CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Videos Part I

The CBSE Class 12 Accountancy syllabus for 2024-25 aims to provide students with a strong understanding of basic accounting principles and methods. It also helps them learn about the latest ways to prepare and present financial statements according to current accounting standards and the Companies Act 2013.

In a new initiative by Educart, we are providing Free PDF Videos of the famous YouTube educator Abhishek Sahu. 

CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Part I videos are provided below. For Part II, use the link below. 

<red>→ <red> Download CBSE Class 12th Accountancy videos- Part II

Chapter No. Chapter Name
1 Accounting for Partnership: Basic Concepts
2 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm –Admission of a Partner
3 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm –Retirement/Death of a Partner
4 Dissolution of Partnership Firm

1. Accounting for Partnership: Basic Concepts

Chapter 1, Accountancy, explains the nature of the partnership, partnership deed, special aspects of partnership accounts, distribution of profit among partners, a guarantee of profit to a partner, and past adjustments.

<cta2>Notes PDF<cta2>

Watch Sunil Panda’s  Accounting for Partnership video to learn the chapter with ease. 

2. Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm –Admission of a Partner

In class 12, chapter 2 Accountancy, there is a detailed description of modes of reconstitution of a partnership firm, admission of a new partner, new profit sharing ratio, sacrificing ratio, goodwill, adjustment for accumulated profits and losses, revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities, adjustment of capitals and change in profit sharing ratio among the existing partners. 

<cta2>Notes PDF<cta2>

Watch Sunil Panda’s  Admission of a Partner video.

3. Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm –Retirement/Death of a Partner

In class 12, chapter 3, there is a detailed description ascertaining the amount due to the retiring/deceased partner,  new profit sharing ratio, gaining ratio, treatment of goodwill, adjustment for revaluation of assets and liabilities, adjustment of accumulated profits and losses, disposal of amount due to retiring partner,  adjustment of partners’ capitals,  and death of a partner.

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<cta2>Notes PDF 2<cta2>

Watch Sunil Panda’s Retirement of a Partner video. 

4. Dissolution of Partnership Firm

In the class 12 chapter, there is a detailed description of the dissolution of a partnership, dissolution of a firm, settlement of accounts, accounting treatment, and journal entries. 

<cta2>Notes PDF<cta2>

Watch Sunil Panda’s Dissolution of Partnership Firm video. 

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