At Educart, we provide reduced syllabus charts for our 100% syllabus Question Banks for classes 10 and 12. NCERT has now released similar NCERT Rationalised Chapter and Topic charts for all Class 9-12 subject books. It is safe to say that this rationalised syllabus is permanent and will be followed in the coming years for board exams and competitive exams like NEET and CUET. This change has been in the works for a long time in accordance with NEP 2020, which provides instructions to take load off of students so they can indulge themselves in competency-based learning instead of rote memorisation. This is also why the syllabus has been reduced multiple times in the past couple years.
So now finally NCERT has updated all these deleted chapters and topics for Class 9 to 12 textbooks so students may not follow them for board preparation.
NCERT Class 12 Rationalised Topics PDF
1. Class 12 English Core (Flamingo) Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Poetry Chapter 2: An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum by Stephen Spender
92-94 |
Full Chapter |
2. Class 12 English Core (Vistas) Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 5: Should Wizard Hit Mommy by John Updike |
48-55 |
Full Chapter |
Chapter 7: Evans Tries an O-Level by Colin Dexter |
70-92 |
Full Chapter |
3. Class 12 Hindi Core (Aroh) Reduced Chapters/ Topics
पाठ का नाम |
पृष्ठ |
संशोधन (घटाए गए विषय) |
सहर्ष स्वीकारा है |
27-33 |
पूरा पाठ |
फ़िराक गोरखपुरि - गज़ल |
59-61 |
हटाया गया पाठ का अश और उससे संबंधित अभ्यास प्रशन |
चार्ली चैप्लिन यानी हम सब |
118-127 |
पूरा पाठ |
नमक |
128-140 |
पूरा पाठ |
4.Class 12 Hindi Core (Vitan) Reduced Chapters/ Topics
पाठ का नाम |
पृष्ठ |
संशोधन (घटाए गए विषय) |
डायरी के पन्ने |
53-78 |
पूरा पाठ |
5. Class 12 Physics Part 1 Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 1: Electric Charges and Fields |
2-7 47-50 |
1.2 Electric Charge (delete only activity with paper strips and making electroscope) 1.3 Conductors and Insulators (delete only the concept of earthing) 1.4 Charging by Induction Exercises 1.13,1.25–1.34 |
Chapter 2: Electrostatic potential and capacitance |
81 87-92 |
2.15 Energy stored in a Capacitor (delete only derivation) Exercises: 2.12 to 2.36 |
Chapter 3: Current electricity |
102-103 107-109 120-124 127-131 |
3.7 Resistivity of Various Materials (delete Tables 3.1 and 3.2 and Carbon resistors, Colour code for carbon resistor) 3.10 Combinations of Resistors – Series and Parallel Example 3.5 3.15 Meter Bridge 3.16 Potentiometer Exercises 3.3, 3.4, 3.10, 3.12, 3.14–3.23 |
Chapter 4: Moving charges and magnetism |
140-142 152-153 162-163 170-172 |
4.4.1 Velocity Selector 4.4.2 Cyclotron 4.8.2 The Toroid 4.10.3 The magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron Exercises: 4.14 to 4.28 |
Chapter 5: Magnetism and matter |
176-179 185-189 194-196 200-203 |
5.2.2 Bar Magnet as an Equivalent Solenoid (Qualitative treatment only) 5.2.3 The Dipole in an uniform magnetic field (Qualitative treatment only) 5.4 Earth’s Magnetism 5.41. Magnetic declination and dip 5.6.2 (Partially) Curie’s Law 5.6.3 (Partially) Curie’s temperature, Hysteresis 5.7 Permanent Magnets and Electromagnets Exercises: 5.1, 5.2, 5.09-5.11, 5.13 to 5.25 |
Chapter 6: Electromagnetic induction |
215-219 230-232 |
6.7 Energy Consideration: A quantitative study 6.8 Eddy Currents Exercises: 6.6, 6.10 to 6.17 |
Chapter 7: Alternating current |
240 243 246-247 249-251 255-259 266-268 |
Figure 7.7 magnetisation and demagnetisation of an inductor Figure 7.10 Charging and discharging of a capacitor 7.6.2 Analytical solution (of series LCR circuit) 7.6.3 Resonance (Partially)–Sharpness of Resonance 7.8 LC Oscillations Exercises: 7.6, 7.8, 7.10, 7.12 to 7.26 |
Chapter 8: Electromagnetic waves |
276-278 276-278 279-280 287 |
Example 8.1 8.3.2 Nature of Electromagnetic Waves (delete only about ether and page 277) Examples 8.4 and 8.5 Exercises 8.11–8.15 |
6. Class 12 Physics Part II Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 9: Ray optics and optical instruments |
318 321-322 332-335 346 |
9.3 Refraction (partially)–(advanced sunrise and delayed sunset) 9.4.1(i) Mirage 9.4.1(ii) Diamond 9.7 Some natural phenomena due to sunlight 9.7.1 The rainbow 9.7.2 Scattering of Light Exercises: 9.18 |
Chapter 10: Wave Optics |
358-359 363-367 368-371 358-359 372-376 379-381 383-385 |
10.3.4 Doppler effect 10.5 Interference of Light Waves and Young’s Experiment (partially) 10.6 Diffraction (partially) 10.6.3 Resolving power of optical instruments 10.6.4 Validity of ray optics 10.7.1 Polarisation by scattering 10.7.2 Polarisation by reflection Exercises: 10.7 to 10.21 |
