The CBSE Class 12 Physical Education syllabus for students retains value since it covers their individual needs in terms of social participation, skill development, mental and physical health, and broad growth and development. Physical education offers a counterbalance to academic courses by encouraging mental and physical health in addition to intellectual study. It promotes an all-encompassing method of teaching.
The syllabus will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned!!!!
Units |
Unit Names |
Marks |
1 |
Management of Sporting Events |
05 + 04 |
2 |
Children and Women in Sports |
07 |
3 |
Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease |
06 + 01 |
4 |
Physical Education & Sports for (CWSN) |
04 + 04 |
5 |
Sports & Nutrition |
07 |
6 |
Test and Measurement in Sports |
08 |
7 |
Physiology & Injuries in Sport |
04 + 04 |
8 |
Biomechanics and Sports |
10 |
9 |
Psychology and Sports |
07 |
10 |
Training in Sports |
09 |
PRACTICAL WORK Physical Fitness Test (06) + Proficiency in Games and Sports (07) + Yogic Practices (07) + Record File (05) + Viva Voce (05) |
30 |
100 |
*These are weightage for concept-based questions, such as Tactile diagram/ data interpretation/ case base study for visually Impaired children.
Like the Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus, students can also check out the Syllabus of Class 12 Computer Science & Class 12 Applied Mathematics syllabus to plan their exams accordingly. Students can create a combined timetable for these exams to perform well and manage their time.
Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus 2026: Course Structure
Chapter 1: Management of Sporting Events
Effective organising and handling of sporting activities is the main subject of Unit 1: Management of Sporting Activities in CBSE Class 12 Physical Education. This is a quick synopsis of the unit:
- Overview of Sports Event Management: This lesson introduces students to the idea of managing sporting events, including its goals, importance, and essential elements.
- Organising and Planning: The process of organising sporting events is covered in this section. It covers things like establishing objectives, planning timeframes for events, organising logistics, and effectively allocating resources.
- Venue Selection: The standards for choosing appropriate locations for sporting events are taught to students. We talk about things like capacity, safety, accessibility, and amenities.
- Finance Management: The course explores budgeting, income-generating strategies, sponsorship, fundraising, and other financial aspects of sporting events.
- Marketing and Promotion: To bring athletes, fans, sponsors, and media attention to sporting events, students study marketing and promotional tactics. This includes developing alliances, utilising social media, and producing promotional materials.
- Event Execution: This section addresses how sporting events are carried out, with a particular emphasis on stakeholder cooperation, efficient communication, backup plans, and maintaining a seamless flow of events.
- Evaluation and Feedback: To determine what worked and what didn't, the course stresses the value of reviewing sporting events. Data analysis, post-event debriefing, and feedback methods are covered.
- Legal and Ethical Factors: Students gain knowledge of the legal and ethical concerns that are pertinent to the management of sporting events, including risk management, safety rules, liability, and moral behaviour in decision-making.
- Case Studies and Real-World Applications: Throughout the unit, students use theoretical principles and improve their sports event management abilities through a variety of real-world case studies and practical activities.
Chapter 2: Children & Women in Sports
This chapter underlines how crucial it is to eradicate obstacles to participation, promote gender equality and female empowerment via sports, and provide inclusive and encouraging settings for kids and women in sports.
- Outline of Youth Sports: Highlights how crucial it is for kids to do sports for their physical, mental, and emotional growth. It also explains how coaches, parents, and instructors may help create a positive sports environment for kids.
- Factors Influencing Kids' Sports Participation: Examines how a variety of variables, including lack of infrastructure, peer pressure, cultural norms, and parental influence, affect kids' involvement in sports. It draws attention to how critical it is to solve these issues to motivate more kids to play sports.
- Sports' Effect on a Child's Development: It addresses the benefits of sports engagement for kids' physical and mental development, motor skills, social skills, and cognitive development. It also explains how children may learn virtues like resilience, discipline, collaboration, and leadership via athletics.
- Encouragement of Females and Girls in Sports: It focuses on the cultural and historical constraints that have prevented women and girls from participating as much in sports. It also emphasises the value of encouraging girls and women to participate in sports for gender equality, self-determination, and general well-being.
- Obstacles Girls and Women Face in Sports: It explains the difficulties that girls and women in athletics confront, including limited resources, prejudice, preconceptions in society, and insufficient opportunity. It highlights how important it is to overcome these obstacles to provide a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere for female athletes.
- Efforts to Promote Women and Girls in Sports: It highlights the numerous national and worldwide campaigns, laws, and programmes put in place to promote women's and girls' involvement in sports. It explains how grassroots organisations, government initiatives, non-governmental organisations, and sports federations may support gender equality in sports.
- Women Athletes' Success Stories: It highlights the achievements of accomplished female athletes who have surmounted challenges to become the best in their fields. It gives women and girls who want to work in sports inspiration and encouragement.
