NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Textbook| Free PDF for 2025-26 Exams

February 27, 2025

NCERT Chemistry Class 12 2025-2026 Textbook PDF: Free download in one click!

Newly designed textbooks have been launched by NCERT, which completely stick to the new syllabus under the new guidelines. There will be no question asked which is not given in NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Textbook. Whole exam paper would be made from the textbook PDF (Part 1 and Part 2) given below in this blog.

The book PDFs covers all the important topics and concepts that are prescribed in NCERT Curriculum and CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus. In recent years, not only CBSE-affiliated schools but schools from other state boards have started to apply NCERT books for academic year study of class 12, because of their effectiveness.

And it's not just limited to Chemistry – plan your Class 12 English Core or Class 12 Hindi Core exams smoothly with NCERT textbooks, as questions are being directly asked from them in the exams.

Explore Below the links to Complete Ncert Class 12 Chemistry Book PDFs - Part 1 and Part 2 and also links to chapter-wise PDFs of the books.

NCERT Class 12 Chemistry Full Book 1 / Chapter-wise PDF Download:

Unit No. Download Chapter-wise Chemistry (Part I) PDF
Unit 1 Solutions
Unit 2 Electrochemistry
Unit 3 Chemical Kinetics
Unit 4 The d and f Block Elements
Unit 5 Coordination Compounds

NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Book Part-I PDF

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NCERT Book Chemistry (Part 2) Class 12 PDF

Unit No. Download Chapter-wise Chemistry (Part II) PDF
Unit 6 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Unit 7 Alcohols Phenols and Ethers
Unit 8 Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic acids
Unit 9 Amines
Unit 10 Biomolecules

NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Book Part-II PDF

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Excluded Chapters in the 2025-26 Edition

To make the learning process easier, the following chapters have been rationalized:

  • General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
  • Surface Chemistry
  • The p-block Elements
  • The Solid State
  • Chemistry in Everyday Life
  • Polymers

Chapter-wise Breakdown of Important Topics In NCERT Chemistry Textbook Class 12 (PART 1 and Part 2):

  1. Solutions
    • Types of solutions - details on Gaseous solutions, Liquid solutions and Solid solutions with various examples.
    • Concentration of solutions - concepts like Molarity, Molality, Mole Fraction, and Mass percentage.
    • Solubility - Insights on Factors affecting solubility, Solubility product (ksp), and some applications related to this topic.
  2. Electrochemistry
    • Electrochemical cells - Introduction to redox reactions, oxidation and half reaction processes, talks about electrode potential and the tendency of a metal to lose electrons and arrangement of metals based on their electrode potential.
    • Galvanic and electrolytic cells - Anode, cathode, salt bridge , electrolytes, redox reactions, generation of electronic current.
    • Electrolysis - Introduction to electrolysis, anode, cathode, electrolyte, extraction of metals, electroplating, and electrorefining.
  3. Chemical Kinetics
    • Reaction rates - Define and express the rate of a reaction, Factors affecting reaction rates: concentration, temperature, catalyst, surface area, and pressure (for gaseous reactions).
    • Rate laws - Factors affecting reaction rates - Order of reaction, Integrated Rate Equations, Half-Life Period.
  4. The d and f Block Elements
    • Properties of transition metals - Electronic Configuration. Ionization, Oxidation States, General Characteristics
    • Lanthanides and actinides - Filling of 4f and 5f orbitals, Oxidation States, General Properties, and specific applications.
  5. Coordination Compounds
    • Structure and bonding - Introduction to coordination compounds and their components , Werner's Theory, Valence Bond Theory, Crystal Field Theory, and stability of coordination compounds.
    • Nomenclature - here you’ll be gaining insights on IUPAC rules for naming coordination compounds based on the metal ion, ligands, and their charges.
    • Applications - Importance in various fields, such as: Catalysis , Analytical Chemistry, Biological Systems , Industrial Processes.
  6. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
    • Structure and properties - Introduction to haloalkanes and haloarenes , Physical and chemical properties based on the nature of halogen, carbon chain length, and aromaticity
    • Nomenclature and reactions - IUPAC naming, naming rules for haloalkanes and haloarenes, Nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN1 and SN2), Elimination reactions, Electrophilic substitution.
  7. Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
    • Classification and properties - Classification of alcohols (primary, secondary, tertiary), Physical and chemical properties of alcohols and phenols, Structure and properties of ethers.
    • Preparation and reactions - Methods of preparation of alcohols, phenols, and ethers, oxidation, esterification, dehydration, electrophilic substitution, Kolbe's reactions, Williamson's synthesis.
  8. Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
    • Structure and properties - Introduction to aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids, Physical and chemical properties based on the carbonyl group.
    • Chemical reactions - Nucleophilic reactions, Oxidation and reduction reactions, formation of esters, acid chlorides, amides.
  9. Amines
    • Classification and properties - Classification of amines (primary, secondary, tertiary), Physical and chemical properties of amines.
    • Preparation and reactions - Methods of preparation of amines, alkylation, acylation, carbylamine reaction, Importance and applications of amines
  10. Biomolecules
    • Carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids - Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, amino acids, peptide bond, levels of protein structure - structure and functions , Structure and roles of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
    • Enzymes and vitamins - Introduction and mechanism of enzymes, Factors affecting enzyme activity, Classification, sources, and functions of vitamins.