Chapter 11: Dual nature of radiation and matter |
388 397 400-404 407-413 |
Table 11.1 Example 11.3 11.8 Wave Nature of Matter (delete only derivation for de Broglie wavelength of accelerated electron; and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle) 11.9 Davisson and Germer Experiment Appendix 11.1 The History of Wave-Particle Flip-Flop Exercises 11.5, 11.7, 11.12 to 11.14, 11.16, 11.17, 11.19–11.37 |
Chapter 12: Atoms |
421-422 424-426 429 430 436-437 |
12.3.1 Spectral Series 12.4 Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom (retain only the expression for the radius of the nth possible orbit but delete its derivation) 12.5 The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom (retain only qualitative treatment) Example 12.6 Exercises 12.3,12.11–12.17 |
Chapter 13: Nuclei |
446-451 452-455 462-466 |
13.6.1 Law of Radioactive decay 13.6.2 Alpha decay 13.6.3 Beta decay 13.6.4 Gamma decay 13.7.2 Nuclear Reactor Exercises: 13.1, 13.2, 13.6-13.10, 13.12 – 13.14, 13.18, 13.22 to 13.31 |
Chapter 14: Semiconductor electronics: material devices and simple circuits |
485-495 497-499 |
14.8 Special purpose p-n junction Diodes 14.9 Digital Electronics and Logic Gates Exercises: 14.7 to 14.15 |
7. Class 12 Chemistry Part 1 Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Unit I: Solid State |
1-34 |
Full Chapter |
Unit V: Surface Chemistry |
123-148 |
Full Chapter |
Unit VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements |
149-169 |
Full Chapter |
Unit VII: p-Block Elements |
170-214 |
Full Chapter |
8. Class 12 Chemistry Part 2 Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Unit XV: Polymers |
433-446 |
Full Chapter |
Unit XVI: Chemistry in Everyday Life |
447-463 |
Full Chapter |
9. Class 12 Biology Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms |
3-18 |
Full Chapter |
Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production |
165-176 178 |
Full Chapter |
Chapter 13: Organisms and Populations |
220 221-222 223-225 225-226 |
13.1 Organism and its Environment 13.1.1 Major Abiotic Factors 13.1.2 Responses to Abiotic Factors 13.1.3 Adaptations Summary (para 2) Questions No. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
Chapter 14: Ecosystem |
251-252 253-254 254 254-255 255 |
14.6 Ecological Succession 14.6.1 Succession of Plants 14.7 Nutrient Cycling 14.7.1 Ecosystem – Carbon Cycle 14.7.2 Ecosystem – Phosphorus Cycle 14.8 Ecosystem Services |
Chapter 16: Environmental Issues |
270-286 |
Full Chapter |
10. Class 12 Mathematics Part 2 Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 1: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisation |
1-60 |
Full Chapter |
Chapter 5: Database Management System for Accounting
125-150 |
Full Chapter |
11. Class 12 Business Studies Part 1 Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 3: Business Environment |
87-88, 91-92 |
Impact of Government policy changes on business and industry, with special reference to adoption of the policies of liberalisation privatisation and globalisation |
Chapter 7: Directing |
188-190, 204 |
Qualities of a good leader |
Chapter 8: Controlling |
214-221, 223 |
Techniques of controlling |
12. Class 12 Business Studies Part 2 Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 10: Financial Market |
252-275 |
Full Chapter |
13. Class 12 Macroeconomics Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 6: Open Economy Macroeconomics |
95-98 |
Box 6.2 Exchange Rate Management– International Experience |
14. Class 12 Microeconomics Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 6: Non- Competitive Markets |
88-101 |
Full Chapter |
15. Class 12 Psychology Reduced Chapters/ Topics
Chapter |
Page No. |
Dropped Chapters/ Topics |
Chapter 5: Therapeutic Approaches
94-96, 101-102 |
Psychodynamic Therapy Biomedical Therapy
Chapter 6: Attitude and Social Cognition |
119-125 |
Social Cognition Schemas and Stereotypes, Impression Formation and Explaining Behaviour of Others through Attributions Behaviour in the Presence of Others Pro-social Behaviour |
Chapter 7: Social Influence and Group Processes |
138-149 |
Conformity, Obedience, and Compliance Cooperation and Competition Social Identity Inter-group Conflicts Conflict Resolution Strategies |
Chapter 8: Psychology and Life |
158-176 |
Full Chapter |
Chapter 9: Developing Psychological Skills |
177-195 |
Full Chapter |