NCERT Class 10 Social Science Book PDF Download

March 20, 2025

The Class 10 NCERT Social Science syllabus provides a comprehensive exploration of various subjects that are vital for a student's understanding of history, geography, economics, and political science. Covering essential topics in a concise and structured manner, NCERT textbooks form the backbone of exam preparation..

The new pattern case-based MCQs are also based on the theory given in this NCERT Social Science (Geography (Contemporary India), Economics (Understanding Economic Development), History (India and the Contemporary World – II), and Political Science (Democratic Politics)) PDF below.

This book covers all the important topics and concepts that are prescribed in the NCERT Curriculum and CBSE Class 10 Social Science (Geography (Contemporary India), Economics (Understanding Economic Development), History (India and the Contemporary World – II), Political Science (Democratic Politics)) Syllabus. In recent years, CBSE-affiliated schools and schools from other state boards have started to apply NCERT books for the academic year study of class 10.

Social Science is a lengthy subject given its being categorized into- History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics. Although solving problems can create a balance between the subjects, students can use either NCERT Class 10 Science or Class 10 Math NCERT textbooks for the same.  Below is given easy access to the complete book PDF as well as chapter-wise PDF.

NCERT Geography (Contemporary India) Class 10 Book

Chapter No. Chapter-wise PDF
Chapter 1 Resources and Development
Chapter 2 Forest and Wildlife Resources
Chapter 3 Water Resources
Chapter 4 Agriculture
Chapter 5 Mineral and Energy Resources
Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries
Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Geography NCERT Book PDF

Geography (Bhugol)

Chapters Downloadable PDF Link
Chapter 1 Resources and Development
(संसाधन एवं विकास)
Chapter 2 Forest and Wildlife Resources
(वन एवं वन्य जीव संसाधन)
Chapter 3 Water Resources (जल संसाधन)
Chapter 4 Agriculture (कृषि)
Chapter 5 Mineral and Energy Resources
(खनिज तथा ऊर्जा संसाधन)
Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries
(विनिर्माण उद्योग)
Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy
(राष्ट्रीय अर्थव्यवस्था की जीवन रेखाएं)

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Bhugol (Geography) NCERT Book PDF

NCERT Economics (Understanding Economic Development) Class 10 Book

Chapter No. Chapter-wise PDF
Chapter 1 Development
Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy
Chapter 3 Money and Credit
Chapter 4 Globalisation and The Indian Economy
Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Economics NCERT Book PDF

Economics (Arthshastra)

Chapters Downloadable PDF Link
Chapter 1 Development ( विकास )
Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy
(भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के क्षेत्रक)
Chapter 3 Money and Credit (मुद्रा और साख)
Chapter 4 Globalisation and The Indian Economy
(वैश्विकरण और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था)
Chapter 5 Consumer Rights (उपभोक्ता अधिकार)

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Arthshastra (Economics) NCERT Book PDF

History (India and the Contemporary World – II) Class 10 Book

Chapter No. Chapter-wise PDF
Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter 2 Nationalism in India
Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World
Chapter 4 The Age of Industrialisation
Chapter 5 Print Culture and the Modern World

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th History NCERT Book PDF

History (Ithihas)

Chapters Downloadable PDF Link
Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
(यूरोप में राष्ट्रवाद का उदय)
Chapter 2 Nationalism in India
(भारत में राष्ट्रवाद)
Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World
(भूमंडलीकृत विश्व का बनना)
Chapter 4 The Age of Industrialisation
(औद्योगीकरण का युग)
Chapter 5 Print Culture and the Modern World
(मुद्रण संस्कृति और आधुनिक दुनिया)

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Ithihas (History) NCERT Book PDF

NCERT Political Science (Democratic Politics) Class 10 Book

Chapter No. Chapter-wise PDF
Chapter 1 Power Sharing
Chapter 2 Federalism
Chapter 3 Gender, Religion and Caste
Chapter 4 Political Parties
Chapter 5 Outcomes of Democracy

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Political Science NCERT Book PDF

Political Science (Loktantril Rajneeti)

