CBSE Syllabus Mathematics Class 12 2026 | Free PDF for 2025-26 Exams

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The CBSE Class 12 Maths syllabus for 2025-26 is very important for students who want to be a topper, especially those looking to pursue fields like engineering, commerce, or the sciences. The syllabus has been updated to meet the educational needs, focussing on real-world applications and enhancing students' problem-solving abilities.

The CBSE Class 12 Mathematics syllabus for 2025 helps students understand concepts deeply and apply them to solve problems. Whether you’re in engineering, economics, or the sciences, having a strong understanding of this subject will help you in competitive exams like JEE. Below, we have provided you with a simple analysis of the CBSE Class 12 Math Syllabus for 2025–25, along with:

CBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Math Deleted Syllabus 2025-26

Unit-I: Relations and Functions

1. Relations and Functions

composite functions, the inverse of a function

2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions

Unit-II: Algebra

1. Matrices

Concept of elementary row and column operations. 

2. Determinants

properties of determinants

Unit-III: Calculus

1. Continuity and Differentiability

  • derivative of a composite function
  • Rolle’s and Lagrange's Mean Value
  • Theorems (without proof) and their geometric interpretation

2. Applications of Derivatives

  • tangents and normals
  • use of derivatives in approximation

3. Integrals

Definite integrals as a limit of a sum

4. Applications of the Integrals

The area between any of the two above-mentioned curves

Unit-IV: Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry

1. Vectors

scalar triple product of vectors

2. Three - dimensional Geometry

  • coplanar  lines
  • Cartesian and vector equation of a plane.
  • The angle between (i) two lines, (ii) two planes, (iii) a line and a plane. Distance of a point from a plane

Unit-V: Linear Programming

1. Linear Programming

  • different types of linear programming (L.P.) problems
  • mathematical formulation of L.P. problems

Unit-VI: Probability

1. Probability

variance of random variable

Preparing to complete the Class XII Maths Syllabus is time-consuming and requires lots of practice. For effective time management and syllabus completion, students can combine the Class 12 Math syllabus with the CBSE Class 12 Physical Education or Computer Science using the Physical Education or Computer Science Syllabus.

S. No. Bloom Typologies (as per NEP 2023) Total %
1 Easy difficulty level:
Demonstrate Knowledge | Understanding
2 Medium difficulty level:
3 Hard difficulty level:
Analysis | Evaluate | Create
TOTAL 100%

Units Unit Name Marks
I Relations and Functions 08
II Algebra 10
III Calculus 35
IV Vectors and Three - Dimensional Geometry 14
V Linear Programming 05
VI Probability 08
Periodic Tests (10) + Mathematics Activities (10)

Unit-wise Class XII Maths Syllabus Breakdown

The syllabus for Class 12 math is divided into six major units. Each unit is essential to understand key mathematical concepts and solve complex problems.

Unit I: Relations and Functions (8 Marks)

This unit introduces various types of relations, reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and equivalence, along with different kinds of functions. You will also learn about inverse trigonometric functions, where you will study their domain, range, and graphs.

Unit II: Algebra (10 Marks)

Matrices and determinants are the main points of this unit. You will learn how to handle matrices of various types and perform operations like addition and multiplication. This unit also covers invertible matrices and methods for solving systems of linear equations. A thorough understanding of determinants helps with concepts like the area of a triangle and solving linear equations using matrix methods.

Unit III: Calculus (35 marks)

This is the biggest and perhaps most important part of the syllabus. Calculus introduces:

  • Continuity and Differentiability: Learn how to differentiate functions, including trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
  • Applications of Derivatives: Practical problems on rates of change, increasing or decreasing functions, and finding maxima and minima.
  • Integrals: You’ll explore various methods of integration, along with practical applications like calculating the area under curves.
  • Differential Equations: Solve first-order linear differential equations using different techniques.

Unit IV: Vectors and 3D Geometry (14 Marks)

This unit teaches you how to work with vectors, covering everything from magnitudes and directions to operations like dot and cross products. In three-dimensional geometry, you’ll learn how to calculate the distance between lines and find angles between them.

Unit V: Linear Programming (5 Marks)

Linear programming is all about optimisation, solving real-world problems where you need to maximise or minimise a given function. You’ll focus on solving these using graphical methods in two variables.

Unit VI: Probability (8 Marks)

This unit covers some fascinating concepts like conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem. You’ll also delve into random variables and their probability distributions, including how to calculate the mean of these variables.

Internal Assessment and Exam Structure

Your total score in Class 12 math is split into 80 marks for the written exam and 20 marks for internal assessments. Internal assessments include periodic tests and practicals, which aim to test not just your knowledge but also your ability to apply mathematical concepts effectively.

Importance of Class 12 Syllabus Maths 2025

The 2025 CBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus has significance for several reasons.

Enhances Critical Thinking Skills: Solving problems and using reasoning are key components of maths. Students can improve their capacity to evaluate and solve challenging problems—an essential skill in any field—by studying this Class 12 Syllabus Maths NCERT.

Prepares for Higher Education: A solid foundation in mathematics is necessary for many programs in higher education, particularly those in engineering, science, and finance. The fundamental ideas and methods that students will come across in their college studies are covered in the CBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus.

Offers Career Opportunities: Maths proficiency is essential for jobs in engineering, finance, data analysis, and other areas. Students who adhere to the CBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus may find their employment opportunities expanded and their skill set increased.

Builds Solid Foundations: The curriculum includes an extensive variety of topics and perspectives that prepare students for higher-level maths coursework. Students who grasp these foundational concepts are better equipped to handle more difficult content later on.

Better Comprehending of the World: We use maths in our everyday lives for everything from understanding patterns to calculating distances. Students who study the Class 12 Maths Syllabus CBSE 2025 can make better judgments and have a greater understanding of the world around them.

How to handle Class 12 Maths Syllabus 2025-26?

Handling a subject as lengthy as math can seem tough, but with the right tips, you can make it manageable and even enjoyable. Here are some top tips to help you study effectively.

  • Mathematics is all about understanding how things work. For example, when studying calculus, don’t just memorise formulas; understand how differentiation and integration connect and why they’re important in solving real-world problems.
  • To truly excel in math, you need to practice regularly. Work through problems from your textbook and reference books, and attempt mock tests and sample papers. The more problems you solve, the more comfortable you’ll be during the exam.
  • Identify the areas you find challenging—whether it’s probability or integration—and dedicate extra time to mastering them. Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps to make them easier to understand.
  • Create a study schedule that allocates time to each topic based on its importance and your comfort level. Don’t leave everything until the last minute—consistent, daily practice is key to success in math.
  • Don’t let confusion build up. If you don’t understand a concept, ask your teacher or discuss it with friends. It’s essential to clear doubts early on to avoid any learning gaps.
  • In topics like 3D geometry or calculus, try to visualise the problem. This will help you understand it better and solve it more efficiently.

The Class 12 Maths syllabus for 2025-26 offers a balanced mix of theory and practical application, helping students develop skills. With consistent practice and a solid understanding of the core concepts, you can master the subject.

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