ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 & 2 Syllabus 2026 | Free PDF Download

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The English Syllabus Class 12 ISC has been released officially. It provides students with the opportunity to develop their command over the English language, improve writing techniques, and critically analyze literary texts. Whether it's writing well-structured essays, decoding Shakespearean drama, or getting better with grammar skills, this syllabus is an all-in-one package for students who wants to do good in in English Board Exam 2025-26.

Also you can check out the ISC Class 12 Hindi Syllabus 2025 for subject-wise strategies!

ISC English Syllabus Class 12 PDF for the Year 2025-26 – Download the Latest PDF

The English Syllabus Class 12 ISC for the year 2025-26 has been released. On this page, you will find the latest Class 10 ISC English Syllabus, along with the exam pattern for the subject. Understanding the exam paper pattern will provide an detailed overview of english class 12 isc syllabus and assist students in preparing effectively for the board exam.


Assessment Structure for Class 12 ISC English Syllabus

The ISC English Syllabus Class 12 consists of both external and internal assessments. The external exam is theory-based, assessing a student’s writing, comprehension, and literary analysis skills, while the internal assessment focuses on practical language application. 

The subject of English is compulsory for ISC class 12. This paper has two components, English Language and Literature in English. Each of these components will consist of a Theory Paper of 80 Marks and Project Work of 20 Marks.

‍Paper 1: English Language

Paper 2: Literature in English

a) Marking Scheme ISC English Class 12 Syllabus 

The following table provides a clear breakdown of how marks are allocated to different components of the English Syllabus Class 12 ISC:

Section Marks
Paper 1 (English Language) 80
Paper 2 (Literature in English) 80
Project Work 20
Total per subject 100

b) Exam Pattern Class 12 ICSE English Syllabus

Knowing the Exam Pattern for ISC English Syllabus Class 12 is important for effective preparation. The table below outlines the format of the ISC English examination and the weightage of each section:

Sno. Sections Marks
Paper 1 (Language) Composition, Directed Writing,
Proposal Writing, Grammar,
Paper 2 (Literature) Drama, Prose, Poetry 80
Internal Assessment Listening, Speaking, Writing Projects 20

English Syllabus Class 12 ISC Detailed Breakdown

The ISC English syllabus Class 12 is divided into two components—English Language and English Literature. The English Syllabus Class 12 ISC is made in a way that helps students work on their writing, analytical, and interpretative skills while exposing them to classic and modern literary works. Below is a detailed breakdown of what’s included in the syllabus for the 2025-26 session.

a) English Language Class 12 ISC Syllabus (Paper 1)

This section focuses on refining students' command over the English language, enhancing their writing style, and strengthening their grammatical accuracy. The key topics covered in English Syllabus Class 12 ISC include:

  • Composition (400-450 words on six given topics)
  • Directed Writing (formal letters, reports, articles, notices, emails, etc.)
  • Proposal Writing (structured format)
  • Grammar (sentence transformation, phrasal verbs, tenses)
  • Comprehension (700-word passage with analytical questions and summary writing)

b) English Literature Class 12 ISC Syllabus (Paper 2)

Literature allows students to explore diverse themes, characters, and writing styles. This section is essential for developing analytical and critical thinking skills. The English Syllabus Class 12 ISC includes:

I. DRAMA: Macbeth: William Shakespeare (Acts III, IV & V)

Macbeth is a tragedy that tells the story of a Scottish man Macbeth, three witches tell him that he will be king of Scotland, His wife encourages him and he kills the king and takes the throne. 

II. PRISM: A Collection of ISC Short Stories (Evergreen Publications)

  1. Atithi / Guest – Rabindranath Tagore: In this story, a young boy named Tarapada runs away from home and becomes a wanderer and then he meets a family who treats him with kindness.
  2. The Cookie Lady – Philip K. Dick: This story revolves around a young boy who visits an old lady, Mrs. Drew for her cookies, this visit of him turns scary as Mrs. Drew’s true intentions come to light. 
  3. There Will Come Soft Rains – Ray Bradbury: This is a fictional story where the author mentions how automated machines continue to work despite the absence of humans. 
  4. Indigo – Satyajit Ray: It is a horror story about an indigo planter, Sir Hamilton who helps a Bengali engineer. 
  5. The Medicine Bag – Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve: Martin receives a medicine bag from his grandfather which symbolises his Native American culture.

