CBSE Syllabus Political Science Class 12 2026 | Free PDF for 2025-26 Exams

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Latest CBSE Class 12 Political Science Syllabus


Like Class 12 Political Science, History also discusses the political events that occurred in the past. The subject is theoretical and important but with the help of the CBSE Class 12 History Syllabus, you can create a combined study plan & bifurcate it accordingly. 

S. No. Bloom Typologies (as per NEP 2023) Total %
1 Easy difficulty level:
Remembering | Understanding
2 Medium difficulty level:
3 Hard difficulty level:
Analysis | Evaluate | Create
TOTAL 100%

Parts Units Marks
A PART A- Contemporary World Politics
1. The End of Bipolarity 06
2. Contemporary Centers of Power 06
3. Contemporary South Asia 06
4. International Organizations 06
5. Security in Contemporary World 06
6. Environment and Natural Resources 06
7. Globalisation 04
B PART B- Politics in India Since Independence
1. Challenges of Nation Building 06
2. Era of One-Party Dominance 04
3. Politics of Planned Development 02
4. India’s External Relations 06
5. Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System 04
6. The Crisis of Democratic Order 04
7. Regional Aspirations 06
8. Recent Developments in Indian Politics 08
Practical File (12) + Viva Voce (08) 20

Political Science Class 12 Syllabus: Summary

The goal of the CBSE Political Science class 12 Syllabus is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of political concepts, theories, and developments. It is divided into two sections: Part B caters to Politics in India since Independence, while Part A is focused on Contemporary World Politics. The contents of the CBSE Class 12 Political Science syllabus are outlined as follows:

PART A- Contemporary World Politics

Chapter 1: The End of Bipolarity

The time after the end of the Cold War is generally addressed in Chapter 1 of the CBSE Class 12 Political Science textbook, "The End of Bipolarity," with a concentration on the dissolution of the bipolar world order headed by the US and the USSR.

Chapter 2: Contemporary Centers of Power

"Contemporary Centers of Power," Chapter 2 of the CBSE Class 12 Political Science syllabus, usually discusses the major centers of power in current world politics. It challenges students to think critically about how power and influence are evolving on a global scale.

Chapter 3: Contemporary South Asia

Chapter 3 gives students a thorough grasp of the political, economic, and social variables influencing Modern South Asia, enabling them to engage in critical analysis of the region's difficulties and complexity.

Chapter 4: International Organizations

To provide students with a better grasp of the composition, roles, and importance of international organizations in the modern world order, this synopsis summarizes the main ideas in CBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4: International Organizations.

Chapter 5: Security in Contemporary World

In general, Chapter 5 gives students a thorough grasp of security concerns in the modern world. It covers efforts to encourage peace, stability, and cooperation at both the regional and global levels as well as classic and non-traditional security difficulties.

Chapter 6: Environment and Natural Resources

The sixth chapter of the CBSE Class 12 Political Science textbook, "Environment and Natural Resources," examines the complex interrelationships between politics and the environment, emphasizing topics such as resource management, environmentally friendly development, and conservation. 

Chapter 7: Globalization

India is addressing ecological and social problems, promoting exports, and luring in foreign investment as part of its response to globalization. The main ideas (Dimensions, Drivers, Effects, Responses, and Critiques) addressed in a standard CBSE Class 12 Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 chapter 5 globalization

PART B- Politics in India Since Independence

Chapter 1: Challenges of Nation-Building

The first chapter of the CBSE Class 12 Political Science textbook, "Challenges of Nation-Building," generally addresses the challenges that recently independent countries have in forging and solidifying their identity as coherent, functional states.

Chapter 2: Era of One-Party Dominance

In this chapter, the role of the Indian National Congress and its effects on India's democracy and government are highlighted, giving students a knowledge of the political dynamics during the one-party era. It emphasizes the value of democratic procedures and ideals while fostering a critical examination of the advantages and disadvantages of the established party structure.

Chapter 3: Politics of Planned Development

The necessity of a comprehensive approach to development that considers economic, social, and environmental factors is emphasized in the chapter's conclusion. It emphasizes how crucial social justice, sustainable development, and democratic leadership are to determining India's development strategy.

Chapter 4: India’s External Relations

In-depth information about India's foreign policy, including its core values, development, goals, and obstacles, as well as bilateral and multilateral interactions, economic diplomacy, strategic alliances, and participation in international organizations, are covered in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System

The chapter ends with an emphasis on the Congress party's tenacity in overcoming obstacles and a reaffirmation of its domination in Indian politics, despite a changed political environment marked by increased diversity and competition.

Chapter 6: The Crisis of Democratic Order

Students can develop a thorough grasp of the difficulties and complexity underlying the crisis of democratic order, both internationally and concerning India, by completing Chapter 6 of CBSE Class 12 Political Science. It promotes analysis, critical thinking, and introspection on the values and applications of democracy in modern society.

Chapter 7: Regional Aspirations

With a focus on the effects of regionalism on politics, governance, and national cohesion, Chapter 7 in the Class 12 Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 offers insights into the intricate dynamics of regionalism in India. Students are encouraged to examine potential solutions to meet regional ambitions within the parameters of India's federal system, as well as to critically analyze the sources and effects of these desires.

Chapter 8: Recent Developments in Indian Politics

The "Recent Developments in Indian Politics," the 8th chapter of CBSE Class 12 Political Science, ends with a summary of some of the problems that Indian democracy is currently confronting, such as challenges to pluralism and secularism, election fraud, criminalization of politics, and corruption.

CBSE Deleted Political Science Class 12 Syllabus:

Part A- Contemporary World Politics

Chapter 1: The Cold War Era.

Chapter 3: US Hegemony in World Politics 

Part B- Politics in India Since Independence

Chapter 2: Era of One-party Dominance

Chapter 3: Politics of Planned Development

  • Content with Visual- Page 62
  • Exercise Questions 7, 8, and 9 - Page 63

Chapter 6: The Crisis of Democratic Order 

Chapter 7: Rise of Popular Movements

Chapter 9: Recent Developments in Indian Politics

  • Gujarat Riots
  • Question 1(f) - Page 194

CBSE Political Science Class XII Syllabus: Importance

It has multiple benefits to having the Political Science syllabus for Class 12:

Encouraging Interaction and Communication: The syllabus promotes communication and participation between instructors and students, which helps to create a supportive learning environment.

Setting the Tone: The Political Science Syllabus Class 12 helps students understand the course's direction and goals by breaking down difficult content into simpler terms.

Encouraging Academic Performance: It provides vital information that outlines the goals, objectives, and learning outcomes of the course and helps students succeed academically.

Offering Structure: The syllabus describes the course's organization, including the roles of the students and the outcomes they may anticipate.

Outlining the Function of Teachers: It outlines the duties of the instructor in promoting the general growth of the class by offering direction and assistance when required.

Emphasizing Student Responsibilities: By outlining objectives and commitments, the syllabus helps students understand their part in the educational process.

Encouraging Supplementary Learning: This describes extra materials and extracurricular pursuits that might improve students' comprehension and learning process.

It's advised that students strictly adhere to the syllabus when preparing for the board examinations because it's the official guideline from the CBSE board. One can effortlessly and conveniently access the curriculum by carrying a copy with them on their devices. The syllabus gives students an understanding of the significance of each chapter by providing important details like the marks distribution throughout the chapters. 

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Syllabus 2024-25 also covers project work in full, including how to turn it in. Additionally, it provides a term-by-term outline of each chapter, which is useful for year-round preparation. As a result, it's advised that students keep the printed version of the curriculum to remain prepared and organised.

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