Chapter 6

Class 10
II. 1. Look at these examples from the text, and say whether the modifiers (in italics) are nouns, proper nouns, or adjective plus noun.


Thinking About Language

II. Noun Modifiers

To describe or give more information about a noun (or to modify a noun), we use adjectives or adjectival phrases. Look at these examples from the text :

(a) An eminently suitable spot

(b) His wide, flat belly

(c) Symmetrical pointed scales

(d) A ricocheting bullet

We can use more than one noun as modifier. Proper nouns can also be used:

(a) The Christmas dinner party

(b) A silk designer dress

(c) The Maruti car keys

In the examples below, there is an adjectival phrase in front of a noun modifier:

(a) The lovely Christmas party

(b) A trendy silk designer dress

(c) The frightfully expensive golden Maruti car keys

Look at these examples from the text, and say whether the modifiers (in italics) are nouns, proper nouns, or adjective plus noun.

(i) An otter fixation

(ii)The iron railings

(iii)The Tigris marshes

(iv)The London streets

(v)Soft velvet fur

(vi)A four-footed soccer player


(i) Noun

(ii) Noun

(iii)Proper noun

(iv) Proper noun

(v) Adjective plus noun

(vi) Adjective plus noun

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