation,
co-efficient of mean deviation
Correlation: Spearman’s rank correlation
Index Numbers: index of industrial production
Unit 4: Introduction to
Concepts of production Possibility frontier
Unit 6: Producer Behaviour
and Supply
Producer’s equilibrium: meaning and its conditions
in terms of marginal revenue-marginal cost.
Unit 7: Forms of Market
and Price Determination
Other Market Forms: monopoly and monopolistic
competition – their meaning and features

Class 11 Economics Syllabus: Blueprint 2025

When preparing for the examination, knowing about the Class 11 Economics Blueprint 2025 is an important step. The blueprint will help you understand what types of questions can be asked and how you have to prepare for examinations in 2025.

S. No. Bloom Typologies (as per NEP 2023) Total %
1 Easy difficulty level:
Remembering | Understanding
2 Medium difficulty level:
3 Hard difficulty level:
Analysis | Evaluate | Create
TOTAL 100%

The Economics Syllabus section-wise breakdown for Class 11 helps you get an idea of how the exam paper will be. It makes you familiar with the exam pattern, mark distribution, and type of questions that might be asked.

Parts Units Marks
A Statistics for Economics
Introduction 15
Collection, Organisation and
Presentation of Data
Statistical Tools and Interpretation 25
B Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 04
Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand 14
Producer Behaviour and Supply 14
Forms of Market and Price Determination
under perfect competition
with simple applications
Period Work (05) + Assessment (05)

Features of CBSE Economics Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25

The CBSE Economics syllabus for Class 11 that Educart provides has the following features:

  • The Economics syllabus for class 11 CBSE is strictly according to the latest guidelines given by CBSE and has all the latest changes and updates.
  • The Economics syllabus is detailed in every aspect and discusses all the important points about the subjects. 
  • The PDFs of the Class 11 Economics syllabus 2025 provided by Educart are FREE for everyone, making them easily accessible.

Benefits of the Class 11 Economics Syllabus for 2024-25 Boards

A good study plan: If you understand the syllabus thoroughly, it helps you to know exactly what topics and chapters are covered in the textbook throughout the year. This makes sure that you rule out your timetable and study effectively based on the weight and priority of different topics.

Managing resources: When you know the syllabus, you can gather the right study materials, such as textbooks, reference books, and online resources. This helps you avoid wasting time on unimportant topics and focus on topics that are going to be there in exam papers for sure. 

On-point preparation: Getting to know the Economics syllabus will help you identify important areas like microeconomics, macroeconomics, and various economic theories. This enables you to focus your study sessions on these important topics.

Downloading the Economics Class 11 Syllabus PDF can help students start preparing for the board exams. Curate the timetable and start preparing according to it. 


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