Chapter 5

Class 10
Political Science
3. Governments initiate schemes and programmes to alleviate the suffering of the poor and meet their basic needs. But poverty remains in the country. What could be the reasons for such a situation?


Governments initiate schemes and programmes to alleviate the suffering of thepoor and meet their basic needs. But poverty remains in the country. What could be the reasons for such a situation?


The following are the reasons for not able to alleviate poverty from India are:

Corruption is very much found at each and every level of the administrative system. It never lets the money of the project/scheme reach the place or people for which is allocated. Rajiv Gandhi once quoted that whatever we sent from the center, only 15 to 20 percent of the money reached the largest group or place. Other reasons are illiteracy and devoid of awareness in the people regarding their rights and duties specially right to information.

Social Auditing concepts like people taking initiative and checking the account sand quality of the work, then all the officials and contractors will be afraid from taking wrong decisions. Our constitution has given us the right to ask or enquire about any project or activities going on in the area by the fund supplied by the government.

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