CBSE Biology Class 12 Topper Tips

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Class 12 Topper Tips to Score Maximum Marks in Biology

If you are here then you must be looking for some effective tips from toppers over the years. On this page, you will find my best tips that can help you score good marks in the CBSE Class 12 Biology Board Paper without stressing out till the last day.

Scoring marks is not hard. But Biology is a subject with three widely different subjects inside- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. To achieve a better understanding of each subject and then attempt the paper, you need to be consistent and dedicated to the curriculum.

So, let’s learn how you can score 99% marks in CBSE Class 12 Biology Board Examination by attempting the paper efficiently as I did!


There are some specific ways that you must follow to attempt the CBSE Class 12 Biology Board Paper. This includes keeping the following things in mind.

  • 15-Minute Hack: Make most of the 15 minutes given before the exam and read the whole paper thoroughly.
  • Paper Pattern: Read and try to understand the division of sections and marks given at the beginning of the paper.
  • Internal Choices: Look for internal choices and mark the questions you think you can answer the best.
  • Sections Order: Decide which section you will need to answer first so that you can manage your time in the best way
  • Good Handwriting: Your answers are of no use if they are not legible. So, make sure you don’t rush into writing all the answers.
  • Revise at the End: Leave some time to analyse the questions you were confused about.

Further, you must study the paper pattern in detail. Read the tips given to learn how to attempt each section of the Biology paper capably.

  1. Objective Questions: The Biology Board Paper will have MCQs, VSAs, Assertion Reason, and Case-based questions.
  • Do not spend more than 1-2 minutes per question.
  • Read every question carefully and then only choose the answer (in the case of MCQ/A/R).
  • In MCQ, If unsure, follow the rule of elimination to come up with the right option.
  • In A/R questions, you can put each statement from an individual perspective and you will know if they can be true or false.

  1. Short Answer-type Questions (SA1 and SA2): This section will have 2m and 3m questions.
  • Answer all the questions in bullets to present your answer to the point.
  • Make sure you underline the key points to make it easy for the paper checker to understand your answers.
  • Add diagrams, examples, and reactions wherever possible or needed.
  • Always stick to the point without deviating from what is asked in the question.

  1. Long Answer-type Questions: This section will include all 5m questions.
  • Read every question and its parts carefully and answer them one by one.
  • Provide more than 5 points minimum for characteristics/features or process-related questions to score full marks.
  • Re-check if you have not left out any part of a question. A very common mistake!


Our latest CLASS 12 EDUCART QUESTION BANKS FOR 2022 EXAMS are a complete solution for exam preparation with new pattern chapter-wise questions, Topper's corner, Competency-based Q’s, Self Assessment Questions and Papers, and Topper Answers.

Any other information regarding the CBSE curriculum, paper pattern, study material, and notifications is available below in the supporting links.

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