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Previous Year Papers are among the worthiest exam prep resources. They help you analyse your mistakes, improving your speed and the ability to attempt a paper.
We believe your revision practice must include these CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature past year papers to score good marks.
In 2017, the Class 10 English Board paper was held under four schemes - All India Scheme, Delhi Scheme, Foreign, and NSQF. Each of these included 11 questions in total that were divided in three sections - A (Reading), B (Writing and Grammar), and C (Literature).
Here are the freely-downloadable links to all the different sets of Class 10 English Language and Literature 2017 Board Paper, along with their Marking Scheme Solutions, Compartment Papers, and Topper Solution Sheet.
Each of these English Literature and Language papers given above are designed on the basis of latest CBSE guidelines that were released for the year of 2017. Given below are some benefits of solving these papers.