Class 12 Political Science NCERT book includes chapters about government operations, principles on which the Indian government’s democracy is formed, and world politics intricacies. The revised CBSE Class 12 Political Science is covered in two political science books, “Contemporary World Politics”, and “Politics in India Since Independence”.
The subject is important whether students agree to it or not, after all at 18 years of age, they have to vote. So, knowing about democracy and political events is necessary to choose the right one. For students’ convenience, we have provided the complete NCERT Class 12 Political Science Books PDF links for free download. Downloading the free PDFs of the Class 12 Political Science NCERT book can help in accessing the required content on any device.
Like Class 12 Political Science, History also discusses the political events that occurred in the past. The subject is theoretical and important but with the help of the NCERT Class 12 History Books PDF, you can create a combined study plan & bifurcate it accordingly.
The Contemporary World Politics includes seven chapters and weighs around 40 marks in the CBSE Class 12 board exam.
NCERT Class XII – Contemporary World Politics
The following chapters are rationalised from the NCERT Book for Class 12 Political Science PDF Revised.
Chapter 1: The Cold War Era
Chapter 3: US Hegemony in World Politics
NCERT Class XII – Politics in India Since Independence
The following chapters are rationalised from the NCERT Book for Class 12 Political Science PDF Revised.
Chapter 1: Challenges of Nation Building
Chapter 2: Era of One-party Dominance
Chapter 3: Politics of Planned Development
Chapter 6: The Crisis of Democratic Order
Chapter 7: Rise of Popular Movements
Chapter 9: Recent Developments in Indian Politics
If prepared strategically, students can complete the CBSE Class 12 syllabus for political science timely. But still, there are some chapters in the NCERT Class 12 Political Science Books PDF that students may find difficult to understand. It is advised to prioritise the toughest political science chapters as it will allow you to dedicate more time to the topic. Chapter 4 India's External Relations is considered among the toughest chapters in CBSE Class 12 Political Science.
However, the choice can be subjective since many students might find indulging in political theories, historical contexts, and political intricacies difficult. Some might find “Game Theory” used in political strategies difficult since it includes advanced conceptual frameworks.
Scoring a complete 100 is difficult but not impossible. With proper and strategic preparation, students can score 100 or at least above 90 in Political Science Class 12.
Honestly, preparing from the Class 12 Political Science NCERT book properly is sufficient. To attempt the latest-pattern questions, students can include Educart CBSE Political Science Class 12 Sample Paper. Try to start preparing since the beginning of the session to avoid panicking during the exam time and study regularly.