CBSE Class 10 Topper Tips for English

Class 10 Topper Tips to Score Maximum Marks in English Language and Literature

I love the English subject and with my interest and will to practice more and more, I was able to score 99% marks in it. But this is exactly the catch! You have to practice the subject as much as you can to perform well in your exams.

One way to attempt the paper with confidence is by being prepared with all the concepts of Grammar and Literature before revision time. And the other way is by attempting the paper smartly so there is no way the paper checker can deduct your marks.

The team at Educart Publications approached me with the aim to help you guys with some tips on how to attempt the English Board Paper in the best way. Read along to know what things I kept in mind to perform so well in the exam.


The CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature (Code 184) Board Paper has a mix of all types of questions. But the trick is to understand which question you must attempt first. To figure that out, keep the following things in mind.

  • 15-Minute Hack: Make most of the 15 minutes given before the exam and read the whole paper thoroughly. You can also figure out the answers for the MCQs.
  • Paper Pattern: Read and try to understand the division of sections and marks given in the beginning of the paper.
  • Internal Choices: Look for internal choices and mark the questions you think you can answer the best.
  • Sections Order: Decide which section you will need to answer first so that you can manage your time best.
  • Stay on Track: Keep a look on your watch to stay motivated to keep going.
  • Stick to the Point: Answer the question exactly as it asks. Be specific and do not deviate from the answer.
  • Write Correct Question Number: Make sure you write the correct question number against an answer in your answer sheet. This can help you save a lot of marks.
  • Word Limit: Do not exceed the word limit for any question. This will help you save time.
  • Think and Answer: Give a good thought to the answer first and then analyse if the answer will be appropriate according to the question.
  • Avoid Grammar Mistakes: It is best to read the sentences you write for any possible spelling or Grammar mistakes. 
  • Good Handwriting: Your answers are of no use if they are not legible. So, make sure you don’t rush into writing all the answers.
  • Revise at the End: Leave some time to analyse the questions you were confused about.


Every question in the English Board Paper needs to be answered differently. So, this may cause confusion about the best way to attempt each of them. Down below are some tips on how you can attempt each section of the English Language and Literature paper capably.

  1. Objective Questions: This section includes MCQs under the Reading section and Inference-based questions under the Literature and Grammar sections..
  • Do not spend more than 2 minutes per question.
  • Read every question carefully and then only choose the answer.
  • In case of passage or picture-based inference questions, analyse them promptly but carefully so that you can answer them easily.
  • It is common to rush into reading the passages and images. You don’t have to read the whole passages but you must understand the concept behind them. And then write the answer in direct accordance with the questions.
  • If unsure, follow the rule of elimination to come up with the right option.
  • Try to figure out the answers during the 15-minute reading time only.
  • Since these questions hold 1m each, try not to put too much effort in writing their answers. Stick to the objective answer only.
  • Lastly, pay attention to what you read and write. If you are copying something from the question, make sure that the spellings are correct.

  1. Subjective Questions: The English 2021 Board paper included objective inference-based questions for Literature and Grammar.
  • Try to identify the central theme and subtheme of the questions so that you can answer them to the point.
  • If possible, answer the questions in bullets or at least underline the important points.
  • Never digress from the main answer. Stick to the point so that it is easier for the paper checker to allot maximum marks. This also saves you time while attempting the paper.
  • Since you have a lot to write in these questions, lay extra focus on avoiding spelling and grammar mistakes. These mistakes can cause deduction of a lot of marks.
  • In case of a reference or event-based question, add correct names of the characters so that there is no confusion to the paper checker while allotting you marks.
  • Dedicate a considerate amount of time to each question so that there is some left at the end for revision.

  1. Writing Section: This section is a subsection of the subjective questions including Letter and Analytical Paragraph writing.
  • Reasoning with the question is a must in the writing section. You must be able to justify what is asked in the question and then illustrate your level of understanding accordingly.
  • Stick to the format of the letter or paragraph according to what your teacher has taught you.
  • For an informal letter, try using your creativity, vocabulary skills, and organisation of ideas to present your answers in the best way.
  • For a formal letter, make sure you insert appropriate designation and salutations.
  • For Analytical Paragraph writing, cover the word limit with all the possible evaluations that you can make, However, these observations must be presented in an understandable manner.
  • Your style and tone must be appropriate according to the format of the letter or paragraph.
  • Make sure that all the sentences make sense together, ensuring a conventional fluency.
  • Re-check your writing for any spelling or Grammar mistakes to avoid the deduction of marks.
  • Writing answers for such questions can become quite boring. So, I always switch between the types of questions to keep the momentum. But make sure you mark the questions correctly.


Like most language subjects, English can also be a scoring subject in which all you have to do is write the right things. And for that you must avail reliable study material and resources. For subject revision before exams, I strongly recommend the EDUCART FINAL REVISION OF ALL SUBJECTS 2021.

This All-in-One book is the perfect solution for quick revision in a small turnaround. It covers everything from concise chapter summaries to detailed tips for attempting all the questions efficiently. This book is totally worth your time and efforts!

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