NCERT Class 9 Hindi B Textbook | Free PDF Download for 2025 Exams

February 27, 2025

NCERT Books hold the most important role in Class 9 to 12 exam preparation. Every session begins with reading and understanding the concepts of the NCERT textbooks and exemplar books. Same is the case with Hindi B. Class 9 Hindi B NCERT Textbooks: A Comprehensive Guide About the academic significance of Hindi. It is one of the most spoken languages in India. The NCERT Hindi B textbook helps Class 9 students build language proficiency, improve comprehension, and prepare for examinations. Moreover, the NCERT Hindi Grammar book examines rules of grammar that are crucial for scoring high marks in exams. 

NCERT Class 9 Hindi B Textbook analysis includes effective utilisation, scoring techniques, common errors, undue reasons for downloading, and topics covered. Along with these, we will guide you on other ways to strategise to learn Hindi better and enjoy doing it.  Below, we have provided direct download links to NCERT Books - Sanchayan Part 1 and Sparsh Part 1, both combined and separate chapter-wise PDFs. 

Class 9 Sparsh Part 1 (Prose) Chapters

Chapters PDF Downloads
पाठ 1 दुःख का अधिकार (यशपाल)
पाठ 2 एवरेस्ट - मेरी शिखर यात्रा (बचेंद्री पाल)
पाठ 3 तुम कब जाओगे, अतिथि (शरद जोशी)
पाठ 4 वैज्ञानिक चेतना के वाहक; चन्द्र शेखर वेंकट रामन (धीरंजन मालवे)
पाठ 5 शुक्रतारे के समान (स्वामी आनंद)

Class 9 Sparsh Part 1 (Poetry) Chapters

Chapters PDF Downloads
कविता 1 पद (रैदास)
कविता 2 दोहे (रहीम)
कविता 3 गीत – अगीत (रामधारी सिंह दिनकर)
कविता 4 अग्नि पथ (हरिवंशराय बच्चन)
कविता 5 नए इलाके में...; खुशबू रचते हैं हाथ... (अरुण कमल)

NCERT Class 9 Sparsh Part 1 Book PDF

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Class 9 Sanchayan Part 1 Chapters

Poems PDF Downloads
पाठ 1 गिल्लू (महादेवी वर्मा)
पाठ 2 स्मृति (श्रीराम शर्मा)
पाठ 3 कल्लू कुम्हार की उनाकोटी (के. विक्रम सिंह)
पाठ 4 मेरा छोटा सा नीजी पुस्तकालय (धर्मवीर भारती)

NCERT Class 9 Sanchayan Part 1 Book PDF

<cta2> Download <cta2>

The following chapters are rationalized from the Class 9 NCERT.


  1. हामिद खां (एस. के. पौट्टेकाट)
  2. दिए जल उठे (मधुकर उपाध्याय)


  1. धर्म की आड़ (गणेशशंकर विद्यार्थी)
  2. आदमी नामा (नज़ीर अकबराबादी)
  3. एक फूल की चाह (सियारामशरण गुप्त)

Hindi B for Class IX—NCERT Textbooks and Grammar Books

Here are the topics that are covered in this textbook:

Free English Grammar Book for Class 9 PDF

In Class 9, students deepen their understanding of the Hindi language through the NCERT Hindi Grammar textbook, which explains the following important topics:

  • Vyakaran (Grammar Rules): covers key grammatical concepts and entails the area of Hindi syllables, nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and ethnicity.
  • Sandhi and Samas: Supports the process of sentence construction and phrase creation.
  • Vakya Rachna (Sentence Structure): Aids students in creating sentences with accurate structure.
  • Muhavare and Lokoktiyan (Idioms and Proverbs): Enriches creative forms of speech and writing.
  • Patra Lekhan (Letter Writing): Teaches principles of composing both formal and informal letters.
  • Nibandh Lekhan (Essay Writing): Organising essays on many different subjects proficiently.
  • Anuched Lekhan (Paragraph Writing): Aids enhance short-form writing skills.
  • Shuddh Lekhan (Error Correction): Eliminating frequent grammatical mistakes as hindrances in writing.
  • Paryayvachi and Vilom Shabd (Synonyms and Antonyms): Improving glossaries and verbal skills through the use of synonyms and antonyms.
  • Rachnatmak Lekhan (Creative writing): This motivates students to compose a piece of indelible composition in the Hindi language.

Why Should Students Download These NCERT Textbooks?

With an increase in the number of resources available for learning, students can easily download NCERT Hindi B textbooks as a PDF file, as this is affordable and convenient.

Free and Easily Accessible:

NCERT textbooks can be downloaded free for all students in PDF format.

Covers the Entire CBSE Syllabus: 

These books are in full compliance with the CBSE syllabus, so it’s tough to miss important topics.

Best for Concept Clarity:

The NCERT Hindi B textbook and the grammar book are a level higher in terms of the ease with which one can understand the concepts.

Frequently Used in Exams:

They serve the purpose best as restorative material because many questions set out in the CBSE exams have been directly lifted from NCERT books.

Useful for Competitive Exams:

Students seeking to qualify in competitive exams will benefit from these books as they build a good foundation in Hindi.

How To Use These Chapter Textbooks Effectively

Students should understand that NCERT textbooks are structured in a way that will enhance a student’s understanding of Hindi literature and grammar. However, learning is not limited to just reading. Students must incorporate a functional study technique into their routines.

Understand the Syllabus

Before beginning your studies, conduct a short review of the syllabus to comprehend the topics that need to be focused on. This will help in planning your study schedule.