Chapter 3: Yoga as Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Disease
This chapter focuses on the value of yoga as a lifestyle disease and provides students with the skills and information they need to integrate yoga into their daily lives for the best possible health and wellness.
Introduction to Yoga: This section starts with an overview of yoga, emphasising its history, concepts, and benefits for improving mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
The idea of Lifestyle Diseases: This section addresses the idea of lifestyle diseases, which are illnesses mostly brought on by harmful lifestyle decisions such as overindulgence in drugs, stress, poor nutrition, and inactivity. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and problems linked to stress are common lifestyle diseases.
Yoga's Preventive Potential: The chapter highlights yoga's potential to avert lifestyle-related illnesses. Yoga is defined as an all-encompassing approach to wellness that includes breathing exercises (pranayama), relaxation methods, meditation, and physical postures (asanas).
Benefits of Yoga: This article lists the many advantages of regular yoga practice, such as increased strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, and general fitness. In addition to lowering stress and easing anxiety and sadness, yoga also enhances emotional stability, cerebral clarity, and attention.
Particular Yoga Practices: This chapter in the physical education class 12 CBSE syllabus presents particular yoga poses that help prevent and treat lifestyle-related illnesses. Asanas like Surya Namaskar and Padmasana, pranayama exercises like Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati, and relaxation techniques like Savasana and Yoga Nidra can all fall under this category.
Guidelines for Doing Yoga: It offers instructions on how to do yoga safely and successfully. These include warm-up exercises, how to align your posture correctly, how to breathe, how long to practise for, and how often to practise.
Chapter 4: Physical Education & Sports for (CWSN)
The significance of inclusive sports and physical education courses for fostering the overall growth and well-being of students with special needs is emphasised in Chapter 4. It highlights how important it is to provide a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where kids of all skill levels may engage in sports and physical activities.
- Understanding Disabilities: The chapter starts with outlining numerous types of impairments and how they affect engagement in sports and physical activity.
- Benefits of Physical Exercise: It talks about how sports and physical exercise help children with special needs in many ways, including better motor skills, social interaction, self-esteem, and general well-being.
- Inclusive Education and Sports: Regardless of a child's ability, the chapter highlights the significance of inclusive education and sports programmes that meet their different requirements.
- Adapted Physical Education: The notion of adapted physical education is introduced, which entails tailoring sports and physical activities to the unique requirements and skills of kids with disabilities.
- Inclusive Sports Programs: The chapter emphasises the value of inclusive sports programmes in giving kids with special needs the chance to engage in a variety of sports activities with their classmates.
- Challenges and Solutions: It talks about the difficulties special needs children have getting into physical education and sports programmes and offers ways to get past them, like supplying adaptive equipment, educating coaches and teachers, and raising awareness and acceptance.
Chapter 5: Sports and Nutrition
Students who complete Chapter 5 will have a thorough awareness of the role that nutrition plays in sports performance and will be armed with the knowledge necessary to make wise dietary decisions to support their athletic endeavours.
- Introduction to Nutrition: This section starts by outlining the idea of nutrition and how important it is for athletes to perform well. It emphasises how healthy eating is crucial for athletes to perform at their best and stay in excellent health.
- Macronutrients: A detailed discussion is given of macronutrients such as proteins, lipids, and carbs. These nutrients sustain a variety of body processes and give energy, particularly during physical exertion. The necessity of a balanced diet that contains sufficient amounts of each of the three macronutrients is emphasised throughout the chapter.
- Hydration: To avoid dehydration and sustain peak performance, athletes must drink enough water. The necessity of maintaining proper hydration before, during, and after exercise is covered in this chapter, along with warning indications and preventative measures.
- Sports Performance and Nutrition: This chapter addresses the direct relationship between sports performance and nutrition. It addresses the particular dietary requirements of athletes according to their sport, level of exercise, and desired body composition.
- Nutrition Techniques: Pre- and post-exercise nutrition, recovery nutrition, and techniques for weight control and muscle growth are just a few of the nutrition strategies for athletes that are discussed.
- Particular Diets for Athletes: This chapter also covers specific dietary needs for athletes, including low-carb, gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan diets. It highlights the significance of customised nutrition regimens based on the unique requirements and preferences of an athlete.
- Supplements: The chapter ends with a discussion of the usage of supplements in sports nutrition, including possible advantages and disadvantages. It highlights that although supplements have their uses, they shouldn't take the place of a well-balanced diet and should only be taken sparingly under the supervision of a trained expert.
Chapter 6: Test and Measurement in Sports
To effectively train and improve athletes' performance in sports, this chapter in the Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus provides students with the information and expertise needed to assess athletes' physical fitness, motor abilities, and overall performance using organised examinations and measures.