Study Strategies for Class 12 NCERT Chemistry Exam 2025-2026: To Score 90+

1. Understand the Syllabus—Go through the complete syllabus and all the necessary changes that the curriculum might have introduced. Next, make a list of all the important topics and plan your timetable accordingly.

2. Use Available Resources to the fullest—Use the NCERT Chemistry Class 12 textbook as your best friend throughout your session 2025-2026. Break down chapters into short and precise, manageable sections, and remember the One Topic At A Time strategy!

3. Write down HANDWRITTEN detailed notes—Always choose your handwritten notes for thorough study and make key points and highlights for a quick revision through your exam session.

4. Practice, Practice, and Practice—You know “practice makes a man perfect,” so keep practicing as much as you can and keep revising your topics to identify your weak points so that you can work on them. Take mock tests and quizzes and revise sample papers.

Benefits of Studying Chemistry for Exam Preparation:

1. Build Strong Foundation for Competitive Exams

  • JEE and NEET: Chemistry is one of the main subject in entrance exams like JEE and NEET for engineering and medical courses respectively. Mastering chemistry’s basic concepts as well as deep concepts is very important to score well in these exams.
  • Olympiads and Scholarship Exams: Knowing chemistry well is essential for being eligible for taking part in olympiads and scholarship exams like KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana).

2. Improved Problem-Solving Skills

  • Analytical Skills: By learning chemistry you will become efficient in solving analytical questions which will be beneficial for you in other subjects as well.
  • Critical Thinking: By understanding different types of  reactions, mechanisms, and experimental results, you gain a boost in critical thinking skills.

3. Time Management and Efficiency

  • Chemistry Requires structured learning i.e lots of practice and revision which will eventually help the students to manage their time effectively.
  • Lots of Regular practice of chemical equations and problems make students  trained to work accurately under exam conditions and handle exam pressure.

4. Understanding Practical Applications

  • Chemistry provides seek-peek into real-world situations, making theoretical concepts easier to memorise.
  • Experimental approach in chemistry enhances practical understanding of theoretical concepts, which is a game changer for students.

Importance of Studying Class 12 NCERT Chemistry

1. Lays a foundation for Higher education

  • Class 12 NCERT forms the base of competitive examinations like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, NEET, AIIMS, and various other exams included for engineering, medical and pharmacy courses.
  • Fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, pharmacy, and environmental science requires a thorough understanding of Chemistry of Class 12th. 

2. Completely aligned with board exams

  • Class 12 NCERT Chemistry deeply covers the CBSE board exam syllabus all according to the new guidelines received as per by CBSE, making sure that students are well-prepared for their upcoming board exams.
  • Since whole exam paper is based on NCERT content , it makes the book effective at all means and it helps the student to score above 90+ in their board exams.

3. Understanding Concepts

  • Class 12 NCERT Chemistry helps students to brainstorm a clear understanding of complex topics like chemical reactions, bonding, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and equilibrium.
  • By solving the exercises and numerical problems in NCERT Chemistry, students develop a great analytical knowledge and problem solving power.

4. Practical Applications:

  • Class 12 NCERT Chemistry provided a practical and experimental way of learning about various fields such as medicine, agriculture, industry, and environmental conservation.
  • Laboratory Exercises: The practical experiments and laboratory exercises in NCERT Chemistry help students understand the practical aspects of chemistry and develop experimental skills.

6. Further Career Opportunities:

  • Class 12 NCERT Chemistry opens up huge career opportunities in fields such as research, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, environmental consultancy, and forensic science and research.
  • Chemists are in high demand all over the world, and studying Class 12 NCERT Chemistry provides a great base for pursuing absolute fine careers in the field of chemistry and related disciplines.
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