III. RHAPSODY: A Collection of ISC Poems (Evergreen Publications) 

  1. Telephone Conversation – Wole Soyinka: This Poem captures a conversation between a black man and a white landlady over the phone. 
  2. Tithonus – Alfred, Lord Tennyson: It reflects the Greek myth of Tithonus, who was granted eternal life. 
  3. Beethoven – Shane Koyczan: This poem pays tribute to the music composer Ludwig van Beethoven. 
  4. Small Towns and the River – Mamang Dai: This poem explores the life and culture of small towns along a river in Arunachal Pradesh. 
  5. Death be not Proud – John Donne: The author tries to personify Death, and its power, along with the nature of the soul. 

c) Project Work ISC English Syllabus Class 12 (Internal Assessment)

Projects play a crucial role in helping students apply theoretical knowledge practically. The internal assessment is structured as follows:

  • Listening Skills: Answering questions after listening to an unseen passage
  • Speaking Skills: Individual presentations and discussions
  • Writing Skills: Externally assessed 500-word piece (brochure, product description, process description, etc.)

List of suggested assignments for Project Work:

1. Analysis of a theme from any short story/poem in the prescribed texts.

2. Analysis of a character from the drama or any short story/poem in the prescribed texts.

3. Background – historical, cultural, literary context and relevance of the writer/poet chosen.

4. Summary/paraphrase of the chosen text.

5. Appreciation of literary qualities of the chosen text.

6. Identifying with a character in the chosen text and presenting his/her personal perspective.

7. Imagining an alternate outcome or ending or extension of the chosen text and its impact on the plot/setting/characters/mood and tone.

8. A script for dramatization, based on the short story/poem chosen.

9. Writing a short story based on a poem.

10. Comparing and contrasting two characters/themes from different short stories/poems of the prescribed texts.

Preparation Tips for ISC English Board Exam 

Studying English can be fun if done the right way! Here are some cool and effective strategies to ace the ISC English syllabus Class 12:

  1. Improve Writing Skills: Practice essays and proposal writing from previous year question papers (PYQs) to improve structure and fluency. Writing regularly also helps in developing a unique style, which is a plus point in exams.
  2. Stay Grammar Ready: Solve sample papers focusing on grammar to avoid losing marks in the technical section. Grammar plays a huge role in scoring well, so practice transformation exercises regularly.
  3. Hone Comprehension Skills: Practice unseen passages daily to improve speed and accuracy in the comprehension section. Developing a habit of reading newspapers and articles will help in enhancing reading skills.

The ISC English syllabus Class 12 is well-structured to develop strong writing, comprehension, and analytical skills. With the right preparation, scoring high in ISC English is absolutely achievable! All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the structure of the ISC Class 12 English exam?

The exam is divided into two parts: English Language (Paper 1) and English Literature (Paper 2). Both papers assess writing skills, comprehension, and analysis of texts.

Which books are included in the ISC Class 12 English Literature syllabus?

The syllabus usually includes a set of prescribed books like "Flamingo" and "Vistas" for prose and poetry, as well as a selection of plays and novels (e.g., The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells or The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare).

What types of questions are asked in the English Literature exam?

Questions can range from short answer, long answer, and reference-to-context questions, as well as essay-type questions that require analysis of themes, characters, and literary devices.

How can I prepare for the English Language paper effectively?

Practice writing essays, letters, reports, and précis. Focus on improving grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Time management is key to completing the paper efficiently.

Is there a prescribed pattern for the ISC English exams?

Yes, the exam pattern generally includes a mix of objective (MCQs), short answer, and long answer questions. It's important to go through past year papers to understand the question types and marking scheme.

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