Chapters Downloadable PDF Link
Chapter 1 Power Sharing (सत्ता की साझेदारी)
Chapter 2 Federalism (संघवाद)
Chapter 3 Gender, Religion and Caste
(जाति, धर्म और लैंगिक मसले)
Chapter 4 Political Parties (राजनितिक दल)
Chapter 5 Outcomes of Democracy
(लोकतंत्र के परिणाम)

<red> →  <red>Complete Class 10th Loktantrik Rajneeti (Political Science) NCERT Book PDF

There are many NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Books available online but finding the right one is a tedious task. History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics make Social Science and is filled with unsolved questions. NCERT 10th Social Science will provide chapter-wise in-text and exercise solutions that are curated by the subject matter experts in an easy-to-understand language that will promote concept clarity. 

NCERT Social Science Class 10 Book Solutions PDF

The following chapters are rationalized from the Class 10 NCERT Political Science (Democratic Politics).

  1. Challenges to Democracy
  2. Democracy and Diversity
  3. Popular Struggles and Movements

Recall some important chapters from Class 10 NCERT Social Science.

NCERT plays an important role for the board as well as competitive exams. With that, students can find the content below (taken from NCERT books) to reminisce about some important chapters.

  1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe—History

Plebiscite: a direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.  In 1848, Frédéric Sorrieu, a French artist, prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social republics,’ as he called them. Absolutist—literally, a government or system of rule that has no restraints on the power exercised. In history, the term refers to a form of monarchical government that was centralized, militarized, and repressive. Utopian—a vision of a society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist.

Some important dates

1797: Napoleon invades Italy; the Napoleonic Wars begin.

1814-1815: Fall of Napoleon; the Vienna Peace Settlement.

1821: A Greek struggle for independence begins.

1848 Revolutions in Europe; artisans, industrial workers, and peasants revolt against economic hardships; middle classes demand constitutions and representative governments; Italians, Germans, Magyars, Poles, Czechs, etc. demand nation-states.

1859-1870: Unification of Italy.

1866-1871: Unification of Germany.

1905 Slav nationalism gathers force in the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires.

Attribute Significance
Broken chains Being freed
Breastplate with eagle Symbol of the German empire – strength
Crown of oak leaves Heroism
Sword Readiness to fight
Olive branch around the sword Willingness to make peace
Black, red and gold tricolour Flag of the liberal nationalists in 1848,
banned by the Dukes of the German states
Rays of the rising sun The beginning of a new era
  1. Nationalism in India - History

Through the war years, prices increased—doubling between 1913 and 1918—leading to extreme hardship for the common people. Villages were called upon to supply soldiers, and the forced recruitment in rural areas caused widespread anger. Then in 1918-19 and 1920-21, crops failed in many parts of India, resulting in acute shortages of food. This was accompanied by an influenza epidemic. According to the census of 1921, 12 to 13 million people perished as a result of famines and the epidemic.The First World War had ended with the defeat of Ottoman Turkey. At the Calcutta session of the Congress in September 1920, he convinced other leaders of the need to start a non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat as well as for Swaraj. The Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement began in January 1921. Various social groups participated in this movement, each with its own specific aspiration. All of them responded to the call of Swaraj, but the term meant different things to different people.

  1. Manufacturing Industries - Geography

The production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing. People employed in secondary activities manufacture the primary materials into finished goods. The workers employed in steel factories, cars, breweries, textile industries, bakeries, etc. fall into this category. Some people are employed in providing services. In this chapter, we are mainly concerned with manufacturing industries that fall in the secondary sector.

  • Manufacturing industries not only help in modernizing agriculture, which forms the backbone of our economy, but they also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income by providing them jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
  • Industrial development is a precondition for the eradication of unemployment and poverty in our country. This was the main philosophy behind public sector industries and joint sector ventures in India. It was also aimed at bringing down regional disparities by establishing industries in tribal and backward areas.
  • The export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings in much-needed foreign exchange.
  • Countries that transform their raw materials into a wide variety of finished goods of higher value are prosperous. India’s prosperity lies in increasing and diversifying its manufacturing industries as quickly as possible.

