NCERT Class 10 Hindi B Book PDF Download

March 20, 2025

Students all around India can get their hands on NCERT Class 10 Hindi B (Sparsh and Sanchayan) books. Ensuring fair access to high-quality educational resources, they are easily obtainable and reasonably priced, available for purchase at bookshops, retailers online, or as a free download from the NCERT website. The new pattern questions, like MCQs, are also based on the theory given in this NCERT Hindi B (Sparsh and Sanchayan) PDF below.

This book covers all the important topics and concepts that are prescribed in the NCERT Curriculum and CBSE Class 10 Hindi B (Sparsh and Sanchayan) Syllabus. In recent years, not only CBSE-affiliated schools but also schools from other state boards have started to apply NCERT books for the academic year study of class 10. Below is easy access to the complete book PDF as well as the chapter-wise PDF to easily download. Students are given a choice between Hindi A and Hindi B in Class 10, depending on their interest. But to study for either language, students can use textbooks for both Hindi A class 10 NCERT and Hindi B class 10 NCERT.

Below is given easy access to the complete book pdf as well as chapter-wise pdf to easily download.

NCERT Hindi Sparsh Class 10 Chapters

Chapter No. Download Chapter-wise Hindi B (Sparsh) pdf
Chapter 1 कबीर – साखी
Chapter 2 मीरा – पद
Chapter 3 मैथिलीशरण गुप्त – मानुषीता
Chapter 4 सुमित्रानंदन पंत – परवत प्रदेश के पावस
Chapter 5 वीरेन डंगवाल – तोप
Chapter 6 कैफ़ी आज़मी – कर चले हम फ़िदा
Chapter 7 रवींद्रनाथ ठाकुर – आत्मत्राण
Chapter 8 प्रेमचंद – बडे भाई साहब
Chapter 9 सीताराम सेकसरिया – डायरी का एक पन्ना
Chapter 10 तताँरा वामीरो कथा - लीलाधर मंदोलिया
Chapter 11 प्रह्लाद अग्रवाल – तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार शैलेंद्र
Chapter 12 निदा फाजली – अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले
Chapter 13 रवीन्द्र केलेकर – पतझर में टूटी पत्तियाँ
Chapter 14 हबीब तनवीर — कारतूस

NCERT Hindi Sparsh Class 10 Book PDF

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NCERT Hindi Sanchayan Class 10 Chapter

Chapter No. Download Chapter-wise Hindi B (Sanchayan) pdf
Chapter 1 हरिहर काका मिथिलेश्वर
Chapter 2 सपनों के से दिन गुरदयाल सिंह
Chapter 3 टोपी शुक्ला राही मासूम रज़ा

NCERT Hindi Sanchayan Class 10 Book PDF

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The following chapters are rationalized from the Class 10 NCERT.

  1. अंतोन चेखव – गिरगिट
  2. बिहारी – दोहे
  3. महादेवी वर्मा – मधुर मधुर मेरे दीपक जल

Important Chapters from NCERT Class 10 Hindi ‘B’

Students can boost their percentage in CBSE Class 10 board exams by preparing from NCERT textbooks. In the section below, students can find some important chapters with content taken from the NCERT textbook.

संचयन भाग 2

  1. हरिहर काका

हरिहर काका वेफ यहाँ से मैं अभी-अभी लौटा हूँ। कल भी उनवेफ यहाँ गया था, लेकिन न तो वह कल ही वुफछ कह सवेफ और न आज ही। दोनों दिन उनवेफ पास मैं देर तक बैठा रहा, लेकिन उन्हांने कोई बातचीत नहीं की। जब उनकी तबीयत वेफ बारे में पूछा तब उन्होंने सिर उठाकर एक बार मुझे देखा। पिफर सिर झुकाया तो दुबारा मेरी ओर नहीं देखा। हालाँकि उनकी एक ही नशर बहुत वुफछ कह गई। जिन यंत्राणाओं1 वेफ बीच वह घिरे थे और जिस मनःस्थिति में जी रहे थे, उसमें आँखें ही बहुत वुफछ कह देती हैं, मुँह खोलने की शरूरत नहीं पड़ती।

