CBSE Physics Class 12 Topper Tips

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Many students considered Physics to be one of the toughest subjects in CBSE. However, if studied in an organised and efficient manner it can turn into a scoring subject. I scored 97 in my class 12th. Physics is a bit of a practical subject. It looks tough unless you see the definitions and theories that are working in practical life. 

The team at Educart Publications approached me intending to help you guys with some of my favourite tips on how to attempt the Physics Board Paper in the best way. Read along to know what things I kept in mind to perform so well in the exam.

Tips for Attempting Paper

There are some specific ways that you must follow to attempt the CBSE Class 10 Science Board Paper. This includes keeping the following things in mind.

  1. 15-Minute Hack: Utilise the first 15 minutes (Reading time) in choosing the questions you will be attempting (Optional questions markers) and solve all the one markers mentally in those 15 minutes.
  2. Paper Pattern: Read and try to understand the division of sections and marks given at the beginning of the paper.
  3. Internal Choices: Look for internal choices and mark the questions you think you can answer the best.
  4. Sections Order: Decide which section you will need to answer first so that you can manage your time in the best way.
  5. Speed: Write FAST. Physics paper isn't very tough, but finishing it in time can be a problem.
  6. Good Handwriting: Your answers are of no use if they are not legible. So, make sure you don’t rush into writing all the answers. Leave lines wherever you wish, a beautiful paper will score more than an ill-organised paper.
  7. Revise at the End: Leave some time to analyse the questions you were confused about.

Further, you must study the paper pattern in detail. Read the tips given to learn how to attempt each section of the Physics paper capably.

Objective Questions

The first section of the paper is MCQ-type questions.

  • Start with the first section, read every question and think about the answer in your mind. This is gonna take like 5 minutes.
  • Do not spend more than 1-2 minutes per question.
  • Use the process of elimination. Eliminate the options which you are sure are incorrect and then those correct options. If you are 100% sure about the correct answer then also use this technique to choose the right one. 
  • Read every option, before choosing the correct answer. Don’t quickly assume the answer after reading the question, this can end up choosing the wrong answer. 
  • Analyse the wording of the question to avoid mistakes while attempting the question. 
  • Lastly, pay attention to what you read and write. If you are copying something from the question, make sure that the spellings are correct.

After attempting ALL THE QUESTIONS (write something even if you don't know the exact answer) go through your answer sheet and rectify all the mistakes.

Short Answer-type Questions

  • Write the answer according to the marks distribution
  • Use bullet points to make your answer easy to read for the examiner.
  • Underline or highlight the title, sub-title and important keywords
  •  Pay close attention to the wording of the question. How many questions are asked to do and what is asked to write. 
  • Do not elaborate on the pointers much. 

Long Answer-type Questions 

  • Allot the time as per the marks carried by a question. 
  • Write answers in points and briefly explain every pointer.
  • Provide more than 5 points minimum for characteristics/features or process-related questions to score full marks.
  • Choose Numerical over Theory questions. Because, if you solve a numerical correctly you get full marks, but instead if you attempt a theory question, to get full marks it needs to be very accurate.

Unit Representation Mistakes

An important thing that I learned during my preparation for the Physics 2020 exam is that correct unit representation is a must. You must always write the units in the correct format as directed in the CBSE guidelines. Given below are some examples.

  • Length - cm, mm, m, km (instead of cms, mms, ms, kms)
  • Area - sq cm, sq m, sq km, (instead of cm, m, km)
  • Volume - cu cm, cu m, cu km (instead of c, mm, m, k)
  • Speed and Mass - km/h, kg, g (instead of km/hr, kg, gs)


Physics is one of the most difficult exams in class 12th. Most students struggle with Physics because it includes a lot of numerical. Make sure you have all the complete material for study or revision.

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