CBSE Syllabus Psychology Class 12 2026 | Free PDF for 2025-26 Exams

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CBSE Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2024-25

Psychology is an elective offered by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for students enrolled in senior secondary education. Students can gain knowledge about human experiences, actions, and ideas within a cultural and historical framework by doing this. The goal of the CBSE Psychology subject is to stimulate students' curiosity and comprehension while introducing them to the fundamental ideas, tenets, and techniques of psychology. 

The purpose of the Psychology Syllabus class 12 2024-25 is to demonstrate to students how various circumstances and conditions affect psychological knowledge as well as behaviours. It helps in their comprehension of the subtleties of behaviour. CBSE Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2025 was released and below, we have provided you with a simple analysis of the Class 12 Psychology Syllabus, along with:

  • PDF download -> 2024-25 (latest) and past year syllabus
  • Detailed analysis -> blueprint of all units & chapters

Latest Syllabus Psychology Class 12

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2023-24 Reduced Syllabus

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(for reference purposes)

S. No. Bloom Typologies (as per NEP 2023) Total %
1 Easy difficulty level:
Demonstrate Knowledge | Understanding
2 Medium difficulty level:
3 Hard difficulty level:
Analysis | Evaluate | Create
TOTAL 100%

Goals include 

  • Assist students in grasping human concepts and behaviours concerning their environment and society.
  • Develop an awareness of the various applications of psychological knowledge in life.
  • Motivate students to develop into perceptive, socially aware, and self-aware people.
  • Encourage students to be engaged as accountable contributors to society by supporting them on their path to personal growth and effectiveness.
Units Unit Names Marks
I Variations in Psychological Attributes 13
II Self and Personality 13
III Meeting Life Challenges 09
IV Psychological Disorders 12
V Therapeutic Approaches 09
VI Attitude and Social Cognition 08
VII Social Influence and Group Processes 06
Practical File & Case Profile (10) + Viva Voce (05) +
Two Practicals & Reporting (15)

CBSE Class 12th Psychology Syllabus 2024-25 Structure

The course content in the Class 12 psychology syllabus includes the listed topics and concepts. 

Unit I: Variations in Psychological Attributes

  1. Introduction
  2. Individual Differences in Human Functioning
  3. Assessment of Psychological Attributes 
  4. Intelligence 
  5. Psychometric Theories of Intelligence, Information Processing Theory: Planning, Attention-arousal and Simultaneous successive Model of Intelligence, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence; Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
  6. Individual Differences in Intelligence
  7. Culture and Intelligence
  8. Emotional Intelligence
  9. Special Abilities: Aptitude: Nature and Measurement
  10. Creativity

The psychology textbook for class 12 begins with a chapter called "Variations in Psychological Attributes." It discusses how individual differences exist in both physical and mental characteristics. The variation, which also goes by the name "individual differences," occurs both inside and between distinct species. People may differ, for example, in their ability to: acquire difficult thoughts, adapt to their environment, learn from their experiences, use various forms of reasoning, overcome obstacles, and feel inspired - feel discouraged.

Unit II: Self and Personality

  1. Introduction
  2. Self and Personality
  3. Concept of Self
  4. Cognitive and Behavioural aspects of Self
  5. Culture and Self
  6. Concept of Personality
  7. Major Approaches to the Study of Personality
  • Type Approaches
  • Trait Approaches
  • Psychodynamic Approach and Post-Freudian Approaches
  • Behavioural Approach
  • Cultural Approach
  • Humanistic Approach
  1. Assessment of Personality
  • Self-report Measures
  • Projective Techniques
  • Behavioural Analysis

Self and personality are the characteristics that make us who we are. Our behaviour reflects these qualities, which are frequently moulded by the experiences we have had in life. They are what distinguish each person, causing people to behave differently even under identical conditions.

Unit III: Meeting Life Challenges

  1. Introduction
  2. Nature, Types and Sources of Stress
  3. Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health
  • Stress and Health
  • General Adaptation Syndrome
  • Stress and Immune System
  • Lifestyle
  1. Coping with Stress
  • Stress Management Techniques
  1. Promoting Positive Health and Well-being
  • Life Skills
  • Positive Health

It's not always the case that overcoming obstacles in life results in stress. Our perception of difficulty is important. Stress is like electricity; it gives you energy, but too much or too little of it may be harmful. In the same way, having too much or too little stress may be detrimental to our well-being. A healthy amount of stress is beneficial to us.

