The NCERT has been known for its comprehensive and easy-to-understand curriculum. These books are the best and essential resource for every student. NCERT has prescribed two books for the class 10 students “First Flight” and “Footprints without Feet” which include both prose and poems as per the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature L&L Syllabus. Class 10 English Language and Literature textbooks are a must for candidates.
The syllabus of English Language and Literature Footprints without Feet, and First Flight Class 10th plays an important role in developing language and literary skills. This article will provide insights into the Class 10 NCERT English Language and Literature textbook First Flight and Footprints without Feet, offering useful tips for students and teachers.
This book covers all the important topics and concepts that are prescribed in the NCERT syllabus and CBSE Class 10 English L&L (Footprints Without Feet and First Flight) Syllabus. In recent years, not only CBSE-affiliated schools but schools from other state boards have started to apply NCERT books for the academic year study of class 10. Below is easy access to the complete book PDF as well as the chapter-wise PDF to easily download as per your requirement for free.
NCERT Class 10 Solutions for English L&L are curated by experienced English subject matter experts and are published after a rigorous editing process. Both poem and prose from both Class 10 English textbooks- Beehive and Moments chapter-wise solutions are available for students to get concept clarity and prepare for the questions better. Download 10th Class NCERT Solutions for English from the link below.
Class 10 English and Hindi are the highest-scoring and easiest subjects. NCERT Class 10 English Language and Literature textbooks are the foremost choice for students who want to prepare for the board exams. Like NCERT English, students can also use the NCERT Hindi A textbook in class 10.
The following chapters are rationalized from the English Language & Literature Class 10 NCERT.
First Flight
Footprints Without Feet
Class 10 English Language and Literature Footprints without Feet contains 9 Proses for enhancing students' Literary skills, The chapters are:
Prose 1: A Triumph of Surgery: This prose is all about an owner’s unconditional love towards her dog which leads him to a serious disease. Mrs Pumphrey’s overfed dog, Tricki is treated by Dr. Herriot, who imposes a strict diet and scheduled exercises, leading to the dog’s remarkable recovery and fitness.
Prose 2: The Thief’s Story: A young thief named Hari Singh meets Anil, a kind writer, who teaches him how to read and write, which leads to transforming Hari’s way of thinking and living life.
Prose 3: The Midnight Visitor: “The Midnight Visitor” is a story about a detective named Ausable. Secret agent Ausable cleverly finds a spy, Max, by inventing a secret fictional balcony outside his hotel room window, causing Max to fall to his demise in an attempt to escape.
Prose 4: A Question of Trust: Horace Denby is a thief, he steals once a year and is duped by a young woman pretending to be the lady of the house he tends to rob, leading to his arrest while she escapes with the jewels.
Prose 5: Footprints without Feet: The Story of Griffin, a brilliant Scientist who discovers how to make himself invisible and uses this power to commit crimes, ultimately leading to his tragic downfall.
Prose 6: The Making of a Scientist: This story is about leading scientist Richard Ebright’s journey from a curious child collecting butterflies to a renowned scientist, made by his dedication and determination to contribute to scientific knowledge.
Prose 7: The Necklace: Mathilde Loisel, dissatisfied with her modest life, borrows a necklace for a high society event and loses the necklace, due to which she spends years repaying the debt only to discover that the necklace is fake.
Prose 8: Bholi: Bholi, a girl with physical and speech disabilities is neglected by her family. A kind teacher helps her gain confidence and educates her. When Bholi’s parents arrange her marriage to a greedy man, she bravely rejects him and chooses to become a teacher and serve her community.
Prose 9: The Book That Saved the Earth: The play is all about a delusional world. All the characters of the play are imaginary and have weird names like the mighty Chief Think Tank, Noodle, Captain Omega, Lieutenant Iota, and Sargent Oop. They travel to Earth and go to a library where they misinterpret a book as a sandwich.
The Chapter “ The Hack Driver” is deleted from the class 10 Footprints without Feet syllabus.
The First Flight Class 10 book includes 9 prose and 10 poems ensuring a deep knowledge of themes and literacy skills:
Poem 1: The Dust of Snow: The poet describes how a simple moment with nature, a crow shaking snow off a hemlock tree, lifts his mood and changes his perspective on the day, highlighting the power of small incidents and nature.
Poem 2: Fire and Snow: Frost explores the destructive possibilities of human emotions, comparing the end of the world to fire (desire) and ice (hatred), suggesting that both are capable of causing destruction.
