NCERT Chemistry Class 11 Textbook PDF Download

December 4, 2024

Chemistry, a subject of reactions, atoms, and molecules, is much more enjoyable if studied with the right books. For students of class 11, chemistry comes with various new topics that are hard to understand, but what if I tell you that this can be easy with a readily available and affordable book? Yes, you are thinking right; I am talking about the NCERT class 11 Chemistry book. We know that every student understands how vital the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry book is not only for boards but also for exams like JEE and NEET. Let us see some benefits of using it and how a student should use the NCERT Chemistry Class 11 textbook. 

Below are direct download links to NCERT Books - Chemistry I and Chemistry II, combined (complete book) and separate chapter-wise PDFs. 

Class 11 Chemistry Part 1 PDF - All Chapters

Chapters PDF Downloads
Chapter 1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chapter 2 Structure of Atom
Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Chapter 5 Chemical Thermodynamics
Chapter 6 Equilibrium

NCERT Class 11 Chemistry (Part I) Book

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Class 11 Chemistry Part 2 PDF - All Chapters

Chapters PDF Downloads
Chapter 7 Redox Reactions
Chapter 8 Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques
Chapter 9 Hydrocarbons

NCERT Class 11 Chemistry (Part II) Book

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The following chapters are rationalized from the Class 11 NCERT.

  1. States of Matter
  2. Environmental Chemistry
  3. Hydrogen
  4. The P-block Elements
  5. The S-block Elements

What is Included in the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Book?

The NCERT Class 11 Chemistry book is divided into two parts: Part 1 and Part 2, each including topics to give students a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts.

Part 1: Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

  1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  2. This chapter is a base for understanding chemistry, introducing key terms like mole concept, atomic mass, and chemical reactions.
  3. Structure of Atom
  4. Here, students learn atomic models, subatomic particles, quantum mechanics, and electron configuration. 
  5. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  6. This chapter explores the periodic table, the periodicity of elements, and trends like ionisation energy, electron affinity, and atomic size. 
  7. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  8. This chapter introduces students to different types of bonding, ionic, covalent, and metallic, along with molecular geometry, VSEPR theory, and hybridisation, crucial for understanding reactions and compounds.
  9. Thermodynamics is one of the most significant chapters; it introduces concepts like energy, work, heat, enthalpy, and entropy. Thermodynamics is fundamental not only in chemistry but also in physics and engineering.
  10. Equilibrium
  11. This chapter deals with chemical equilibrium, the equilibrium constant, and Le Chatelier's Principle. 

Part 2: Organic Chemistry and Specialised Topics

  1. Redox Reactions
  2. This chapter focuses on oxidation-reduction reactions, balancing redox reactions, and electrode potentials, paving the way for electrochemistry.
  3. Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  4. This chapter introduces students to organic chemistry, covering concepts like hybridisation, bond formation, and different classes of organic reactions. Students also learn essential techniques such as purification and qualitative analysis.
  5. Hydrocarbons
  6. A deeper dive into alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons, exploring their properties, reactions, and uses in industrial chemistry.

How to Make the Most of the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Book

Succeeding in chemistry requires more than just reading the textbook. It's about understanding concepts, solving problems, and applying knowledge in different contexts. Here are some strategies to maximise your learning from the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry book:

  • Every chapter builds on the previous ones, so having a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts is essential. Focus on understanding the mole concept, atomic structure, and bonding before moving on to more complex topics.
  • Chemistry involves a lot of calculations and problem-solving. After reading a chapter, attempt all the exercises at the end of the chapter. This will help you review what you've learnt.
  • Many students find diagrams and tables incredibly helpful. For example, the periodic table helps you quickly understand the trends in elements. Similarly, drawing molecular structures can make understanding bonding and hybridisation much easier.
  • Numericals are an integral part of chemistry. Ensure you're comfortable with unit conversions, stoichiometry, and calculations involving thermodynamics, equilibrium, and redox reactions. Practice as many numerical problems as you can from both the textbook and additional sources.

Additional Resources other than the class 11 NCERT Chemistry book

While the NCERT book is comprehensive, using additional resources can help you gain a more in-depth understanding and improve your performance in exams.

  1. Reference Books

Several reference books can supplement your NCERT learning:

  • Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon for detailed explanations and additional problems.
  • Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd to deepen your understanding of organic reactions and mechanisms.
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee for better clarity on inorganic chemistry.
  1. Sample Papers and Past Question Papers

Solving sample papers and past question papers gives you a sense of the types of questions that appear in exams and helps you manage your time better. 

  1. YouTube Channels

Many channels provide excellent ways to learn chemistry. They provide tips on how to crack competitive exams while making complex topics easier to understand.

The NCERT Class 11 Chemistry book is a treasure trove of knowledge that not only prepares you for board exams but also helps you for competitive exams like JEE and NEET. By mastering the concepts, practising regularly, and using additional resources like reference books and online platforms, you can turn chemistry from a challenging subject into an exciting one.

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