Based on the source of raw materials used:

  • Agro-based: cotton, wool, jute, silk textiles, rubber and sugar, tea, coffee, and edible oil.
  • Mineral-based: iron and steel, cement, aluminum, machine tools, petrochemicals.

NTPC is a major power-providing corporation in India. It has ISO certification for EMS (Environmental Management System) 14001. The corporation has a proactive approach to preserving the natural environment and resources like water, oil, gas, and fuels in places where it is setting up power plants. This has been possible through

Optimum utilization of equipment adopting the latest techniques and upgrading existing equipment.

Minimizing waste generation by maximizing ash utilization.

Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance and addressing the question of special purpose vehicles for afforestation.

Reducing environmental pollution through ash pond management, ash water recycling systems, and liquid waste management.

Ecological monitoring, reviews, and online database management for all its power stations.

  1. Water Resources - Geography

India’s rivers, especially the smaller ones, have all turned into toxic streams. And even the big ones like the Ganga and Yamuna are far from being pure. The assault on India’s rivers—from population growth, agricultural modernization, urbanization, and industrialization—is enormous and growing by the day... This entire life stands threatened. Source: The Citizens’ Fifth Report, CSE, 1999.

Hydraulic Structures in Ancient India

  • In the first century B.C., Sringaverapura near Allahabad had a sophisticated water harvesting system channelling the flood water of the river Ganga.
  • During the time of Chandragupta Maurya, dams, lakes, and irrigation systems were extensively built.
  • Evidence of sophisticated irrigation works has also been found in Kalinga (Odisha), Nagarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh), Bennur (Karnataka), Kolhapur (Maharashtra), etc.
  • In the 11th century, Bhopal Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes of its time, was built.
  • In the 14th century, the tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi, was constructed by Iltutmish to supply water to the Siri Fort area.

The Sardar Sarovar Dam has been built over the Narmada River in Gujarat. This is one of the largest water resource projects in India, covering four states—Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. The Sardar Sarovar project would meet the requirement of water in drought-prone and desert areas of Gujarat (9,490 villages and 173 towns) and Rajasthan (124 villages). Source:

  1. Power Sharing - Political Science

An intelligent sharing of power among the legislature, executive, and judiciary is very important to the design of a democracy. What do we learn from these two stories, Belgium and Sri Lanka? Both are democracies. Yet, they dealt with the question of power-sharing differently. In Belgium, the leaders have realized that the unity of the country is possible only by respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions. Such a realization resulted in mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power. Sri Lanka shows us a contrasting example. It shows us that if a majority community wants to force its dominance over others and refuses to share power, it can undermine the unity of the country.Power may also be shared among different social groups, such as religious and linguistic groups. ‘Community government’ in Belgium is a positive example of this arrangement. In some countries, there are constitutional and legal arrangements whereby socially weaker sections and women are represented in the legislatures and administration. Last year, we studied the system of ‘reserved constituencies’ in assemblies and the parliament of our country. This type of arrangement is meant to give space in the government and administration to diverse social groups, who otherwise, would feel alienated from the government. This method is used to give minority communities a fair share of power. In Unit II, we shall look at various ways of accommodating social diversities.

  1. Political Parties - Political Science

A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and programmes for society to promote the collective good. Since there can be different views on what is beneficial for all, parties try to persuade people why their policies are better than others. They seek to implement these policies by winning popular support through elections.Parties put forward different policies and programmes and the voters choose from them. Each of us may have different opinions and views on what policies are suitable for the society. But no government can handle such a large variety of views.  In a democracy, a large number of similar opinions have to be grouped to provide a direction in which policies can be formulated by the governments. This is what the parties do. A party reduces a vast multitude of opinions into a few basic positions which it supports. A government is expected to base its policies on the line taken by the ruling party. The Constitution was amended to prevent elected MLAs and MPs from changing parties. This was done because many elected representatives were indulging in defections to become ministers or for cash rewards. Now the law says that if any MLA or MP changes parties, he or she will lose the seat in the legislature. This new law has helped bring defection down. At the same time, this has made any dissent even more difficult. MPs and MLAs have to accept whatever the party leaders decide.