- An Introduction to Test and Measurement: This section explains the need to use systematic tests and measures to evaluate athletes' skills and performance.
- Physical Fitness: Talking about the elements of physical fitness—such as flexibility, strength, endurance, and agility—and how each affects an athlete's total ability to perform.
- Motor Fitness: Examining the elements of motor fitness—speed, agility, balance, coordination, and response time—and how they relate to various sports.
- Health-related Fitness: Stressing the significance of several aspects of fitness for general health and sports performance, including flexibility, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition.
- Skill-related Fitness: Examining the elements of skill-related fitness, such as power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and reaction time, as well as how they contribute to the improvement of sports-specific abilities.
- Evaluation of Physical Fitness: describing the many techniques and examinations that are used to evaluate one's degree of physical fitness, such as the Harvard Step Test, Cooper's 12-minute run test, the Sit and Reach Test, etc.
- Evaluation of Motor Fitness: Outlining the many tests and metrics used to evaluate the various aspects of motor fitness, such as agility, balance, coordination, speed, and response time.
- Evaluation of Health-Related Fitness: Describes the examination procedures and metrics used to evaluate several aspects of health-related fitness, including flexibility, body composition, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and muscular endurance.
- Assessment of Skill-related Fitness: This section discusses the tests and metrics used to assess the various components of skill-related fitness, with an emphasis on response time, power, speed, agility, balance, and coordination.
- Benefits of Fitness Testing: Outlining the advantages of fitness testing in sports, such as baseline data collection, progress tracking, strength and weakness identification, and the creation of efficient training plans.
- Limitations of Fitness Testing: Examining the drawbacks and difficulties related to fitness testing, including test reliability, validity, athlete motivation, and the impact of outside variables.
- Preparation for Fitness Testing: Giving athletes advice on how to properly warm up, hydrate, relax, and mentally prepare for fitness tests is one way to help them get ready for the test.
Chapter 7: Physiology & Injuries in Sport
The physiological components of sports and exercise are covered in this chapter of CBSE Class 12 Physical Education, along with frequent injuries sustained during athletic activity. This is a brief overview:
- Aspects Physiological: Coaches and players need to comprehend the physiological reactions of the body during physical activity. Anaerobic and aerobic energy systems, oxygen debt, metabolism, and exhaustion are among the subjects covered. Understanding these systems facilitates the creation of efficient training plans and performance enhancements.
- Sports Injuries: Because of the physical demands of sports, athletes are vulnerable to a variety of ailments. Strains, sprains, fractures, dislocations, and overuse injuries are among the common ailments. Coaches, trainers, and players need to comprehend the origins, manifestations, and treatment of these ailments. To lower the risk of accidents, prevention techniques including adequate warm-up, conditioning, technique correction, and the usage of protective gear are essential.
- Recuperation and Rehabilitative Activities: Rehabilitation activities, a healthy diet, and rest are all important components of injury recovery. The goal of rehabilitation is to avoid re-injury while restoring strength, flexibility, and function. Athletes' demands and the kind and severity of their injuries are taken into account while designing rehabilitation programmes.
- Aspects of Psychology: Athletes who sustain injuries may have psychological effects such as irritation, worry, and dread of being hurt again. It's critical to offer goal-setting, counselling, and positive reinforcement as psychological support for wounded athletes. Faster recuperation and a return to sports can be facilitated by keeping an optimistic outlook and concentrating on the healing process.
- Professionals in sports medicine's role: Sports doctors, athletic trainers, and physiotherapists are among the medical specialists in sports medicine who are vital in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sports injuries. Their knowledge helps in the efficient management of injuries and the enhancement of athletes' general health and well-being.
Chapter 8: Biomechanics and Sports
The concepts of biomechanics as they relate to sports performance are covered in Chapter 8: Biomechanics and Sports in CBSE Class 12 Physical Education. This is a brief overview:
- Introduction: Learn about the mechanical concepts that underpin human movement in sports with this introduction to biomechanics.
- Types of Biomechanics: Sports movement analysis using qualitative and quantitative biomechanics research.
- Motion: Analysing the various forms of motion and how they relate to sports, including angular, general, and linear motion.
- Force: Examining the idea of force and how it applies to motions in sports, covering friction, internal, and external forces.
- Newton's Laws of Motion: Knowing the principles of inertia, acceleration, and action-reaction and how they apply to athletic performance.
- Friction: Examining how friction functions in sports, how it affects performance, and how to lessen its impacts.
- Equilibrium: Examining the idea of balance and its importance in preserving stability during athletic motions.
- Projectile: Knowing how projectile motion is used in sports like football, cricket, and athletics.
- Elements Affecting Projectile Trajectory: Analysing how air resistance, height, angle, and velocity affect projectile trajectory in sports.
