Download CBSE Class 10 Hindi A 2018 Past Year Papers PDF

February 23, 2024

Board examinations play an important part in the evaluation of students’ knowledge. They are held every year with an improved pattern by CBSE in order to test how much students have learned throughout their session.

In this page, we have provided the CBSE Class 10 Hindi A Board Question Papers, Compartment Papers, Marking Scheme Solutions, and a Topper Answer Sheet to give you an idea of the pattern that used to be followed in 2018.

These Hindi A (Code 002) Question Papers included 14 questions classified into four sections - A, B, C, and D with a few internal choices. Each section was given particular marks weightage, which you can find in the table given below.

Sections Types of Questions No. of Questions
Section A (Reading) Apathit Gadyansh 2Q (15m)
Section B (Grammar) Vyakran 4Q (15m)
Section C (Literature) Pathya Pustak par Nirdharit 5Q (30m)
Section D (Writing) Rachnatmak Lekhan 3Q (20m)

CBSE Class 10 Hindi A Question Papers 2018 Solutions (Marking Scheme)
3-1 (Set 1) Topper Solution
3-2 (Set 2) Solution
3-3 (Set 3) Solution
3-C-1 (Compartment Set 1) -
3-C-2 (Compartment Set 2) -
3-C-3 (Compartment Set 3) -

With these CBSE Class 10 Hindi A 2018 papers, you will be able to improve your speed, build better knowledge of spellings with practice, and gain confidence to appear in the exam stress-free.

Here are some of the tips that you can follow while attempting these papers:

  • You must take out separate time to solve the paper according to the allotted one. This will help increase your speed of attempting a paper.
  • Solving these papers must be like you are solving the actual paper. Always keep required things handy like maps and stationery to avoid wasting time.
  • Don’t peek on answers as these papers are provided to help you avoid mistakes and learn from them.

In addition to online resources like these Hindi A (Code 002) Question papers, we also provide offline books and study material based on the latest CBSE curriculum and guidelines.

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