Chapter 3

Class 9
1. Look at image 23,24, and 27. Imagine yourself to be a Jew or a Pole in Nazi Germany. It is September 1941, and the law forcing Jews to wear the Star of David has just been declared. Write an account of one day in your life.
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Look at image 23,24, and 27. Imagine yourself to be a Jew or a Pole in Nazi Germany. It is September 1941, and the law forcing Jews to wear the Star of David has just been declared. Write an account of one day in your life.


The rule of Hitler on us Jews has been very painful. Recently, the Nazis made a law that we have to wear the Star of David. This has been distributed by them from house to house. We were isolated from society. All the Germans used to look at us with hatred. Our properties and other resources were snatched away. We were forced to live a life of poverty. We were living in constant fear that one day the government would capture us and sent to gas chambers or concentration camps. Today, my whole day passed in fear and hunger because we did not have anything to eat.

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