Chapter 1

Class 10
8. Compare the positions on the question of women’s rights voiced by the three writers cited above. What do they reveal about liberal ideology?
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Compare the positions on the question of women’s rights voiced by the three writers cited above. What do they reveal about liberal ideology?


The liberal politician card Welcker an elected member of the Frank Parliament sys that

Woman is weaker than man and her sphere is the home where she keeps children and does household duties such as cooking, washing and cleaning, etc.

Equality between the sexes or woman and man would only endanger harmony and destroy the dignity of the family.

According to Louise Otto-Peters, a political activist and founder of a woman's journal and a feminist political association, Men try to gain freedom and liberty for all do not obey this but their untiring efforts are intended for the welfare of only men. She advocated that liberty cannot be divided among the men and women.

An Anonymous writer says that

It is injustice to discriminate against women on the basis of gender.

The women should not be deprived of the right to vote while an illiterate man has been given the right to vote.

The above discussion shows that Louise Otto-Peters and the Anonymous writer favor women on the basis of rights of liberty and equality.

The first writer does not favor women's rights of liberty and equality.

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