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Class 10 Boards are crucial exams for students and you must prepare with all the valuable study materials you can avail. This is the reason why we offer all possible online and offline resources that are beneficial for both teachers and students in their exam time.
The PDF links of the Hindi (Code 085) Previous Year Papers listed below will leave you with an understanding of the paper pattern and types of questions that are usually preferred in Class 10 Board Papers.
But wait! Before you download these Hindi A past year papers, take a look at the paper pattern that followed to set the papers in 2016. Each Hindi A paper in 2016 included 18 questions divided into four sections - A, B, C, D. Students also had a few internal choices so they could attempt the paper confidently.
Not only these Hindi A Previous Year Board Papers but we also offer study material and resources as per the latest CBSE guidelines to help you prepare for your exams from the starting of the session.