ICSE Class 10 Hindi Syllabus 2025-2026 | PDF Download

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Class 10 ICSE Hindi syllabus for the academic year 2025-2026 is expected to follow a similar structure to previous years, covering important topics and objectives to help students develop their language skills. The assessment for this subject will be divided into two parts: the theory section, which will be graded out of 80 marks, and the internal assessment, contributing 20 marks. Stay tuned for updates and detailed information on the syllabus!

ICSE Syllabus Class 10 Hindi

Hindi is the second language under Group 1 of the CISCE Group-wise Subject distribution list. The purpose of including a second language is to appreciate language for effective communication, acquire knowledge of language elements, develop an interest in the language, understand spoken language at normal speed, and grasp basic structural patterns, vocabulary, and constructions.

Section A: ICSE Class 10 Hindi Paper

This section will contain four compulsory questions. 

  • Composition

The composition will be of 15 marks. Candidates will be required to write one composition, in the language, which may include short explanations, directions, descriptions, or narratives. Candidates will have a choice of subjects, which will be diverse and may be inspired by language or other stimuli such as pictures and objects.

  • Letter

The letter will be of 7 marks and the candidates will have the option to choose from two subjects and write a letter accordingly. Suggestions may be provided. The layout of the letter with its address, introduction, conclusion, etc., will form part of the assessment.

  • Comprehension

Comprehension will be of 10 marks. An unseen passage of about 250 words will be given in the language. Questions on the passage will be set for answers in the language, designed to test the candidates' understanding of the content of the passage.

  • Grammar

There will be 8-mark questions from Grammar. This will consist of tests in the use of language vocabulary, syntax, and idioms, synthesis in sentence construction, and formation of sentences in the language correctly embodying given words or forms. The question will not require any knowledge of grammatical terms. 

Section B: ICSE Class 10 Hindi Paper 

The question paper will contain structured and short-answer questions. Candidates must answer four questions from only two of the prescribed textbooks. All questions will be presented in the language, and candidates are expected to respond in the same language. These questions are designed to evaluate the candidate's comprehension of the subject matter covered in the prescribed books.

Internal Assessment: ICSE Class 10 Hindi Paper (Detail Overview)

The assignment will be of a total of 20 Marks where 10 marks for Internal Evaluation (by the internal examiner) and 10 marks for External Evaluation (by the external examiner)..

Two or three assignments of appropriate length/duration will be assigned, out of which two must be written assignments. These written assignments should include one from the language component and one from the literature component of the syllabus. 

Language Assignment


  • Prepared speech or declamation
  • Impromptu speech, debate, or discussion
  • Report or interview
  • Elocution
  • Role-play or general conversation on selected topics

Creative Writing

Students are required to write short compositions, approximately 300 to 400 words each, based on stimuli such as:

  • A piece of recorded music
  • A recorded series of sounds
  • A picture or photograph
  • An opening sentence or phrase
  • A newspaper or magazine clipping or report

Additionally, students must produce:

  • One piece of factual writing, which should be informative or argumentative
  • One piece of expressive writing, which is descriptive and imaginative
  • Preparation of a film or book review

Literature (Prescribed Texts):

Assignments should be based on the prescribed textbooks on the following lines:

  1. Character/thematic analysis.
  2. Socio-economic, cultural, and historical relevance /background.
  3. Summary/ paraphrase.

ICSE Hindi Class 10 Exam Pattern

Language 1. Composition 40
2. Letter
3. Comprehension
4. Grammar
Prescribed Texts* Sahitya Sagar: A collection of ICSE Short Stories & Poems (Evergreen Publications, New Delhi) (Examination Year 2022 onwards.) 40
Novel: Naya Raasta - Sushma Agarwal
Ekanki Sanchay: A collection of ICSE One Act Plays (Evergreen Publications, New Delhi)
Listening Skills + Creative Writing + Assignments (Literature)

*Only two of the prescribed textbooks are to be offered.

Tips for Scoring Good Marks in ICSE Hindi Class 10

For students preparing for the ICSE board examinations in 2025-2026, proficiency in Hindi can greatly enhance their overall scores. A comprehensive preparation strategy, emphasizing both grammar and literature, is important for success in this subject. With the exams scheduled to be held in 2025, it's essential for students to begin by thoroughly preparing all prescribed stories, plays, and poems along with practicing essay and letter writing to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

Few inspiring lines from the ICSE Class 10 book Sahitya Sagar to help you keep you motivated: 

गति प्रबल पैरों में भरी, फिर क्यों रहूँ दर दर खड़ा
जब आज मेरे सामने, है रास्ता इतना पड़ा
जब तक न मंज़िल पा सकूँ, तब तक मुझे न विराम है, 
चलना हमारा काम है।
– शिवमंगल सिंह ‘सुमन’
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