Make Notes While Reading

Key points in chapters should be highlighted. Write down verbs along with their meanings. Summarise lessons in a few sentences in your own words. Construct flashcards for key phrases and concepts to aid in memory retention.

Practice Grammar Regularly

The revision of grammar rules is mandatory daily. All exercises given in the NCERT grammar book must be attempted. Attempt previous years’ questions to understand the scope. Engage in constructing sentences to aid in the learning process.

Improve Writing Skills:

Essay and letter writing needs to become your second nature. Read edited answers and become accustomed to the structure and format. Increase vocabulary with Hindi newspapers and books. To improve memory retention, attempt to translate textbook content into your own words.

Solve NCERT Exercise. 

After every chapter, remember to answer textbook questions. Understand and attempt sample papers and mock tests to determine grasp of contents. Participate in group discussions about the textbook content.

How to Score Good Marks Using These NCERT Textbooks?

Objectives are more easily achieved in the Hindi language when attained by a blend of comprehension, practice, and time allocation. Students must be diligent in their efforts to utilise NCERT textbooks effectively, as they serve as a basic necessity for any student's foundation. 

Time Management 

  • Break down study sessions for the literature component, grammatical aspect, and presentation skills.
  • A revision planner should be followed so that no topics are left untouched before the examination. 
  • Difficult topics should have an additional allocation of learning time with periodic reviews.

Focus on Comprehension and Interpretation. 

  • Consider the themes of stories and poems critically and where they apply.
  • Engage with passages by attempting to solve purpose-based comprehension questions. 
  • Exposition of knowledge over a subject to another party strengthens the impact of learning. 

Revise and Memorise Key Points 

  • Constructing flashcards with key idioms, phrases, and grammar constructs is advisable.
  • Before an examination, the summary points should be revised again.
  • To facilitate memory and fluency in reading, some complex passages should be read aloud.

Attempt Previous Years’ Question Papers. 

  • Understanding the set patterns of questions becomes easier. 
  • Makes the learner self-assured and confident while planning and controlling his/her time. 
  • The learning done improves with constant evaluation of mistakes made in previous attempts.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Hindi B NCERT Textbooks: 

A large percentage of students tend to lose marks due to avoidable mistakes in India. Knowing where you are going wrong is essential to improving the efficiency of your study plans as well as your overall results. 

Failing to Give Importance to Grammar Skills: 

Most students will pay attention to the literature piece and completely forget about the grammar, which subsequently results in errors in sentence formation. 

Writing Skills Are Not Well Developed and Practiced: 

A good command of written English is accomplished through regular practice of writing. Non-attendance of essay and letter writing will ultimately hurt marks in exam results. 

Failing To Read The Questions Correctly: 

It is a common scenario that essay writers tend to misinterpret or misread questions, leading to malady answers. Always ensure to read the questions at least two times before attempting to answer them.

Frequent Mistakes Students Must Steer Clear From While Learning Hindi B

While studying for Hindi B, a mistake most students make is preparation, which results in poor exam grades. Avoiding such mistakes can enhance comprehension and performance in the subject tremendously.

Ignoring Grammar (Vyakaran)

Taking heads only as literature and grammar as side subjects is where a lot of students go wrong. The same is true of essays, letters, and comprehension. The student loses marks in writing sections due to poor comprehension.

Shunning Repeated Writing Practice:

Students tend to read essays and letters but do not attempt writing them, which severely impacts the written examination performance in terms of speed and precision. Regular practice of writing enhances fluency and expressiveness and improves handwriting.

Learning by Rote:

Students tend to memorise answers rather than trying to grasp concepts. Memorisation fails when students are asked to paraphrase their points of view in broad and elaborated questions.

Ignoring Apathit Gadyansh:

A lot of students forego unseen passages because they presume answering unseen passages will not be a challenge in the examination. A shortage of practice leads to hindrances in understanding and managing time during the examination.

Insufficient Vocabulary:

Writing and speaking become a challenge without sufficient words, synonyms, and antonyms. Stronger vocabulary correlates with higher performance in the composition and comprehension passages, which are the rubrics for essays.

Failing to Read Questions Thoroughly:

Students tend to understand the question in their way, which leads to incomplete and wrong answers. Reviewing the question in detail helps to avoid blunders.

Writing the Answer Out of the Set Format:

Different formats in Hindi compel the students to provide structured answers in letters, essays, and so on. Failure to present answers in this manner may result in some marks being lost. Mismanaging T

Time for Different Sections of the Paper:

Over-concentrating on one section and spending little time on the remaining portions leads to essential details being skipped. Completing past exam papers and the mock exams assists students in tracing the time issue.

Forgetting components of the poems such as Alankar, Ras, and Chand: 

In the poetry section, students pay attention to the meaning but not to the literary devices. Knowing the element enables one to provide an accurate response to the questions.

Failing to Prepare Before the Exams:

Light revision helps to bring many points back into memory during the test.

Some learners feel that they can recall all the information and hence choose not to review their material, which is a poor choice.

Ignoring Shabdon Ki Galtiyan:

Hindi has numerous similarly pronounced words with different spellings, which can lead to overuse of poor spelling in writing, enabling students to perform poorly.

Students will be able to reinforce their understanding of the Hindi language and improve their performance in examinations by following the study tips noted earlier, alongside overcoming the common mistakes. The NCERT Class 9 Hindi B textbook and its accompanying grammar book serve as guided tools that integrate literature with extensive grammar learning. Students perform well and take full advantage of exams when they practice consistently, manage their time efficiently, and have well-developed study techniques. Start preparing today to best take advantage of these invaluable NCERT resources.

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