The Economics syllabus for ISC Class 12 aims to help students understand important economic issues affecting society today. It also introduces students to key institutions involved in production and explains their roles in the economy. Additionally, the syllabus is prepared to teach students how these institutions influence the economy of any nation.
Studying Economics helps students understand how economies work, make better money decisions, and prepare for future studies or careers in economics, business, or finance.
The Class 12 Economics Syllabus for the academic year 2025–2026 will largely mirror the structure of previous years. It includes the key topics that are part of the curriculum and sets clear learning objectives for the students. Stay tuned for further updates!
The students who have opted for Economics Subject in ISC Class 12 will give two papers:
Paper I - Theory: 3 hours (80 marks )
Paper II- Project Work (20 marks)
Note: The syllabus is intended to reflect a study of the theory of Economics with specific reference to the
Indian Economy. Therefore, examples and specific references to the Indian Economy must be made wherever relevant
Candidates will be expected to have completed two projects from any topic covered in Theory.
The project work will be assessed by the teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by CISCE.
Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]:
A list of suggested Projects is given below:
1. Study a Public Sector Enterprise with reference to its relevance to the Indian Economy and its future prospects. Analyse the trend of its growth for the last ten years.
2. Conduct a Socio-Economic survey of a locality (minimum sample size should be 30 households) with reference to:
(a) Demographic features.
(b) Consumption Pattern – Expenditure on necessities, comforts and luxuries.
(c) Occupational structure.
3. Compare the contribution made by different sectors of the economy towards GDP growth during the planning period.
4. Prepare a report on the competition in the Aviation Sector in India with reference to:
(a) Performance of the Public Sector and Private Sector.
(b) Operational strategies adopted by budget/low cost carriers.
5. Make a comparative analysis of lending performance of five Commercial Banks in the past six years with reference to the changing CRR and SLR.
6. Many thinkers believe that we are rapidly depleting our natural resources. Assume that there are only two inputs (labour and natural resources) producing two goods (wheat and gasoline) with no improvement in technology over time. Show what would happen to the Production Possibility Curve over time as natural resources are exhausted. How would invention and technological improvement modify your answer? On the basis of this example, explain why it is said “economic growth is a race between depletion and invention.”
7. Make a comparative study of the allocation of financial resources of the Central Government Budget on Agriculture, Defence, Industry, and Education in the last ten years. Prepare a report on your observations.
8. Prepare a trend Analysis of Growth and Productivity of any one industry such as: Textile / Automobiles / Electronic and Tele-communication, etc. in India for the past ten years.
Download the Economic Syllabus for ISC Class 12 provided above and start preparing for the Economics Paper. All the best!