CBSE Syllabus Accounts Class 12 2026 | Free PDF for 2025-26 Exams

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If you’re a Class 12 commerce student, chances are accounting has become one of the most important subjects in your life right now. The good news? The CBSE Accountancy Syllabus for Class 12 (2024-25) is here at Educart to give you the knowledge you need to master financial concepts and ace your board exams. The even better news? It’s not as scary as it seems, especially when you use our tips. So, let us understand the syllabus and ways to ace it. 

The Accountancy Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 facilitates students in comprehending the importance of accounting data in the organisation. It aims to develop students' critical thinking, analysis, and decision-making skills. The three sections of the curriculum are A, B, and C. Students can select from two fields in Part B. Students in Class 12 must put in a lot of study time for this topic.

CBSE Class 12 Accounts Syllabus

CBSE Accountancy Class 12 Deleted Syllabus 2024-25

Chapter 1 Accounting for Non-Profit Organisation

Chapter 5 Database Management System for Accounting

Accountancy is a tough subject to take time for concept clarity and attempting related questions. For effective and timely Class 12 Syllabus completion, students can club it with the Class 12 English Core Syllabus. English will take less time in comparison to Accountancy so you can plan your chapters with the English core syllabus.

S. No. Bloom Typologies (as per NEP 2023) Total %
1 Easy difficulty level:
Demonstrate Knowledge | Understanding
2 Medium difficulty level:
3 Hard difficulty level:
Analysis | Evaluate | Create
TOTAL 100%

Parts Units Marks
A Accounting for Partnership Firms and Companies
1 Accounting for Partnership Firms 36
2 Accounting for Companies 24
B Financial Statement Analysis
3 Analysis of Financial Statements 12
4 Cash Flow Statement 08
Practical File (12) + Viva Voce (08) 20

Accounts Class 12th Syllabus 2024-25: Newly Added Chapters

Chapter 1 - Accounting for Partnership Firms

  • Partnership: features, Partnership Deed.
  • Provisions of the Indian Partnership Act 1932 in the absence of a partnership deed.
  • Fixed v/s fluctuating capital accounts. Preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation account- division of profit among partners, guarantee of profits
  • Past adjustments (relating to interest on capital, interest on drawing, salary and profit sharing ratio).
  • Past adjustments (relating to interest on capital, interest on drawing, salary and profit sharing ratio).
  • Goodwill: meaning, nature, factors affecting and methods of valuation - average profit, super profit and capitalization.

Chapter 2 - Accounting for Partnership Firms - Reconstitution and Dissolution

  • Change in the Profit Sharing Ratio among the existing partners.
  • Admission of a partner
  • Retirement and death of a partner
  • Calculation of deceased partner’s share of profit till the date of death
  • Dissolution of a partnership firm

Chapter 3 - Accounting for Share Capital

  • Features and types of companies
  • Share and share capital: nature and types
  • Accounting for share capital
  • Concept of Private Placement and Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), Sweat Equity
  • Accounting treatment of forfeiture and reissue of shares
  • Disclosure of share capital in the Balance Sheet of a company

Chapter 4: Accounting for Debentures

Debentures: Meaning, types, Issue of debentures at par, at a premium and a discount. Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash; Issue of debentures with terms of redemption; debentures as collateral security-concept, interest on debentures. Writing off discount/loss on issue of debentures.

Chapter 5: Financial Statements of a Company

  • Meaning, Nature, Uses and importance of financial Statement.
  • Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet in prescribed form with major headings and subheadings.

Chapter 6: Cash Flow Statement

  • Meaning, objectives Benefits, Cash and Cash Equivalents, Classification of Activities and Preparation

Overview of the CBSE Accounts Syllabus for Class 12 (2024-25)

For the 2024–25 academic year, CBSE has made a syllabus that focuses on real-world applications of accounting principles. You will learn concepts like partnership firms, company accounts, and financial statement analysis. The main point of this syllabus is that it teaches you how financial systems work in the real world.

Whether you want to become a Chartered Accountant, a business leader, or just better at managing your own future finances, the CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Syllabus gives you a quick start.

Part A: Accounting for Partnership Firms and Companies

The first major section of the syllabus is all about partnerships and companies. This part focuses on everything from how partnerships are formed to how companies issue shares.

1. Accounting for partnership firms

This unit covers:

  • Partnership Deeds: The document that tells how the partnership operates.
  • Goodwill: Understanding the value of goodwill in a partnership, how it’s calculated, and why it matters.
  • Reconstitution: Changes in the profit-sharing ratio, revaluation of assets, and admission, retirement, or death of a partner.
  • Dissolution: What happens when a partnership ends and how accounts are settled?

This part of the syllabus helps you understand the financial dynamics between business partners and equips you to handle more complex concepts in higher education.

  1. Accounting for Companies

You will study:

  • Types of Shares: equity and preference shares, and how companies issue them.
  • Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares: What happens when shareholders don’t pay up, and how companies reissue those shares?
  • Debentures: The different types of debentures and how they’re issued and redeemed.

It shows you how businesses use shares and debentures to raise funds, grow, and manage liabilities. 

Part B: Financial Statement Analysis

This section of the syllabus is for practical knowledge because you will get to use real tools like ratio analysis and cash flow statements. These are the same methods financial analysts and accountants use to make recommendations to investors, businesses, and even governments.

  1. Analysis of Financial Statements

Some of the major topics you’ll learn include:

  • Ratio Analysis: This helps you compare different aspects of a company’s financial performance, like profitability, liquidity, and solvency. You’ll be calculating ratios like the current ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and gross profit ratio.
  • Comparative and Common Size Statements: These help you analyse financial performance over time or across different companies.
  1. Cash Flow Statements

One of the most exciting parts of this section is learning how to prepare a cash flow statement using the indirect method. You will learn how businesses classify activities into operating, investing, and financing activities and how they report their cash inflows and outflows. 

How to handle the lengthy syllabus of class 12 accounting? 

We all know how tough and lengthy the syllabus of class 12 accounting is. Here are some tips to help you tackle it like a pro:

  • Don’t wait until the last minute to start working through the chapters. The earlier you begin, the more confident you’ll feel closer to exam time.
  • Accountancy is one of those subjects where practice makes perfect. Solve as many problems as you can, especially when it comes to preparing financial statements.
  • It’s good to just memorise how to prepare a balance sheet, but understanding why each entry is made will help you retain the information. 
  • Studying with friends can help clarify concepts, especially in challenging areas like partnership reconstitution or ratio analysis.

The CBSE Accountancy Syllabus for Class 12 (2024-25) is a perfect balance between theory and practical application, setting you up for success in your board exams and beyond. From learning how partnerships and companies work to financial statement analysis, this syllabus covers all the important topics you will need in your academic and working journey.

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