CBSE History Class 12 Notes and Videos

History is one of the most important disciplines taught in schools. Studying the past allows us to better understand the present and shape the future. It fosters a comprehensive awareness of history across civilisations. The purpose of the history course in senior secondary classes is to teach students that history is an important discipline, a process of inquiry, and a method of learning about the past rather than a collection of facts. The curriculum explains how a historian gathers, selects, evaluates, and organises data to create history.

Learn Class 12 CBSE History with easy notes and simplified videos of Poorva Choudhary.

CBSE Class XII History Notes PDF Download: Free Study Materials

Download Poorva Chaudhary's handwritten complete notes of class 12th History and also watch her every lecture.

Chapter No. Theme Name
1 Bricks, Beads and Bones
2 Kings, Farmers and Towns
3 Kinship, Caste and Class
4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings
5 Through the Eyes of Travellers
6 Bhakti- Sufi Traditions
7 An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara
8 Peasants, Zamindars and the State
9 Colonialism and the Countryside
10 Rebels and the Raj
11 Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement
12 Framing the Constitution

1. Bricks, Beads and Bones

In theme 1, Bricks Beads and Bones class 12 notes, learn about Harappan Civilisation in detail. Learn about the Harappan seal, Harappan culture, and agricultural technologies, like copper tools, Mohanjadaro settlement, drainage system, domestic architecture, citadel, etc. Find the complete class 12 bricks, beads, and bones notes by Poorva Chaudhary below. 

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2. Kings, Farmers and Towns

In theme 2, Kings Farmers and Towns class 12 notes, students will learn about scripts and inscriptions,  the sixteen mahajanapadas, the Magadh Empire, the rise of the Mauryan Empire, their administration, Kingship of the south, Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas and more

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3. Kinship, Caste and Class

In this chapter, learn about the critical edition of Mahabharata,  prepared under the leadership of a noted Indian Sanskritist, V.S. Sukthankar. Kingship and different types of marriage, rules of marriage, gotras of women, names of Satavahana kings from the inscription and more. 

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4. Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings

This chapter is about cultural developments where various thinkers, beliefs, and buildings are discussed; there is a discussion about the Amravati Stupa and Sanchi Stupas situated in Bhopal, a detailed description of Buddha, His teachings, Buddhist culture, different followers of Buddha, Buddhist texts and Jain texts etc. 

5. Through the Eyes of Travellers

In this chapter, there is a detailed discussion about Al-Biruni and his book Kitab-ul-Hind, Ibn  Battuta and his book Rihala, François Bernier and his work. 

6. Bhakti-Sufi Traditions

In Bhakti Sufi Traditions, class 12 notes changes in religious beliefs and devotional texts from the 8th to 18th century. There is a discussion about various religious cults like The Alvars and Nayanars of Tamil Nadu, The Virashaiva Tradition in Karnataka, the Islamic faith and various religious practices. The growth of Sufism and its branches, Khanqahs and silsilas, their famous devotees, etc. 

7. An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara

This chapter is about the Imperial Capital Vijayanagara from the 14th to 16th century. The chapter starts with the discovery of Hampi and discusses the rayas, nayakas and sultans of Vijayanagar, the capital city,  its Environs, and various cultural heritage, etc. 

8. Peasants, Zamindars and The State

This chapter discusses the Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire of the sixteenth- seventeenth centuries. The chapter also discusses two types of peasants during the Mughal period, khud-kashta and pahi-kashta, as well as different irrigation projects and crops. This chapter also discusses the village community, including the caste and the rural milieu. Along with this, the role of women in agrarian society is also discussed.

9. Colonialism and The Countryside 

This chapter provides a detailed explanation of revenue systems in Bengal, including the auction in Burdwan, permanent settlement systems, the rise of the jotedars,  the fifth report,  the Santhals, the Deccan Riots Commission etc.

10. Rebels and The Raj

This chapter explains the sepoy mutiny that happened in 1857. From the various reasons that led to the mutiny, leaders and followers that participated in the mutiny, rumours and prophecies related to the mutiny, to the various repression measures adopted by Britishers, etc. 

11. Mahatma Gandhi and The Nationalist Movement

The chapter describes Mahatma Gandhi's journey after his return from Africa and his last breath in detail. The non-cooperation movement, Khilafat Movement, Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March, Cripps mission, Quit India Movement, etc., are explained.

12.  Framing The Constitution  

This chapter is set after India's Independence. This chapter explains the framing of the Indian constitution, describing the important committees formed to make the constitution, the constitution's vision, the citizens' rights, the state's power, etc.

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