हरिहर काका वेफ बारे में मैं सोचता हूँ तो मुझे लगता है कि वह यह समझ नहीं पा रहे हैं कि कहें तो क्या कहें? अब कोई ऐसी बात नहीं जिसे कहकर वह हलका हो सवे ंफ। कोई ऐसी उक्ति नहीं जिसे कहकर वे मुक्ति पा सवे ंफ। हरिहर काका की स्थिति में मैं भी होता तो निश्चय ही इस गूँगेपन का शिकार हो जाता। हरिहर काका इस स्थिति में कैसे आ पँफसे? यह कौन-सी स्थिति है? इसवेफ लिए कौन शिम्मेवार है? यह सब बताने से पहले अपने गाँव का और खासकर अपने गाँव की ठावुफरबारी का संक्षिप्त

परिचय मैं आपको दे देना उचित समझता हूँ क्योंकि उसवेफ बिना तो यह कहानी अधूरी ही रह जाएगी। मेरा गाँव कस्बाई शहर आरा से चालीस किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है। हसनबाशार बस स्टैंड वेफ पास। गाँव की वुफल आबादी ढाई-तीन हशार होगी। गाँव में तीन प्रमुख स्थान हैं। गाँव वेफ पश्चिम किनारे का बड़ा-सा तालाब। गाँव वेफ मध्य स्थित बरगद का पुराना वृक्ष और गाँव वेफ पूरब में ठावुफरजी का विशाल मंदिर, जिसे गाँव वेफ लोग ठावुफरबारी कहते हैं।

  1. टोपी शुक्ला

इफफन वेफ बारे में वुफछ जान लेना इसलिए शरूरी है कि इफ्ऱ प्ाफन टोपी का पहला दोस्त था। इस इफ्ऱ प्ाफन वफो टोपी ने सदा इफ्रपफन कहा। इफ्ऱ प्फन ने इसका बुरा माना। परंतु वह इफ्रपफन पुकारने पर बोलता रहा। इसी बोलते रहने में उसकी बड़ाई थी। यह नामों वफा चक्कर भी अजीब होता है। उर्दू और  ̄हदी एक ही भाषा, हिंदवी वेफ दो नाम हैं। परंतु आप खुद देख लीजिए कि नाम बदल जाने से वैफसे-वैफसे घपले हो रहे हैं। नाम वृफष्ण हो तो उसे अवतार कहते हैं और मुहम्मद हो तो पैगंबर। नामों वेफ चक्कर में पड़कर लोग यह भूल गए कि दोनां ही दूध देने वाले जानवर चराया करते थे। दोनों ही पशुपति, गोबरधन और ब्रज-वुफमार थे। इसीलिए तो कहता हूँ कि टोपी वेफ बिना इफ्ऱ पफन और इफ्ऱ प् ाफन वेफ बिना टोपी न वेफवल यह कि अधूरे हैं बल्कि बेमानी हैं। इसलिए इफ्ऱ पाफन वेफ घर चलना शरूरी है। यह देखना शरूरी है कि उसकी आत्मा वेफ आँगन में वैफसी हवाएँ चल रही हैं और परंपराओं वेफ पेड़ पर वैफसे पफल आ रहे हैं।

Topics covered in the Hindi B NCERT textbook 

The Hindi Course B Class 10 Book NCERT is a combination of two books in one volume. 

1. Sparsh (Prose and Poetry):

Prose: A collection of stories and essays by well-known Hindi writers depicting social issues, individual experiences, and moral ideals. Notable inclusions are stories on the philosophies of Gandhi and cultural and contemporary socio-economic issues. 

Poetry: Compositions of eminent poets on nature, patriotism, philosophy, and other emotive topics. In the poetry section, the students are expected to interpret the use of figures of speech, symbolism, and emotions expressed in profundity.

2. Sanchayan: 

Includes other pieces of literature to help the reader and prompt analysis. 

Covers a variety of subjects such as historical fiction, biographies, and motivational stories, which widen the scope of reading for the students.

Each of the above has objectives that focus on language and articulation as well as critical and creative writing. This text lays the groundwork required to be proficient in Hindi as a subject for students of class ten.

Why should students download these PDFs? 

Make sure to download the class 10 Hindi B NCERT textbook PDF. Here are some reasons: 

No Heavy Lifting Required: Studying somewhere far? No problem. Just grab your phone or tablet and start learning. 

Zero Cost: Who doesn’t appreciate free stuff? Students can learn with the class 10 Hindi B book without spending a single penny. 

PDFs Are Searchable: PDFs make it incredibly easy to find certain topics when revising. No wasting time flipping through textbooks.

Reduced Class Material Print: Sustainable learning efforts by limiting paper use.

Useful for Last Minute Exam Prep: Helps with cramming useful information. 

