When we were kids, we used to get excited for that one class that came once a week, also known as the games period; however, as we grew up, the games period became physical education. Imagine a class of games, sports, and exercises, and also understanding the importance and needs of our bodies. This is physical education, where fun meets fitness.
Physical education explores a variety of sports and activities to keep us entertained and active. It is not just about exercise and games; it is about discovering what our bodies can do and how our bodies work. Understanding the Class 11 Physical Education syllabus is very important. Let us get a deeper view of what to study in Class 11 Physical Education.
2024-25 Class 11 P.Ed Syllabus
2023-24 Class 11 P.Ed Syllabus
(for reference purposes only)
*These are weighted questions for concept-based questions, such as a tactile diagram, data interpretation, or case-based study for visually impaired children.
The Class 11 Physical Education syllabus includes 10 units. Here is a detailed view of the chapters:
Unit 1: Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education
Unit 1 includes topics like Concepts, Aims, and Objectives of Physical Education, the Development of Physical Education in India Post-Independence, Changing Trends in Sports: Playing Surfaces, Wearable Gear, and Sports Equipment, Technological Advancements, Career Options in Physical Education, the Khelo-India Program, and Fit-India Program.
Unit 2: Olympism Value Education
The second unit provides an understanding of topics like Olympism: Concept and Olympic Values (Excellence, Friendship, and Respect), Olympic Value Education: Joy of Effort, Fair Play, Respect for Others, Pursuit of Excellence, Balance Among Body, Will, and Mind, Ancient and Modern Olympics, Olympics: Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath, and Anthem, and Olympic Movement Structure: IOC, NOC, IFS, and Other Members.
Unit 3: Yoga
Unit 3 includes topics like the meaning and importance of yoga, an introduction to Ashtanga yoga, yogic kriyas (shat karma), pranayama and its types, and active lifestyle and stress management through yoga.
Unit 4: Physical Education and Sports for Children with Special Needs
The fourth unit includes topics like the concept of disability and disorder, types of disability, its causes and nature (intellectual disability and physical disability), disability etiquette, the aim and objectives of adaptive physical education, and the role of various professionals for children with special needs.
Unit 5: Physical Fitness, Wellness, and Lifestyle
Unit five contains the meaning and importance of wellness, health, and physical fitness; components and dimensions of wellness, health, and physical fitness; traditional sports and regional games for promoting wellness; leadership through physical activity and sports; and an introduction to first aid.
Unit 6: Test, Measurement, and Evaluation
Unit six provides information on topics such as Defining Tests, Measurements, and Evaluation, Importance of Tests, Measurements, and Evaluation in Sports, Calculation of BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio, Skin Fold Measurement (3-site), Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy, and Ectomorphy), and Measurements of health-related fitness.
Unit 7: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology in Sports
Unit 7 includes topics like the definition and importance of anatomy and physiology in exercise and sports, the functions of the skeletal system, the classification of bones and types of joints, the properties and functions of muscles, the structure and functions of the circulatory system and heart, and the structure and functions of the respiratory system.
Unit 8: Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports
The eighth unit provides information on the definition and importance of kinesiology and biomechanics in sports, principles of biomechanics, kinetics, and kinematics in sports, types of body movements (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, circumduction, suspension, and pronation), and axis and planes (concept) and their application in body movements.
Unit 9: Psychology and Sports
Unit 9 includes topics like the definition and importance of psychology in physical education and sports, developmental characteristics at different stages of development, adolescent problems and their management, team cohesion and sports, and an introduction to psychological attributes: attention, resilience, and mental toughness.
Unit 10: Training and Doping in Sports
Unit 10 contains topics like Concepts and Principles of Sports Training, Training Load: Load, Adaptation, and Recovery, Warming Up and Limbering Down: Types, Methods, and Importance, Concepts of Skill, Technique, Tactics, and Strategies, and Concepts of Doping and its Disadvantages.
The practical exam carries 30 marks and includes proficiency in these topics and sports:
A good study plan: If you understand the syllabus thoroughly, it helps you to know exactly what topics and chapters are covered in the textbook throughout the year. This makes sure that you rule out your timetable and study effectively based on weightage and priority of different topics.
Managing resources: When you know the syllabus, you can gather the right study materials, such as textbooks, reference books, and online resources. This helps you avoid wasting time on unimportant topics and focus on topics that are going to be there in the exam paper for sure.
Comprehensive Coverage: Knowing the Physical Education syllabus allows you to understand all the topics you need to cover, including theory about health and fitness, as well as practical skills in various sports. This makes sure you are well-prepared for both written exams and physical tests.
Balanced Preparation: A clear syllabus helps you balance your time between studying theory and practice. This approach not only prepares you for exams but also promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, aligning with the goals of physical education.
Mastering your class 11 exam can be easy with some strategies. Here’s how you can do it:
Physical education is not just a subject; it is an important part of having a fit lifestyle. It helps us understand the importance of staying active and teaches us discipline and body management. It is important to have a great understanding of this subject. By applying the tips provided, we hope you can ace your 11th-grade exam.
The inclusion of physical education marks varies based on the stream you choose: For Science and Commerce streams: Physical education marks are not factored into your overall percentage calculation.
Experts who analysed the CBSE Class 12 Physical Education paper in 2024-25 described it as well-balanced with a medium difficulty level.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has freshly released its latest and revised syllabus for students of the academic session 2024-2025. Check the CBSE Class 11 Syllabus 2024-25 for all the subjects, along with the free PDF download links for the same.