CBSE Syllabus Class 11 Psychology 2025-26 | PDF for 2026 Exams

Lesson Plan

The Class 11 Psychology syllabus gives the students an overview of the fundamentals of psychology, its principles, and its applications. It covers different aspects of human behaviour, mental processes, growth, and social interactions. The syllabus gives the students a strong basis to help them learn the scientific study of mind and behaviour, which they are going to learn in detail in higher classes. In the Class 11 Psychology Syllabus, the subject is divided into various chapters that help students develop a foundational understanding of the science of psychology.

In this article, we will be covering the important points covered in the Class 11 Psychology syllabus.

2024-25 Class 11 Psychology Syllabus

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2023-24 Class 11 Psychology Syllabus

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(for reference purposes only)

S. No. Bloom Typologies (as per NEP 2023) Total %
1 Easy difficulty level:
Demonstrate Knowledge | Understanding
2 Medium difficulty level:
3 Hard difficulty level:
Analysis | Evaluate | Create
TOTAL 100%
Units Unit Names Marks
I What is Psychology? 11
II Methods of Enquiry in Psychology 13
IV Human Development 11
V Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes 08
VI Learning 09
VII Human Memory 08
VIII Thinking 05
IX Motivation and Emotion 05
One Experiments (15) + Experiments File (05) + Project File (05) + Viva Voce (05)

Here’s a detailed overview of the Class 11 Psychology syllabus:

Unit 1: What is Psychology?

Introduction to Psychology: Definition, importance, and scope of psychology. The difference between psychology and common sense.

Basic Approaches to the Study of Psychology: Different approaches in psychology, like the biological, cognitive, behavioural, and humanistic approaches.

Fields of Psychology: Clinical, counselling, educational, industrial, and forensic psychology, etc.

Psychology as a Science: the scientific nature of psychology, methods of psychology, and the importance of empirical research.

Unit 2: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology

Nature of Psychological Research: The role of research in psychology and how it helps in understanding human behaviour.

Methods of Research:

  • Observational Method: Structured and unstructured observation.
  • Experimental Method: Understanding the concept of control, independent variables, and dependent variables.
  • Case Study Method: Detailed study of a single person or group.
  • Survey Method: Data collection using questionnaires and interviews.
  • Correlation Method: Exploring the relationships between variables.

Unit 3: Human Development

Stages of Human Development: development stages from childhood to adulthood to old age, with a focus on physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

Theories of Development: Important developmental theories, for example, Piaget’s Cognitive Development, Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages, and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory.

Unit 4: Sensory, Attentional, and Perceptual Processes

Sensation: It refers to receiving and interpreting sensory stimuli from the environment, for example, vision, hearing, taste, and touch.

Perception: It refers to how the brain receives and interprets sensory information to generate meaningful patterns.

Attention: It refers to the ability of people to focus on certain stimuli and not others. Types of attention, for example, selective, sustained, and divided.

Perceptual Processes: Understanding concepts like depth perception and auditory and visual illusions.

Unit 5: Learning

Types of Learning: Classical conditioning (Pavlov), operant conditioning (Skinner), and observational learning (Bandura).

Processes of Learning: Understanding how learning occurs through repetition, reinforcement, and punishment.

Applications of Learning: How learning theories are applied in real-world contexts like education, therapy, and behaviour modification.

Unit 6: Human Memory

Memory Processes: Encoding, storage, and retrieval of information.

Types of Memory: Sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory, and working memory.

Memory Models: The multi-store model of memory (Atkinson & Shiffrin) and the working memory model (Baddeley & Hitch).

Memory and Forgetting: Theories of forgetting, reasons for memory failure (example: decay, interference, retrieval failure).

Unit 7: Thinking and Problem Solving

Cognitive Processes: Understanding how individuals think, reason, and make decisions.

Problem Solving: The processes involved in solving problems, including heuristics and algorithms.

Creativity: The nature of creative thinking and the steps involved in the creative process.

Decision Making: The role of biases and heuristics in making decisions.

Unit 8: Motivation and Emotion

Motivation: Understanding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the role of needs, and the major theories of motivation, for example, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and drive theory.

Emotion: Theories of emotion, for example, James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Schachter-Singer, and the physiological and psychological components of emotion.

Stress: Understanding stress, its causes, effects, and coping mechanisms.


The syllabus of Class 11 Psychology is assessed by written exams to check the student's understanding of the topics taught. The assessment usually consists of:

Theory exam: A written examination containing multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.

Practical assessment: This includes applying research methods or conducting basic psychological experiments and presenting the results.

How to Start Psychology Preparation

These tips can help you prepare for the Psychology Class 11 exam:

Time Management and Planning 

  • Start Early: Start preparing for the subject as early as possible, as Psychology demands consistent efforts over months. Students should allocate time every day to practice difficult topics.
  • Prioritize Topics: It is essential to focus on the topics that carry more marks, while also ensuring regular revisions.


  • Solve previous years’ Psychology question papers and also solve some mock papers to get an idea of the format of the exam and work on time management.
  • Analyze your mistakes and weak areas and keep recalling those concepts. 

Focus on NCERT Textbooks

  • For students preparing for the Psychology exam, the NCERT textbook of class 11 psychology forms the core syllabus for the examination. Students must ensure that they cover them because a majority of the questions in the exam are direct. This enables students to grasp the key ideas rather than having to rely on learning alone.


  • Regular revision is important because it is the basis for remembering all concepts.
  • Prepare some short, abbreviated notes for quick revision just before the exam.

Important Topics to Prioritise

In the Psychology exam, some topics will carry more marks than others. These are some of the topics that students should focus on:

Human Development: This topic is wide in scope and requires a lot of attention when preparing for the exam. A sound knowledge of the important developmental theories is a prerequisite for gearing up for the exam as a significant segment of the Psychology paper topic deals with these concepts.

Thinking: The questions here focus more on concepts and can be a bit challenging; therefore students should focus a lot on practising concepts.

Human Memory: This chapter is more on the abstract side, but is still of significance and a topic that frequently comes up in the exam. Questions here frequently focus on types of memory and memory models, so a good knowledge of concepts is necessary.

Motivation and Emotion: Topics such as theories of emotion and motivation are the focus of this chapter and they are frequently asked in different ways.

The interdisciplinary nature of psychology makes it an interesting topic. Psychology enhances critical thinking, empathy, and understanding of oneself as well as other people. The more the student goes on their educational journey, the more they will find that what is being learned in Class 11 Psychology gives a foundation to learn even more about the complex field of human behaviour. Practising the subject continually can help students develop a set of skills that will help them successfully pass the exam.

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