Class 10 NCERT Rationalised Chapters and Topics

February 18, 2025

There are quite a few chapters deleted from some Class 10 subjects and NCERT has now made them permanently clear for students. Know more about the latest NCERT update below.

  • NCERT has just now uploaded PDFs for all Class 10 subjects with their deleted chapters, topics and subtopics as per the CBSE rationalised syllabus for 2025 exams.
  • This reduced syllabus to be followed from now 2022 session seems to be permanent and could be followed in competitive exams like NEET and CUET in the coming year.

NEP 2020 provides instructions to take load off of students so they can indulge themselves in competency-based learning instead of rote memorisation. This is why the syllabus has been reduced multiple times in the past couple years.

So now finally NCERT has updated all these deleted chapters and topics for Class 9 to 12 textbooks so students may not follow them for board preparation.

NCERT Class 10 Rationalised Topics PDF

Below, we have provided all the reduced topics for all subjects in tabular form.

1. Class 10 English L&L (First Flight) Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 5: The Hundred Dresses I 63-72 Full chapter
Chapter 6: The Hundred Dresses - II 73-84 Full chapter
Chapter 6 (Poem): Animals 83-85 Full chapter

2. Class 10 English L&L (Footprints Without Feet) Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
The Hack Driver 47-53 Full chapter

3. Class 10 Hindi A (Kritika) Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
जॉर्ज पंचम की नाक 10-16 पूरा अध्याय
एही ठैयाँ झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा! (शिवप्रसाद मिश्र 'रूद्र') 31-41 पूरा अध्याय

4. Class 10 Hindi B (Sparsh) Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
बिहारी 13-17 पूरा अध्याय
महादेवी वर्मा 31-35 पूरा अध्याय
अंतोन चेखव 99-108 पूरा अध्याय

5. Class 10 Mathematics Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 1 - Real Numbers 2-7,
1.2 Euclid’s division lemma
1.5 Revisiting rational numbers and their decimal expansions
Chapter 2 - Polynomials 33–37 2.4 Division algorithm for polynomials
Chapter 3 - Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 39–46,
3.2 Pair of linear equations in two variables
3.3 Graphical method of solution of a pair of linear equations
3.4.3 Cross-multiplication method
3.5 equation reducible to a pair of linear equations in two variables
Chapter 4 - Quadratic equations 76–88
4.4 Solution of a quadratic equation by completing the squares
Chapter 6 -Triangles 141–144,
6.5 Areas of similar triangles
6.6 Pythagoras theorem
Chapter 7 - Coordinate Geometry 168–172 7.4 Area of a triangle
Chapter 8 - Introduction to Trigonometry 187–190
8.4 Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles
Chapter 9 - Some Applications of Trigonometry 195–196
9.1 Introduction
Chapter 11 - Construction 216–222 11.1 Introduction
11.2 Division of a line segment
11.3 Construction of tangents to a circle
11.4 Summary
Chapter 12 - Areas related to circles 223,
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Perimeter and area of a circle–A review
12.4 Areas of combinations of plane figures
Chapter 13 - Surface Areas and Volumes 248–252,
13.4 Conversion of solid from one shape to another
13.5 Frustum of a cone
Chapter 14 - Statistics 289–294 14.5 Graphical representation of cumulative frequency distribution
Chapter 15 - Probability 295–296 15.1 Introduction
Exercise 15.2 (Optional)

6. Class 10 Science Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter - 5 Periodic Classification of Elements 79-92 Full chapter
Chapter-9 Heredity and Evolution (Chapter name replaced with Heredity)
147-158 Box item: Charles Robert Darwin
Box item: Origin of life on Earth
Box item: How do fossils form layer by layer
Box item: Molecular phylogeny
9.3 Evolution
9.3.1 An Illustration
9.3.2 Acquired and Inherited Traits
9.4 Speciation
9.5 Evolution and Classification
9.5.1 Tracing Evolutionary Relationships
9.5.2 Fossils
9.5.3 Evolution by Stages
9.6 Evolution Should Not Be Equated With ‘Progress’
9.6.1 Human Evolution
Chapter: 11 The Human Eye and the Colourful World
188, 189,196 and 197 Two box items: Damage to or malfunction of
any part of the visual system...
Why do we have two eyes for vision and not just one?
11.6.3 Colour of the Sun at Sunrise and Sunset
Chapter: 12 Electricity
201 Box item: ‘Flow’ of charges inside a wire
Chapter: 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
232-237 Box item: Michael Faraday
3.4 Electric Motor
3.5 Electromagnetic Induction
3.6 Electric Generator
Chapter: 14 Sources of Energy
242-255 Full Chapter
Chapter: 16 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
266-280 Full Chapter

7. Class 10 Geography Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 1 - Resources and Development 2-3
Types of Resources, Box information
Chapter 2 - Forest and Wildlife Resources 14-18 From the second paragraph of ‘Flora and Fauna in India’ to
‘The Himalayan Yew in Trouble’, box information, Figs 2.1 and 2.2
Chapter 4 - Agriculture 43–46 Contribution of agriculture to the national economy and
output, Impact of globalization on agriculture
Chapter 6 - Manufacturing
64- 66,
Contribution of agriculture to the national economy, paragraphs
from cotton textiles, Jute textiles, Sugar industry, Iron Steel industry,
Cement industry and Activity, Table 6.1, Fig. 6.5
Appendix 93, 94 Appendix II

8. Class 10 Democratic Politics- II Reduced Topics/ Chapters

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity
29-38 Full Chapter
Chapter 4: Gender, Religion and Caste 46-48
Images on pages 46, 48 and 49
Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and Movements
57-70 Full Chapter
Chapter 6: Political Parties
76 Full Chapter
Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy
101-112 Full Chapter

9. Class 10 Sanskrit Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यः 22-29 पूरा अध्याय
प्राणेभ्योऽपि प्रियः सुह्रद् 90-98 पूरा अध्याय

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