The artist's vision of the destruction of proper family relations. Here the husband is totally dominated by his wife who is perched on his shoulder. He is cruel towards his mother, dragging her like an animat, by the noose.
The picture suggests traditional family roles. The Sahib holds a liquor hottie in his hand white the Memsahib plays the violin.
The image shows the artist's fear that the cultural impact of the West has turned the family upside down. Notice that the man is playing the veena while the woman is smoking a hookah. The move towards women's education in the late nineteenth century created anxiety about the breakdown of traditional family roles.
2.The changes such as empowerment and upliftment of women through western education were occurring in the society. These changes provoked artists to depict such images of families in India.
3.According to me, the artist's view in the illustrations 22, 23, 24 are more extreme than the actual situation. They are partially out of focus or over assumed. The artist could have been moderate in their comments on the social changes taking place in Indian society.