Unit IV: Psychological Disorders

  1. Introduction
  2. Concepts of Abnormality and Psychological Disorders
  • Historical Background
  1. Classification of Psychological Disorders
  2. Factors Underlying Abnormal Behaviour
  3. Major Psychological Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
  • Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders
  • Somatic Symptoms and Related Disorders
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Depressive Disorder
  • Bipolar and Related Disorders
  • Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic
  • Disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders
  • Feeding and Eating Disorders
  • Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

Numerous psychological variables might lead to the development of psychological illnesses, as stated in the study of psychological disorders covered in class 12. Some of these variables are maternal deprivation, severe stress, flawed parents, and maladaptive family structures. These elements emphasise how crucial it is to comprehend how relationships and the environment affect mental health as well as the possible risk factors that might result in psychological diseases.

Unit V: Therapeutic Approaches

  1. Nature and Process of Psychotherapy
  • Therapeutic relationship
  1. Types of Therapies
  • Behaviour Therapy
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Humanistic-Existential Therapy
  • Alternative Therapies
  • Factors contributing to healing in Psychotherapy
  • Ethics in Psychotherapy
  1. Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill

The chapter also covers several approaches to treatment, such as behavioural, cognitive, and psychodynamic therapy. These therapy modalities seek to address psychological problems and help people cope with them. The therapist and the patient or client have an interpersonal interaction in all of them. While some treatments, like person-centred therapy, are non-directional and let the client take the lead, others, like psychodynamic therapy, are controlling, meaning the therapist directs the process.

Unit VI: Attitude and Social Cognition

  1. Introduction
  2. Explaining Social Behaviour
  3. Nature and Components of Attitudes
  4. Attitude Formation and Change
  • Attitude Formation
  • Attitude Change
  • Attitude-Behaviour Relationship
  1. Prejudice and Discrimination
  2. Strategies for Handling Prejudice

The sixth chapter of the class 12 CBSE psychology textbook is named "Attitude and Social Cognition." This chapter looks at how people form their attitudes—that is, how they think about different subjects and other people. It also explores how these views might be shaped by social forces.

Unit VII: Social Influence and Group Processes

  1. Introduction
  2. Nature and Formation of Groups
  3. Type of Groups
  4. Influence of Group on Individual Behaviour
  • Social Loafing
  • Group Polarisation

Members of a cohesive group think, feel, and act more like one coherent social unit than like distinct individuals. Members of highly cohesive groups are typically more dedicated to remaining in the group than members of less cohesive groups.

Class 12 Psychology Practical Syllabus

  1. Development of case profile:

Using appropriate methods like interviews, observation & psychological tests.

  1. Test administration:

Students are required to administer and interpret five psychological tests related to various psychological attributes like intelligence, aptitude, attitude, personality, etc.

  1. In the Practical examination, the student will be required to administer and interpret two psychological tests.

How to Prepare for Board Exam Using Class XII Psychology Syllabus

Become acquainted with the syllabus: Get a copy of the Class 12 Psychology syllabus for CBSE from your school or the official CBSE website. To comprehend the subjects, grading system, and weight assigned to each unit, thoroughly go over it.

Establish a Study Timetable: Determine the best times to study each subject by consulting the syllabus. Make sure you cover every subject methodically, devoting more attention to complicated subjects.

Gain a thorough knowledge of the concepts: Pay close attention to the basic ideas covered in each unit. To understand ideas, concepts, and research findings better, use your textbook, lecture notes, and any other resources.

Take Notes: While learning, jot down brief notes that highlight crucial concepts, definitions, and significant theories. During editing, these notes will be a handy source of information.

Practice the Question Papers from Previous Years: To become familiar with the format of the test, the kinds of questions that are asked, and time management, solve previous years' question papers. It will also assist you in determining which areas require further practice.

Practice Sample Papers: In addition to past years' exams, work through sample paper questions created especially for the CBSE Class 12 Psychology examination. This will introduce you to a range of inquiries and assist you in determining the extent of your readiness.

Tips & Tricks to Score 90 Above in Class 12 Psychology 

Use Point Format: Provide your ideas succinctly and clearly while responding to detailed questions. Whenever appropriate, use graphical or visual representations to improve comprehension and visibility.

Study the Paper: Before responding to any questions, quickly go over the full document to determine how the marks are distributed and set priorities.

Frame Answer Skeleton: Before writing, list the major ideas or organization of your long-answer answer in the margin. This keeps your response organized and coherent throughout.

Be Concise: Try to be brief and precise while asking inquiries. Don't overly elaborate; just give the information that is needed.

As a Class 12 CBSE subject, psychology provides students with a combination of academic and practical knowledge. By utilizing appropriate materials like CBSE Class 12 Psychology Previous Year Papers and following a methodical study schedule, students can attain high test results. They can also get a basic grasp of the topic, which will be helpful if they choose to pursue psychology as a field of study.

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