  1. Sectors of the Indian Economy - Economics

An economy is best understood when we study its components or sectors. Sectoral classification can be done on the basis of several criteria. Another important issue to be highlighted is the problems caused by the changes in the roles of sectors. The chapter has taken the example of unemployment and what the government can do to solve it. The declining importance of agriculture and the growing importance of industry and services should be related to the experience of the children by taking more examples that they may observe in their day-to-day lives.After primary and secondary, there is a third category of activities that falls under the tertiary sector and is different from the above two. These are activities that help in the development of the primary and secondary sectors. These activities, by themselves, do not produce a good, but they are an aid or a support for the production process.This underemployment can also happen in other sectors. For example, there are thousands of casual workers in the service sector in urban areas who search for daily employment. They are employed as painters, plumbers, repair persons, and others doing odd jobs. Many of them don’t find work every day. Similarly, we see other people in the service sector on the street pushing a cart or selling something where they may spend the whole day but earn very little. They are doing this work because they do not have better opportunities.

Overview of Class 10 NCERT Social Science 

Class 10 NCERT Social Science, often referred to as Class 10 NCERT SST, is divided into four main subjects:

  • History
  • Geography
  • Political Science (Civics)
  • Economics

Each section plays an important role in understanding the world—past and present—and helps students develop good knowledge. The NCERT for Class 10 Social Science simplifies complex concepts, allowing students to easily grasp and retain important information for their board exams.


The history portion of Class 10 History NCERT introduces students to modern world history with an understanding of topics such as nationalism, colonialism, and industrialization. The textbook, India and Contemporary World II, covers key topics such as:

  • Nationalism in Europe: Exploring the rise of nationalism in Europe and the making of nation-states.
  • Nationalism in India: Understanding the Indian freedom struggle, starting from the early resistance to British rule to the civil disobedience movements led by figures like Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Industrialization and Urbanization: The growth of industries and cities and their impact on societies worldwide.


Geography in Class 10 of NCERT SST focuses on both physical geography and human geography. The book, Contemporary India: II, focuses on geographical concepts and issues, helping students appreciate natural resources and their distribution, as well as human intervention in the environment. Important chapters include:

  • Resources and Development: Understanding different types of resources, their uses, and sustainable practices.
  • Agriculture: The types of farming practiced in India and the importance of agriculture to the country's economy.
  • Water Resources: The significance of water resources, management practices, and conservation efforts.
  • Minerals and Energy Resources: Learning about the various types of minerals and energy sources available in India and the need for judicious use.

Political Science

The political science portion, covered in Democratic Politics II, looks into the workings of the democratic system in India and around the world. Students learn about governance, democracy, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Key chapters include:

  • Power Sharing: How governments distribute power among different levels (central, state, and local) and sections of society.
  • Federalism: The structure and features of a federal system of government, focusing on the Indian model.
  • Outcomes of Democracy: Evaluating how successful democracies are in addressing their citizens' needs and promoting economic development.


The Study of Development and Progress

Economics in NCERT Class 10 focuses on basic economic principles and development. The textbook, Understanding Economic Development, introduces students to key economic terms and ideas, providing a practical understanding of how economies function. Chapters cover:

  • Development: Different aspects of development, including economic growth, quality of life, and sustainable progress.
  • Sectors of the Indian Economy: Understanding the division of the economy into primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
  • Money and Credit: The role of money, banking, and credit in the functioning of economies.
  • Globalization and the Indian Economy: How globalization affects the Indian economy and the benefits and challenges it presents.

How do I prepare for the class 10 social science exam?

To ace the Class 10 Social Science exam, students need to adopt an effective study plan:

  • Read the NCERT books thoroughly. These are your go-to resources, and most exam questions are directly or indirectly based on these books.
  • Note down important points as you read. Summarizing chapters helps revise your learning.
  • Practice with previous years' question papers. This gives you a sense of the exam pattern and helps improve time management.

Class 10 of NCERT Social Science is made to provide a strong foundation in key areas of history, geography, economics, and civics. With a clear understanding of the chapters and consistent preparation, students can excel in their board exams. Focus on clarity, understanding, and regular practice to achieve success.

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