- Fluid Mechanics: Introducing fluid mechanics and its application to sports, such as swimming's drag and buoyancy forces.
- Angular kinematics: The study of acceleration, velocity, and angular displacement in rotating motion in sports.
- Angular Kinetics: Examining how torque is applied and how it produces and regulates rotational motion in sports.
- Linear Motion: Understanding linear motion and how it relates to athletic performance, including ideas like momentum and impulse, is known as linear kinetics.
- Key biomechanical concepts: Including leverage, stability, balance, momentum and energy conservation, are summarised in Biomechanical Principles.
Chapter 9: Psychology and Sports
Sports psychologists have developed concepts that players and coaches may use to improve mental toughness, maximise performance, and succeed in sports.
- Comprehending Psychology: Psychology, which includes topics like motivation, focus, confidence, and anxiety control, is vital to sports success.
- Motivation: To succeed in athletics, one must be motivated. It may originate extrinsically—from outside sources—or intrinsically—from inside. Coaches may motivate players in a big way by using different strategies including goal-setting and reinforcement.
- Concentration: Athletes need to be able to concentrate to stay focused during practice and competition. Attentional focus, imaging, and visualisation are some techniques that athletes can use to improve their ability to concentrate.
- Self-assurance: Self-assurance is the conviction that one can achieve. Encouragement from teammates and coaches, as well as positive self-talk and successful experiences, may all help build self-confidence.
- Anxiety Management: Performance in sports can be adversely affected by anxiety. Through cognitive restructuring, stress reduction tactics, and relaxation techniques, athletes can learn how to handle their anxiety.
- Arousal: Athlete arousal is the state of maximal physiological and psychological engagement. The ideal amount of arousal varies based on the activity at hand and personal preferences. Athletes can control their arousal levels by using techniques like gradual muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
- Mental Imaging: Mental imaging is practising techniques in your mind or picturing yourself succeeding. It can raise performance by strengthening technique, boosting self-assurance, and lowering nervousness.
- Goal-setting: Athletes may maintain concentration and motivation by creating SMART (specific, measurable, realistic, relevant, and time-bound) objectives. Athletes should receive coaching on how to create reasonable objectives and track their progress.
- Group dynamics and leadership: To encourage and motivate their teammates, coaches and team captains must possess strong leadership qualities. Comprehending group dynamics can assist coaches in promoting unity and collaboration among team members.
- Sports Psychology Methods: Include relaxation training, cognitive-behavioural strategies, and biofeedback, among other interventions, to assist athletes to improve their mental abilities and performance.
Chapter 10: Training in Sports
Coaches and athletes need to comprehend these training philosophies and techniques to create customised, efficient training plans that maximise performance while lowering injury risk.
- Overview of Sports Training: Enhancing one's physical health and athletic performance is the goal of training, which is a methodical and organised procedure. Physical, physiological, psychological, and skill-related aspects are among the many components involved.
- The Value of Training: Strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, agility, and skill mastery are all improved by training. It lessens the possibility of accidents and facilitates healing thereafter. Confidence, focus, and mental discipline are fostered by proper training.
- Fundamentals of Instruction:
- Overload: For improvements to take place, the workload needs to be higher than what the body is used to.
- Specificity: To optimise performance improvements, training should be tailored specifically to the sport or activity.
- Progression: To prevent overtraining and injury, a gradual increase in training volume, frequency, or intensity.
- Reversibility: Should training be stopped, any gains made would be lost.
- Variation: Including a range of training techniques to avoid monotony and plateaus.
- Techniques of Instruction:
- Continuous Training: Exercising steadily and moderately for a longer amount of time to increase aerobic endurance.
- Interval training improves both anaerobic and aerobic fitness by alternating between bouts of high-intensity exercise and rest or low-intensity activity.
- Fartlek training allows for variations in pace and intensity through the mix of continuous and intermittent exercise.
- Circuit training is a set of exercises that are done one after the other with little to no rest in between, focusing on various muscle groups and enhancing general fitness.
- Plyometric training: powerful workouts that increase strength and agility, such as hops and leaps.
- Stretching activities to increase range of motion and guard against injuries is called flexibility training.
- Organising the Training: Training regimens must be customised, taking into account variables including age, degree of fitness, objectives, and time constraints. Periodization is the process of breaking down the training regimen into discrete stages, each of which focuses on a different objective, such as peak performance, strength, or endurance.
- Observation and Assessment: Training regimens may be adjusted for the best outcomes by regularly evaluating performance and conducting fitness tests to gauge improvement.
The complete syllabus for physical education classes in the 12th grade is outlined in the Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus for the academic year 2025–2026. It discusses the subjects taught and the goals set for the pupils. There are two components to the test that students take to be evaluated in this subject: theory and practical. Thirty marks are awarded for the practical portion and seventy marks for the theory portion.