Lesson Plan for Accounts Class 11 PDF

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Accountancy Class 11 

Class 11 Accountancy provides basic knowledge of accounting subjects, ensuring a better knowledge of the concepts essential for future career aspects in business, entrepreneurship, and financial studies. The Class 11 Accounts provide explanations of the accounting process and financial accounting. 

Creating structured lesson plans for class 11 accounts offers multiple benefits. It ensures systematic and structured learning. It helps teachers and students explain and understand complex concepts. Educart has come up with numerous accounting lesson plans to ensure that our teachers and students are always equipped with the right and easy study material.

Lesson Plans from DIKSHA

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 2 Theory Base of Accounting Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 3 Recording of Transactions-I Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 3 Recording of Transactions-II Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 6 Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 7 Depreciation, Provisions, and Reserves Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 8 Bills of Exchange Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 9 Financial Statements-I Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 10 Financial Statements-II Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 11 Accounts from Incomplete Records Class 11 Lesson Plans

<red> ➜ <red>Chapter 12 Applications of Computers in Accounting Class 11 Lesson Plans

What Does the Class 11 Accounts Syllabus Contain?

The Class 11 accounts are divided into two parts, A and B. Understanding the syllabus is very important for excelling in exams. Here is a detailed view of the syllabus: 

Part A: Financial Accounting I

Unit 1: Theoretical Framework 

The theoretical basis of accounting and an introduction to accounting are included in the theoretical framework. It teaches accounting's fundamental ideas, goals, and significance in addition to its concepts and principles, which include GST. The question paper for this unit has a total of 12 marks.

Unit 2: Accounting Process 

With the most weight on the exam paper, Unit 2 is important. Over half of the total marks, or 44 marks, have been given for it. The documentation of company transactions, bank reconciliation statements, depreciation, provisions, and reserves are important subjects. It imparts information on trial balances, ledger accounts, depreciation calculation techniques, the significance of provisions and reserves, and the requirement for and preparation of bank reconciliation statements.

Part B: Financial Accounting II 

Unit 3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship 

The third unit, which has a question paper with 24 marks, covers subjects such as creating a balance sheet, interest on capital, managing commissions, trade and profit and loss accounts, and financial statement preparation for a sole proprietorship.

How do I excel in the Class 11 Accounts exam?

Studying accounts can be challenging, but with the right approach, students can excel in this subject. Here are some tips for effective study:

  • Focus on understanding the fundamental concepts thoroughly; this helps in applying the concepts to numerous problems.
  • Accounting involves a lot of practical work. Regular practice of problems and exercises is important to gain proficiency. 
  • Use multiple resources. While the NCERT book is primary, using supplementary books can provide a better understanding of the complex concepts.
  • Keep your notes and books organised. This will help you easily review topics and prepare for exams. 
  • Use the teach-back method and explain topics to your friends for better retention of the learning.
  • Incorporate short breaks while studying. You can also implement the Pomodoro technique while making your study schedule. 
  • Regularly Solve the CBSE Class 11 Accounts Sample Paper to familiarise yourself with the types of questions that may appear in the exam, and it also helps in analysing your preparation.
  • Practising with sample papers and taking mock tests will help you find the weaker areas so that you can work on them. 

Using additional resources, study tips, and understanding the syllabus, excelling in the CBSE Class 11 Accounts exam is well within reach. The lesson plan for accounting promotes structured learning by helping students and teachers stay organised.

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