Rationalised Chapters and Topics in Class 9 NCERT Textbooks

December 5, 2024

All chapters, topics and subtopics for all deleted from the Class 9 CBSE reduced syllabus are now released for all Class 9 NCERT textbooks. Here are some important points about this update.

  • NCERT has just uploaded complete updated PDFs for all Class 9 books with their deleted chapters, topics and subtopics as per the CBSE rationalised syllabus.
  • Since then this reduced syllabus seems to be permanent and has been followed for CUET and NEET exams.

NEP 2020 provides instructions to take load off of students so they can indulge themselves in competency-based learning instead of rote memorisation. This is why the syllabus has been reduced multiple times in the past couple years. So now finally NCERT has updated all these deleted chapters and topics for Class 9 to 12 textbooks so students may not follow them for board preparation.

NCERT Class 9 Rationalised Topics PDF

Below, we have provided up all the reduced topics for all subjects in tabular form.

1. Class 9 English Language and Literature- Beehive Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 7: Packing… 82-93 Full chapter
Chapter 7 Poem: The Duck and the Kangaroo 94-96 Full chapter
Chapter 9: The Bond of Love 113-124 Full chapter
Chapter 9 Poem: The Snake Trying 125-127 Full chapter

2. Class 9 English Language and Literature- Moments Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
The Accidental Tourist
(A Short Story)
56-61 Full chapter
Weathering the Storm in Ersama 37-43 Full chapter

3. Class 9 Words & Expressions I Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Unit 7 96–110 Full unit
Unit 9 127-139 Full unit

4. Class 9 Hindi A - Kshitij Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
नाना साहेब की पुत्री; देवी मैना को भस्म कर दिया गया 50-58 पूरा अध्याय
एक कुत्ता और एक मैना 77-86 पूरा अध्याय
चन्द्र गहना से लौटती बेर 117-125 पूरा अध्याय
यमराज की दिशा 131-135 पूरा अध्याय

5. Class 9 Hindi A - Kritika Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
माटी वाली 42-48 पूरा अध्याय
किस तरह आखिरकार मैं हिन्दी
में आया
49-58 पूरा अध्याय

6. Class 9 Hindi B - Sparsh Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
धर्म की आड़ 48-54 पूरा अध्याय
आदमीनामा 83-87 पूरा अध्याय
एक फूल की चाह 88-97 पूरा अध्याय

7. Class 9 Hindi B - Sanchayan Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
हामिद खां 35-40 पूरा अध्याय
दिए जल उठे 41-48 पूरा अध्याय

8. Class 9 Sanskrit Reduced Chapters/ Topics

अध्‍याय का नाम पृष्ठ हटाया गया विषय/ अध्‍याय
कल्पतरूः 26-31 पूरा अध्याय
प्रत्यभिज्ञानम् 45-55 पूरा अध्याय
लौहतुला 56-62 पूरा अध्याय

9. Class 9 Mathematics Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 1: Number Systems 15–18
1.4 Representing real numbers on the number line
Chapter 2: Polynomials 35–40
2.4 Remainder theorem
Chapter 3: Coordinate Geometry 61–65 3.3 Plotting a point in the plane if its coordinates are given
Chapter 4: Linear Equations in Two Variables 70–75
4.4 Graph of linear equations in two variables
4.5 Equations of lines parallel-x-axis and y-axis
Chapter 5: Introduction–Euclidean Geometry 86–88 5.3 Equivalent versions of Euclid’s fifth postulate
Chapter 6: Lines and Angles 98–100
6.5 Parallel lines and a transversal
6.7 Angle sum property of a triangle
Chapter 7: Triangles 129–134 7.6 Inequalities in triangles
Chapter 8: Quadrilaterals 135–138
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Angle sum property of a quadrilateral
8.3 Types of quadrilaterals
8.5 Another condition for a Quadrilateral–be a parallelogram
Chapter 9: Areas of Parallelogram and Triangles 152–167 Full chapter
Chapter 10: Circles 168
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Circles and its related terms: Review
Circle through three points
Chapter 11: Construction 188–196 Full chapter
Chapter 12: Heron’s Formula 197–199
12.1 Introduction
12.3 Application of Heron’s formula in finding areas of quadrilaterals
Chapter 13: Surface Area and Volume 208–217

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Surface area of a cuboid and cube
13.3 Surface area of right circular cylinder
13.6 Volume of cuboid
13.7 Volume of cylinder
Chapter 14: Statistics
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Collection of data
14.3 Presentation of data
14.5 Measure of central tendency
14.6 Summary
Chapter 15: Probability 271–285 Full chapter
Answers 326
Answers of Exercises

10. Class 9 Science Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 1: Matter in Our Surroundings 10 Box item titled ‘Plasma and Bose–Einstein Condensate’
Chapter 2: Is Matter Around Us Pure? 19–24 2.3 Separating the components of a mixture
2.3.1 How can we obtain coloured components (dye) from blue/ black ink?
2.3.2 How can we separate cream from milk?
2.3.3 How can we separate a mixture of two immiscible liquids?
2.3.4 How can we separate a mixture of salt and camphor?
2.3.5 Is the dye in black ink a single colour?
2.3.6 How can we separate a mixture of two miscible liquids?
2.3.7 How can we obtain different gases from air?
2.3.8 How can we obtain pure copper sulphate from an impure sample?
Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules 40–42 Mole concept
Chapter 7: Diversity in Living Organisms 80–97 Full chapter
Chapter 8: Motion 107–108 8.5 Equations of motion by graphical method
8.5.1 Equation for Velocity–Time Relation
8.5.2 Equation for Position–Time relation
8.5.3 Equation for Position–Velocity
Chapter 9: Force and Laws of Motion 123–127 9.6 Conservation of Momentum
Activity 9.5, 9.6
Example 9.6, 9.7, 9.8
Box item ‘Conservation Laws’
Chapter 10: Gravitation 133, 142 Following Box Items:
a. Brief Description of Isaac Newton
b. How did Newton guess the inverse–square rule?
10.7 Relative Density
Example 10.7
Chapter 11: Work and Energy 156 11.3.1 Commercial Unit of Energy
Chapter 12: Sound 161, 162, 167, 171 and 172 Box item titled ‘Can sound make a light spot dance?’
Box item titled ‘Sonic Boom’
12.2.1 Sound Needs a Medium to Travel
12.5.1 Sonar
12.6 Structure of Human Ear
Chapter 13: Why Do We Fall Ill? 176–188 Full chapter
Chapter 14: Natural Resources 189–202 Full chapter

11. Class 9 Geography (Contemporary India - I) Reduced Chapters/ Topics

Chapter Page No. Dropped Chapters/ Topics
Chapter 4: Climate 28, 29, 30, 31, 36 Jet streams, western cyclonic disturbances, The Indian Monsoon, the onset of the monsoon and withdrawal and related Figs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6
Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 42–44 Factors affecting the diversity of flora and fauna
Fig 5.1 and Table 5.1
Chapter 6: Population 53, 58, 59, 60, 61 Pointers regarding three major questions about population, age composition, sex ratio, literacy rates, occupational structure, health, NPP 2000 and adolescents
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