Find out about the local government in the village or town you live in. If you live in a village, find out the names of the following: your panch or ward member, your sarpanch, your panchayat samiti, the chairperson of your zilla parishad. Also find out when the last meeting of the gram sabha took place and how many people took part in that. If you live in urban areas, find out the name of your municipal councilor, and the municipal chairperson or mayor. Also find out about the budget of your municipal corporation, municipality and the major items on which money was spent.
I live in a village of less than 500 people hence my living place is called Hamlet. And we just have a ward member and my panchayat is in a nearby village.
Name of my :
Ward Member: G Dastagiri
Sarpanch: k. Raju
Panchayat samiti: Battaluru Grama Panchayathi
Chairperson of Zilla Parishad: S. Ramanjaneyulu.
The last meeting of the gram sabha took place 10 days back and around 50 people had taken part in it.