Poem 3: A Tiger in the Zoo: The poem differentiates a tiger’s life in the zoo, where it lives in a cage, with its natural life in the wild, free to roam and hunt, reflecting the loss of freedom.
Poem 4: How to Tell Wild Animals: With humour, the poet provides descriptions of various wild animals and how to identify them turning the dangerous tasks of animal identification into an easy task.
Poem 5: The Ball Poem: A young boy loses his ball, and through this loss, he learns about the harsh reality of life, such as grief and responsibility.
Poem 6: Amanda: The poem captures the thoughts of a young girl named Amanda as she daydreams.
Poem 7: The Trees: The poem is about decorative plants, rich uses the metaphor of trees struggling to break free from the confines of the world.
Poem 8: Fog: Sandburg compares fog to a silent, mysterious cat that arrives and departs quietly.
Poem 9: The Tale of Custard the Dragon: The poem tells the story of Custard, a dragon who surprises everyone by bravely defeating a pirate.
Poem 10: For Anne Gregory: This poem discusses the nature of true love and beauty through a conversation between the poet and Anne Gregory, concluding that real love goes behind physical appearance and is found in inner qualities.
Prose 1: A Letter to God: Lencho, a poor farmer, writes a letter to God asking for money after his crops are destroyed by a hailstorm.
Prose 2: Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom: Nelson Mandela recounts his journey from a rural village to becoming the first black president of South Africa.
Prose 3: His First Flight: A young seagull is afraid to fly. His family encourages him by withholding food until he makes his first successful flight.
Prose 4: From the Diary of Anne Frank: Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager, writes in her diary about her life in hiding during World War 2.
Prose 5: Glimpses of India: A collection of three stories, A baker from Goa, Coorg, and Tea from Assam.
Prose 6: Mijbil the other: Gavin Maxwell describes his experience of adopting an animal named Mijbil.
Prose 7: Madam Rides the Bus: An eight-year-old girl named Valli takes a bus ride to explore the world outside her village.
Prose 8: The Sermon at Benares: This story recollects the teachings of Buddha at Benares, focusing on concepts of suffering, and offering perspectives on dealing with life’s challenges.
Prose 9: The Proposal: A play about Lomov’s proposal to his neighbour Natalya, which turns into a comedic argument over land and pets.
The following chapters are deleted from the first flight class 10th
The Class 10 English Language and Literature book is also available in the Class 10 English Language and Literature textbook PDF making it available for students to study anywhere, anytime. The NCERT English Language and Literature Class 10 textbook PDF, ensures that every student has access to the right and useful resource. You can download the book from the Official website of NCERT or the Educart website.
Once a student starts their academic journey, the importance of the English language is taught to them and the language subject remains with them till they complete their senior schooling. The books are authored by expert SMEs and go through a rigorous process before getting published for everyone’s access by NCERT.
There are more than many reasons why the class 10th English language and literature book NCERT is included in the class 10 syllabus.
Students can prepare effectively for the CBSE 2025 Class 10 board exams by using NCERT 10th English Language and Literature books. Having access to the book is useless when students don’t know how to prepare for it effectively. Below are mentioned step-wise approaches to how students can prepare for the NCERT 10th English Language and Literature and score their dream marks.
Class 10 CBSE 2025 board syllabus for English language subject is available at the official site or students can download the syllabus from this link. After downloading the syllabus, understand how many chapters are added to the syllabus along with the deleted topics.
Once students understand the syllabus, they can make a list of all the important chapters, challenging chapters, and chapters with the least weightage. Keeping other subjects in mind, make a study plan and allot dedicated time to every chapter based on the preparation time students have.
Students must read the chapters thoroughly and actively while making notes simultaneously. Try to write summaries in their own words and go through the chapter again if they feel there is any missing point or they didn’t understand the chapter completely. There are many YouTube one-shot videos available that can help in understanding the chapter better.
There is a high probability that question in CBSE board exams comes straight from NCERT so practicing exercises is necessary. After reading the chapter, practice NCERT in-text and exercise questions. Students can try to answer the questions by themselves and can cross-check them from the NCERT Class 10 English Language and Literature Solutions PDF provided below. Evaluate the performance and modify the strategy based on the performance.
Students need to understand that practicing regularly will improve their performance and they will appear confident in the exam and can score their dream marks. Students can download the class 10th English Language and Literature book PDF from the official site and can download it from the links provided in the above section.