Class PDF Always Updated: The Book gets updated with new syllabus and corrections so students can always focus on more important matters.

Digital Highlighting: PDFs are not your boring textbooks. Students can highlight topics, bookmark, or add in notes to get the most out of their book. 

Cut Back Time Finding Info: Needing to find information in a physical book wastes too much time. PDFs allow instant searching. 

Effective Methods of Studying A Class 10 Hindi B NCERT Textbooks. 

Students will greatly benefit from the NCERT’s Hindi Course 10 textbook if they wish to pass their board exams. The syllabus of this textbook is created in such a way that a learner gets to master a language as smoothly as possible. This textbook can be used most effectively only if students: 

Read Each Chapter Thoroughly: Learn with complete understanding of the prose and poetry about their settings and messages. Critique all the short stories and poems in detail; it will assist you while addressing the subjective portion during examinations. 

Take Notes: Write down summaries of all the chapters in your own words to deepen your understanding. This would assist you during revision and will enhance your memorization. 

Practice Questions: Solve the exercises provided at the end of each chapter. These exercises aim to advance the student’s understanding and analytical abilities. 

Refer to the NCERT Solutions for your doubts, misconceptions, and understanding. Checking your answers against the solutions enables a learner to accept and learn from his or her errors.

Use Class 10 Hindi B Book PDF: Download the textbook so that you can revise at any point and try to use smartbooks as it assists in exam preparation by searching and highlighting important areas. 

How To Use These NCERT Textbooks To Achieve High Marks? 

The Hindi B Class 10 Book PDF that is attached here will help students perform well in the exams. Here are some tips that can help you improve your score: 

Understand the marking scheme:

 Look at the papers from the prior years to understand the relevant topics. Determine which areas need more focus. 

Work on your writing skills: 

Answer the questions in a structured manner with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use a mix of sentence structures and grammatical phrases. 

Work on getting them the attention: Hindi grammar work is crucial for achieving marks. Construct sandhi, samas, alankaar, and vyakaran theory regularly. 

Essential poems and stories require practice: Remembering the key lines along with their meanings helps in being able to answer the questions. Do derive the literary devices given for analysis and understanding. 

Always remember to check: 

Using the Hindi Course B Class 10 Book NCERT, go through the chapters more than once. Frequent checking improves memory retention. 

Do effective time allotment: 

Allocate a set time for attending each topic in the exam.

Make sure you allocate your learning time for literature and grammar evenly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Hindi B Subject 

Mistakes in preparation for Hindi B can affect the students. Here are some common mistakes:

Overlooking Grammar: 

Numerous students tend to study and read only the literature part, which causes them not to learn the grammar section while they are tested on both.

Not Writing Practice: 

Writing is an important part of learning that, when ignored, greatly reduces one’s ability to answer well-structured questions of good content. Furthermore, the structure of the answer should be presented in legible handwriting for the markers to be impressed.

Answering the Questions Wrongly: 

Some students do not concentrate when reading the questions. They start writing the answers even without proper understanding of the questions, skipping so many important facts which are asked from them.

Do Not Do NCERT Exercises: 

Make sure to attempt the exercises to get the proper understanding of the chapter. Directly, many of the questions in the exam are usually passed on from the previous lessons and exercises.

Having No Time Management: 

During examination, different chapters are allocated different time limits, which must be followed. You should not spend 30 minutes reading and understanding the last minute to submit. It is always good to finish the paper at least 10 minutes before time so that you can look over the paper for mistakes.

Remembering All Alankars: 

The questions asked in the literature part of the poetry are from the alankar and the meaning of it. Losing marks on these means there are fewer marks in the essays that are written.

Sample Papers When Not Solved in Mock Tests:

 There is no such thing as confidence for students who don't take mock tests and practice for them. They are not accustomed to looking, so do not expect the marks they desire to get.

The Hindi Course B Class 10 Book NCERT serves as a guide to the students who are preparing for the board exams. Now, with the NCERT Class 10 Hindi B Book PDF, students can conveniently access the study materials at any time. The textbook includes prose and poetry and other supplementary readings to prepare students in multiple facets of Hindi literature and grammar. To do well on exams, students need to employ a solid study plan, practice writing frequently, and curb their errors. Successful students are those who revise often, grasp concepts rather than memorize them, and track the changes in guidelines set up by the CBSE. This will help students to foster their skills in the language and do well in school.

NCERT Exemplar for Class 10


NCERT Solutions for Class 10

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