Chapter 2

Class 10
2. Write a note on good practices towards conserving forest and wildlife.


Write a note on good practices towards conserving forest and wildlife.


For the conservation of forests many good practices have been evolved. These include:

  • Worshiping of trees and animals.
  • Use of flora and fauna in religious functions.
  • Formation of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and bio reserves to protect endangered species.
  • Punishable penal codes on killing animals.
  • Community programs like Vanmahotsav etc. to bring awareness among the people about the importance of wildlife.
  • Regulated and Planned Cutting of Trees.
  • Control over Forest Fire.
  • Reforestation and Afforestation.
  • Check over Forest Clearance for Agricultural and Habitation Purposes.
  • Proper Utilization of Forest and Forests Products.

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